Related: About this forumwhile coronavirus is changing our way of life, it will never slow down homophobia or antisemitism

A rally against Californias coronavirus lockdown revealed many protestors true colours, and surprise: those colours are incredibly antisemitic and homophobic.
On May 12 a crowd of around 200 people gathered in the city of Huntington Beach to express their anger at the states mandated stay-at-home order.
As well as shuttering bars, restaurants and businesses, governor Gavin Newsom has also ordered the temporarily closure all Orange County beaches to prevent the spread of coronavirus an act which protestors say is a violation of their constitutional rights.
But Nazism and homophobia are just fine with them, it seems.
A powerful image of the protest shows a handful of angry protestors proudly raising a huge Nazi banner with a swastika. In the foreground, a man holds a sign bearing the improbable words: COVID is fake and gay.

(15,891 posts)WTF??
Every day there is something else out there that breaks my heart.
(2,809 posts)Looks like the one carrying the sign may be wearing a mask, can't tell for certain. Well, how incongruent of her COVID is fake message.
I'm in a blue county but with a handful of very vocal Trumpers, two got arrested for harrassing a colleague in a local store for wearing her masks, then smarted off to the police when they arrived. She said she went to her car to call the police, leaving her shopping basket behind, but said it was very satisfying to see one of them hauled away, the other left and she could finish her damn shopping in peace.
We're in a major battle with certain local powers that be that are still insisting this county remain "choice" of wearing masks.
Worst I've had personally is another idiot laughing and choking up coughing in the vegetable section of a local, and my nearest but not well stocked grocery. Of coooooooooourse with NO MASK. I turned around, I will not shop any but the local Safeway, the only grocery enforcing masks and utilizing a cleaning crew. All I wanted was a couple avacados and wasn't willing to go another 12 miles out of the way to get them safely.
I had to suffer through an avacado-less mushroom omelet due to some probably Trumper idiot. That's it. My gay gauntlet is thrown down now.
This weekend we're expecting an influx of idiots, and sure enough here they come. We're one of the only open recreation areas in Cali right now. I'm on call for hospital tomorrow morning as a favor to someone who wanted to take his boat out on the lake tomorrow, but I'll be avoiding anyplace but that Safeway tomorrow.
Makes a double irony that "Safeway" is the only store I feel somewhat safe entering now.