Related: About this forumToys Are More Divided by Gender Now Than They Were 50 Years Ago
Interesting read.
Elizabeth Sweet Dec 9 2014, 7:30 AM ET
The Atlantic
When it comes to buying gifts for children, everything is color-coded: Rigid boundaries segregate brawny blue action figures from pretty pink princesses, and most assume that this is how its always been. But in fact, the princess role thats ubiquitous in girls toys today was exceedingly rare prior to the 1990sand the marketing of toys is more gendered now than even 50 years ago, when gender discrimination and sexism were the norm.
In my research on toy advertisements, I found that even when gendered marketing was most pronounced in the 20th century, roughly half of toys were still being advertised in a gender-neutral manner. This is a stark difference from what we see today, as businesses categorize toys in a way that more narrowly forces kids into boxes. For example, a recent study by sociologists Carol Auster and Claire Mansbach found that all toys sold on the Disney Stores website were explicitly categorized as being for boys or for girlsthere was no for boys and girls option, even though a handful of toys could be found on both lists...

(122,587 posts)did nothing to change the situation (and notice all the "pink" tools, etc. [yes, I know they are part of the komen stuff, but still annoying])
(18,011 posts)The reactionaries have been moving forward in every category since Nixon came to power and the whole Moral Majority shtick was put in place. Anyone who thinks we are living in a post-sexist world is as ignorant as one who believes we are living in a post-racial one. A few token women in high-profile positions does not demonstrate that the playing field is equal. Why would the men who control society and think women should "just lie back and enjoy" rape be inclined to muddle the lines of gender? Why would their wives, 54% of whom voted for the GOP in 2012? "You've come a long way, baby" only applies to cigarettes, which aren't fashionable now anyway.
-- Mal
Response to Gormy Cuss (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(7 posts)With the way things are headed, pretty soon the schools will make boys use girls bathrooms and girls use boys bathrooms.
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)Do not violate it.
(6,115 posts)They keep trying to shove girls and women backwards.