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(55,293 posts)That's a recipe for misery.
Whereas women find men their own age most attractive. But alas, most men don't return the favor. Most older men only see older women as a nurse or a purse.
That's why so many older women have just given up on dating. They get affection from friends and pets. Fuck it.
(6,845 posts)that men who have maturity are being incorrectly judged by being "lumped in" with other age groups of men as far as the criteria for the label "attractive". Because "maturity" is not in lockstep with age we have to think about men a little differently. For example I know mature men who can't stand the idea of spending time with someone of that large of an age difference. Not because they are not physically attractive but because the life experience and maturity isn't there. As a young man or woman you may find going to the bars and living it up to be a great thing. But as an older, mature man I have zero interest in sitting on a bar stool. So younger women who lean in that direction hold no attraction for me.
That being said I can tell stories about dating older women from the time I was in my 30's and on up. I had both good and bad experiences. The best one was with a woman who was 20 years older than me. We never approached our relationship based on age, looks etc. but rather on common interests, shared humor and respect. I also had ones that were not so good because of different things. For example after a few dates one of the women I dated began a very obvious "steering" effort to make the relationship "deeper" than the natural progression had taken it thus far.
It is a sad thing that we have perfectly wonderful, mature men and women who don't connect for a variety of reasons not the least of which is the modern culture and social scene. But there are men out here who do just want to go to dinner, see a show or play, go to a parade, see a film festival, attend a university function, go to a church function, walk on the beach, go bird-watching etc. and walk under the stars and look at the sky.
A mature man, at least this one, does these things so that I can see the reaction to these things in the eyes and manner of the woman I am with and if we are doing something or at an event she likes I can see the sparkle and life in her eyes and manner and to a mature man, especially this one, that is attractive beyond words. Things can take an "uncharted" natural course from there and things can become whatever they will naturally.
Most young men I've ever known do not think this way and that's why I don't think a "survey" like this really covers anything deeper than a shallow surface.
(10,626 posts)NOT.
Said every woman, ever.
Roy Rolling
(7,273 posts)I find this survey interesting and intriguing. (Married 52 years in a row)
Did the question use the word “attractive”? Because to a heterosexual guy (me), “attractive” means physical appearance, not lifelong mate-worthy.
We men are just more superficial and short-term than women when it comes to relationships.
Of course, I could be wrong. Lemme ask my wife.
Response to littlemissmartypants (Original post)
Figarosmom This message was self-deleted by its author.
(30,271 posts)my 49-year-old son, recently divorced, began dating. The women sort of got older as he had less than stellar experiences with younger women. I think he's not actually looking at the moment, but he will, and he'll be looking for a woman closer to his own age. I doubt he'll ever seek out an older woman though, while many older woman might be looking for someone exactly like him.
(11,971 posts)For the answer to that question, just spend a few minutes on Chaturbate.
(35,447 posts)Walleye
(39,201 posts)PortTack
(35,447 posts)In today’s world with women coming into their own, women want a guy that sees her for who she is- smart, independent, educated. instead of striving to look like the 20 something woman that attracts men. Screw that
(50,896 posts)A few years ago, he started "keeping company" with a younger widow, in her early Forties. When he thought it was getting serious, he obliquely brought up the topic of marriage and she freaked. That ended that.
He went online for seniors' dating app, Silver Singles. And he met a woman who was more compatible with him.
They're still together almost three years.
(55,085 posts)out with her (20 being that ideal "no longer a teenager but just barely no longer a teenager" age). But not old enough to have a lot of education and experience with the world. Including sexual experience, so they might have had past partners who were better lovers.
And the more insecure the man, the more likely to want someone that age.
I've sometimes gone out with men more than 20 years older than I was. And with men who thought I was 20 years younger than they were. Some seemed disappointed to find out that I had a brain, too.
The graph showing women usually like older men when they're young is accurate, I think.
I'm quite tall and could look older than my age by my midteens, especially with enough makeup, and sometimes on Saturdays I'd head for the university's student union and tell people I was a junior or senior, leaving out that it was in high school. The college men were more interesting than high school boys. By college I was occasionally dating guys as old as their 30s. I'd gone through school spending almost as much time talking to my teachers as my classmates, so chatting with older people seemed perfectly normal. At 20 I discovered health food stores and yoga, which interested me because I wanted to stay healthy and didn't want to age, and I was still getting carded at clubs 20 years later (so I had about a quarter century of looking about 20).
And I was still going out to clubs where most people were younger than I was.
But not all the time. For years I was part of a group of academics, writers, musicians, artists and people who loved the arts who'd meet near the university campus for a few hours of drinking, then go to a favorite local restaurant for dinner (I'd call it a literary salon if it wasn't at a bar with tables pushed together). Most of the people there were older than me; the oldest was about 70. Later in the evening I'd head to a club with live music, either rock or blues, where most of the people were in their 20s. Which did not bother me when the focus was music.
I'd meet guys who'd ask me out at those clubs...and I'd discover that even if they were quite a bit younger than I was, they'd thought they were older. They were not looking for older women. I particularly remember a kid who told me he was 25 when I first met him. I found out later he was only 23. He said he'd added a couple of years to his age because he wanted me to view him as an older man. He'd thought I was in my early 20s, not mid-thirties. He still wanted to go out with me, and we went out once, to another club. He was cute, and nice, but we didn't have much to talk about besides music. He was pretty oblivious to politics.
I wish I could say that the older men at the bar I'd start the evening at didn't seem very attracted to 20-year-olds...but they did. They weren't misogynists. Most of them were married, to intelligent women close to their own age, and spouses were often there, too. But since the bar was near the university, a lot of college kids would be there, too, and those older, very bright men could get very distracted if a particularly hot college girl walked in. To their credit, none of them ever dumped their wives to chase 20-year-olds, at least during the time I knew them.
But I was always aware that for most of the guys I met, a woman in her early 20s was the ideal.
Imagine how those men would feel if they thought women wouldn't be interested in them unless they looked like a hot 20-year-old.
If you think they're insecure now...
(39,343 posts)When I was in my twenties I dated a man 15 years older than me & it was the most awkward date ever. He about flipped when I asked if he minded if I got high before the movie. "I'll smoke outside the car, before we go in." He was pretty tense the rest of the night. Probably thought we were going to get busted. He never called again but I did see him on occasion & we were friendly.
(13,115 posts)
Wonder Why
(5,320 posts)barely out of the teens (25).
After 52 years, next week she'll be in her 80s (80) and I'll be in my mid 70s (77). Of course, the following week, I'll be 78 but nowhere near the 80s.
She'll still be much older. But after this post, I'll be dead, killed by six arrows in my back that the police will rule a suicide if they read this.
Trueblue Texan
(3,244 posts)But then I watched it anyway, hoping it would be more interesting than my initial impression. It was, but still no surprise.