Related: About this forumThe Official Anti-Rush Limbaugh Thread
Latest Breaking:John Boehner: Rush Limbaugh 'slut' remark 'inappropriate'
Rush Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke comments "absurd," says Rick Santorum
Fiorina: Rush Limbaugh's comments about student "insulting," "incendiary"
Attack by Limbaugh Awakens a 'Stop Rush' Campaign
Rush Limbaugh apologizes to Sandra Fluke for slut jibe on a Saturday, on his website
Report: Bomb Squad Responding To Rush Limbaugh's House
Rush Limbaugh Advertiser Sleep Train Pulls Commercials In Wake Of Sandra Fluke 'Slut' Firestorm
Rush Limbaugh's 'Slut' Attack Costs Him Advertisers
Limbaugh Blames the Left for Calling Sandra Fluke a 'Slut'
KPUA cancels Rush Limbaugh radio show in Hilo
Rush Limbaugh, AOL Part Ways
Good Reads:
Rush Limbaugh has so much more to apologize for
Advertiser: we won't reinstate our ads with Rush Limbaugh, even though he's apologized
Who On Earth Listens To Rush Limbaugh, Anyway?
Rush Limbaughs schlock and blah
The GOP can no longer avoid its Rush Limbaugh problem
Video & Multimedia:
53 of Rush Limbaugh's most vile smears against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke
Papantonio: Limbaughs Sexism Divides GOP
Pic Of The Moment: Limbaugh Is Sorry
TYT: Rush Limbaugh Losing Advertisers After Sandra Fluke 'Slut' Comments
TYT: Rush Limbaugh's Bullshit Ratings
Ed Show; Ed talking to Rev. Sharpton regarding Limbaugh vile comments.
Limbaugh is Cartman is Limbaugh
Rush Sings "I'm a Nazi!" (Flash version)
Papantonio: Limbaughs Lack of Virility Behind His Hostility Towards Women
Rush: Female Law Students are 'sluts' for wanting contraception...This is a vile human
Breitbart on Real Time: "There was no greater defender of Clarence Thomas than Rush Limbaugh"
Fox News Rush Limbaugh Apology Report Omits Insult?
TYT: Challenge to Rush Limbaugh - Prove Your Ratings
Politics 2012:
Mitt Romney owns Rush Limbaugh. Boycott Mitt!
Should a major theme of 2012 be that a party afraid of Rush Limbaugh is UNFIT TO LEAD America?
Freepers betrayed! Massive meltdown at FR over Rush's apology
Rush trying reverse boycott on advertisers
A Personal Thank You to Rush Limbaugh
Obama Backs GOP Into Limbaugh-Shaped Corner
A Message To Rush Limbaugh From An Intestinal Parasite
Daily Kos Petition to Rush's advertisers - please sign
Rush Limbaugh doesnt even understand how Contraception works
General Discussion:
I know the temptation is great, but please don't tune into Rush today
GOP Moderates..This Is The Time To Stick Knife Into The Rush Pig!!
Another Rush advertiser - Vitacost gone
Hey Rush - remember I Hope Obama Fails
Limbaugh may actually speed the demise of the Republican Party....
10th And 11th Advertisers Drop Limbaugh (Bonobos and Sears/Kmart)
Limbaugh Loses First Station Over Sandra Fluke Smears
Defenders of Rush, "I don't listen to Rush, but..."
Updated: 10th And 11th Advertisers Drop Limbaugh (two more)
Sears is 11th advertiser to drop Limbaugh
Clear Channel: "We respect the right of Mr. Limbaugh...to express those opinions."
GREAT Michael Moore Tweet
How do I find companies that advertise on the local broadcast of Rush Limbaugh?
Limbaugh today - "I became like them", "I descended to their level"
She rejected the apology!
Sign the petition to Rush's advertisers
First time I heard Rush Hudson Limbaugh he was attacking the disabled
I'm an educated, independent woman.
If only THIS were a joke...
When was the first time you heard of Rush Limbaugh?
Thought this worth posting again for anyone who didn't see it: FCC address
PPP: Rush Limbaugh losing Republicans in Super Tuesday states
The Rush to Join Breitbart
Rush Limbaugh: Vile, Racist, Homophobic, Sicko PIG
Rushs Last-Ditch Defense: Rappers Are Worse!
Sheldon Alberts: Rush Limbaugh's rhetoric angers a nation - but not Romney
Rush Limbaugh on air: Apology was heartfelt
email exchange I am having with a local Rush carrying radio station.
Please write to your Congress Critters re: Rush Limbaugh and Armed Forces Radio
Sandra Fluke on The View now.
Anyone Who Listened To Rush Today - Who Is Still Advertising On His Show?......
Clear Channel's Premiere Radio Network respects Rush Limbaugh's right to call women sluts
Could Sandra Fluke Actually Sue Rush?
Rush blaming liberals for his own words...
Don Imus: Limbaugh is a 'insincere pig'
Rush Limbaugh Isn't the Only Media Misogynist
Petition to Deny FCC license to WJNO-AM, home of Rush Limbaugh
Tax Resolution suspends ads on Rush..
The "sluts" at Fox News have the health insurance benefit that Sandra Fluke was talking about.
A list of Limbaugh's Show Sponsors with Addresses and Phone numbers. We could have at it.
Rush Limbaugh Toon
AOL just quit the Limbaugh show.
Not Just Limpballs Sponsors We Should Be Asking....Its Every Sponsor ON...
McCain: Limbaugh's Attacks Are 'Totally Unacceptable,' 'Should Be Condemned By Everyone'
Hey Rush - I dare you to use the term Feminazi now.
Rush today, continues his attack on Ms. Fluke....
The American Forces Network - Are Taxpayer Dollars Funding Rush Limbaugh?
You know you f-ed up good when Imus attacks you for going over the line!
Rush...: 'I'm Not Going To Apologize. People In My Position Never Apologize'
Rush Never Had the Ratings He Claimed
Limbaugh And The Right-Wing Nervous Breakdown
IMUS re Rush: "He's an insincere pig."
Repudiating Limbaugh: A Matter of Integrity, Not Politics
After all this slime coming out of his filthy mouth, I wanted to see what kind of woman would marry this pig.
Limpbaugh apology makes FReep call him a C-word! UPDATE with MOAR
Profiles in courage -- or lack thereof (Romney's comment on Limbaugh)
ProFlowers Kicks Rush!
A "Fearful" Rush is down from a self-inflicted wound & it is time NOW to kick him
My Fave From The Freeper Meltdown Over Limbaugh's Apology...
OReilly To Fluke: "You want me to give you my hard earned money so you can have sex?"
Limbaugh meaning
A Challenge to Rush: Prove Your Ratings---"His audience is a myth. He is a paper tiger."
Newt says Rush does not speak for the Republican Party. "Its silly"
Rush Without Protection
Cartoonists Nail Rush
Dan Rather: Limbaugh might cost GOP the election
Rush Limbagh said of Michelle Obama's healthy eating program
Thank you Rush Limbaugh! You have unified DU, you have unified women and the men who love them
Wanna Hit Rush Where IT Just Might Hurt ???
Tick tick tick...is Rush about to implode?
Those pictures you wanted, Mr. Limbaugh
Peter Gabriel to Rush Limbaugh: Stop using my music...
Apology Not Accepted: Fluke Says Limbaugh's Statement Doesn't 'Change Anything'
Rush Limbaugh's last six "Apologies" Sincere? I think Not!
Did you listen to Rush saying it was the liberals fault? I haven't seen this mentioned
This is why Limbaugh must be taken from AFN
Advertiser bailout from Rush now stands at 12
I am a slut.
Eugene Robinson: Rush Limbaugh instills fear in GOP candidates
Don Imus goes in on Limbrain
Rush advertisers - 13 down, lots to go - list below in the link
Darling, Rush. You need to remember this song. I know you WILL
SECOND station drops Rush Limbaugh show (WBEC in Pittsfield Mass.
Rush Limbaugh to be inducted into "Hall of Famous Missourians" at State Capitol
It's hard to believe, but the sperm that created Limbaugh had to beat out 250 million OTHER sperm.
Second Radio Station Drops Limbaugh
Here is a history of Rush Limpball's "entertainment"...
Rush, you remember Dandy Don Meredith, don't you?
The Dems should run a clip of Rush making fun of Michael FOX right behind his statements about
Chris Matthews to Rob Portman: why is your party so scared of rush Limbaugh?
Is Limbaugh telling his listeners to boycott advertisers who dropped him?
Personal History--Why Limbaugh has just got on my last nerve.
I hate Rush Limbaugh.
This Week's Limbaugh Puzzler (heartfelt apologies to Will Shortz):
Can Anyone Think of Any Reason to Marry Rush Limbaugh...
Limbaugh today: STILL blaming someone ELSE (this time, "the left"

AllState Pulls Ads From Rush Limbaugh Show
Despite Apology, Limbaugh Continues Attacks On Fluke For Fourth Day
Will Limbaugh get a big audience today?
Updated with video: Rush's 53 Smears Against Sandra Fluke (Wow!)
How is it THIS is the slur that broke Limbaugh's back?
KSFO's JD Hayworth Tells Rush Limbaugh's Advertisers "We'd Love to Have You Over Here"
Rush Limbaugh explains his 'apology': Obama and the Left made him call Sandra Fluke a slut
Rush: "I became like them".
WTF? Rush To be Honored in Missouri
Rush: among the many things he says or does...one thing you never see from him...
PETITION on clairemccaskill.com... "Rush Limbaugh should not be in the Hall of Famous Missourians"
Lifelock...another Rush advertiser is on Amazon too...
Post links that I missed, and rant & rave at him. This is the thread to do it in.

(14,860 posts)Holy crap, this must have taken a lot of effort.
Is there an award for what you did here?
It only took maybe an hour.
(9,465 posts)By a misogynist troll.
I effin' hate dittoheads! Ever since I had to leave my car - which had "Coexist" and "Question Authority" bumperstickers - at the airport when my mother was dying. I came back from her funeral to find it completely plastered, including the windshield, with Limbaugh bumperstickers. It took me hours to get those off.
Granted, whoever did this probably didn't know the circumstances of my flight, but his fan base is almost as vile as he is. They both go to a great deal of effort to piss decent people off.
(4,309 posts)My ex got addicted to hate radio - which is a big reason why he is ex. "Dittoheads" are, in my experience, racist, sexist, homophobic and militaristic. All things that I can't stand.
(10,039 posts)Rush Limbaugh's "Slut" Heard 'Round The World
Media Matters: Rush Limbaugh's Decades Of Sexism And Misogyny
Rush Limbaugh: Two White House Petitions to Sign
Two years ago, Republicans Steele and Gingery were apologizing to *Rush*
Email Reply From KTTH 770 in Seattle on RUSH
Ruby the Liberal
(26,367 posts)Nice job!
(68,644 posts)
Response to Neoma (Original post)
Warren DeMontague This message was self-deleted by its author.
(57,112 posts)Good job!
(22,507 posts)a labor of hate. Harsh word but for me it applies. I hate the gasbag, have for a long long time. Ages ago when he first was piped into mall stores I would call the manager and then leave and tell him/her why.
Not exactly. I mean, I mostly ignore him. But Feminists in general should be fully aware of all this.
(32,886 posts)Are you sure you don't want to think about that some and get back to us?
(22,507 posts)"labor of love" vs. "labor of hate". I think she got it. Maybe now you do, too.
It was a tremendous amount of work (labor) to put this thread about the hate monger together.
You can chill now.
(46,192 posts)
(11,916 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,603 posts)The words 'junkie pedophile' were involved. Not as good as a santorum, but it was fun at the time
(259 posts)....yet Rush is pretty well ensconsed at Clearchannel/Premeire being the right wing schills they are.
Still I would love this to get even worse for Rush. Some thoughts:
Go after non-Clearchannel owned affiliates.
FCC obscenity complaints. Really what's more obscene, what he said or someone dropping an F-bomb accepting an award?
I noticed on a clip that Rush used Sledgehammer for his transition music. I'm not sure how it works with the rightsholders, but could you pressure them to have their songs pulled from the show. Of course considering CC owns about 60% of rock stationsI'm sure that's a fight no one wants.
Response to Neoma (Original post)
Post removed