Related: About this forumCaitlyn Jenner & rightwing orgs attack 2 trans high school girls running track (You read that right)
Last weekend, Sonoma Academy junior Athena Ryan, who is reportedly trans, placed second in the 1600-meter run at the North Coast Meet of Champions of California finals. Members of the anti-trans group Women Are Real showed up to the meet in Dublin, California to protest Ryans participation, holding a banner that read Protect Female Sports. The group later posted video showing protesters being escorted out of the event by a security guard.
...In tweets following the match, both Women Are Real and ICONS as well as other anti-trans activists repeatedly misgendered Ryan. Republican activist and failed California gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner retweeted one such post.
As somewhat of a track star myself, and a trans person, THIS IS WRONG!!! HELP ME PUSH BACK! she wrote, adding a link to her recently launched Fairness First political action committee, which she launched in TKTK in part to advocate against transgender athletes participating in womens sports. Jenner, who is trans, didnt bother to correct the misgendering of Ryan in the post she retweeted.

(17,246 posts)even when it trashes what Jenner is in reality with Jenner's blessings.
Because he/she has the approval of that fucked up political bullshit party with lots of money.
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)That is what Jenner is a "Court Trans". This is a person of a specific minority who provides "cover" for bigots attacking the group to which they belong, allegedly given the bigots more power because they have "one of those people" baking their bigotry.
(15,888 posts)She was/is an Episcopalian nun who tired to talk me out of even changing my name legally. I call people like this having the 'I Got Mine, Fuck You' syndrome. 'Court Trans' sounds good as well.
(189 posts)In the Ottoman Empire they were more like community ambassadors.
Jews were allowed to live under their own laws as long as they paid tribute.
Well at least most of the time.
Jenner is more of a "collaborator" (to use the WWII terminology).
(5,595 posts)or use the pronoun that DNA dictates. I'm sure she would love that!
(15,888 posts)Just tell Jenner to go away.
(5,595 posts)But you are correct...I'll follow your lead and just call her Jenner from now on.
(15,888 posts)I'd bet you couldn't spell my own name right off (if you knew it). Besides, Caityln's being an asset (female ass).
(6,411 posts)Marcus IM
(3,001 posts)These CONs are f'n nuts.
(40,915 posts)Now that you are a republican woman, you should know your place and keep quiet while the republican men handle the issues.
(19,707 posts)That's a rhetorical question, obviously, but seriously, there absolutely is something deeply wrong with her. I remember back in 2016, she was supporting Ted Cruz for potus and talking about how she wanted to be his "trans ambassador" if he was elected. (
At the time, I thought she was out of her damned mind and deep in denial about how Republicans view the trans community, but I just rolled my eyes and thought, "Believe whatever you want to believe, dear. You'll find out soon enough how the Repugs really feel about you and people like you."
And now here we are 7 years later, and I feel like I've been proven right about the latter many times over (several times a day, if I were to add up all the evidence). But after all this time, and all the incredibly and increasingly shitty things that have been done to trans people by the GOP, she still hasn't learned a freaking thing, and she's gotten meaner and more intolerant of members of her own community than I would have ever thought possible. I didn't expect much from her, but basic humanity doesn't seem like it should be that much of a reach!
I guess it must be nice and comfy inside that bubble she lives in.
P.S. I will never misgender or dead name her, no matter what she does. My standards re higher than that, and I refuse to compromise them just because she is acting like a douchebag.