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New Crash Diet Book Wants You to Starve, Freeze, Stop Eating Vegetables
Katie J.M. Baker
Have you heard about Six Weeks to OMG: Get Skinnier Than All Your Friends, the fad diet du jour that claims "broccoli carbs can be worse than soda carbs" and "small, frequent meals pack on the pounds"? We haven't covered the book (because the title alone represents everything we oppose), but If you commute to work, you might be forced to consider 100% true facts like "Cold baths can give you a firm body" and "You can skip breakfast" on the way to the office. We've been seeing the ads on subways, and an enraged tipster sent us this shot.
We hate thinking about teen girls (or anyone, really) getting off the subway with the urge to buy a book crammed with ridiculous crash dieting tactics that their "skinny friends have already read."
Here's what author Venice A. Fulton (also known as British actor Paul Khanna. He played a death eater in some of the Harry Potter movies. How apropos!) told MSNBC about eating disorders, puppy fat, and "seeing yourself":
For most people, it really is pretty simple: eat clean and healthy and enough, stop drinking any sodas (except as treats), and do at least moderate cardio for 20+ minutes a few times a week. Expend more calories than you eat, BUT EAT ENOUGH. Walk the steps, park further away, do little things all day. Please, be a healthy woman and proud of your muscle and curves. Do not starve yourself.

(14,337 posts)MOVE. Stop SITTING. You don't need "formal exercise". Walk around your apartment or house, walk down the street, go to a mall and walk. Walk, walk, walk, Find something to do besides SITTING in front of the TV, or computer, and eating.
If you let your body dictate what it needs very young in life, if will not steer you wrong. Straving one day, but not hungry at all the next? That is PERFECT NORMAL. If you have pets, you will see that they do the same.
Ok, I am not by any means an expert, but I have weighed the same 100 lbs (5'1" for 40 years, other than pregnancy. Of course, the "experts" don't want to hear how we stay slim.
(28,318 posts)Not everyone can be a "skinny minny" no matter what they do, but most people will be healthy and fit if they follow your advice.
(650 posts)Good nutrition is the foundation to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Most of us are poisoning ourselves out of simple ignorance. These diets would get zero momentum if we made a more serious effort at education, of course the Big Food Industry would be in big trouble (which explains a lot of things). Nutrition is covered for a few weeks in health class and a lot of that is misinformation.
I went from 220 to 180 over 8 months at age 43 by learning how sugar and refined carbs affect my body. By cutting out the obvious stuff (soda, donuts, etc.) and cutting back on and making substitutions for potatoes, white rice, bread, etc. it was and remains amazingly easy to maintain my body without ever even thinking about how much I'm eating. I eat all day as much as I want. I just make the right choices.
On another note, I find women with curves and a bit of belly to be quite attractive (I'm a guy if that wasn't obvious). Never got the fascination with "skinny". Seems like more of a girl thing.
(44,899 posts)...a vapid, superficial, mean-girls competitive, instantly-gratifying, teenybopper-hip attitude of maximum success for little effort. And it's spreading -- I saw a commercial for a diabetes testing device that looked like it was actually made for the Teen Disney channel!
Click on the pic for the Amazon reviews. I like to add up the 5-, 4- and half the 3-star reviews, then divide them by the total number of reviews. If the answer is below .80, no sale.

A diet plan that advocates skipping breakfast AND vegetables is good for only one thing -- a refund.
P.S. Mom was right -- breakfast IS the most important meal of the day, simply because it decreases your chances of overeating at lunch, then dinner. I put something on my stomach every morning even if it's only a glass of orange juice, and I've never had a major problem with controlling my weight.

(21,691 posts)I just like really cold showers. Almost as much as I hate crap books like that one. Because girls/women don't have enough things yelling at them how fucked up our (perfectly normal) bodies are.
(10,039 posts)Otherwise I'd hang in the hot shower for 30 minutes and get drowsy again. I am seeing the errors of my ways.
(49,212 posts)Does it have "thinspo" pictures?
(28,318 posts)The author is a MALE ACTOR, who was using a female nom de plume.
(10,039 posts)But it was due to severe B-12 deficiency. (Oddly no anemia with it.) One of the main noticeable symptom was loss of appetite. Didn't matter what food you'd put in front of me, I just wasn't hungry. It was made worse when I lost weight from when I had double pneumonia.
The thought of a diet when I've spent half my life trying to gain weight? (I'm 6 feet tall too, I have to eat more than the average woman.) It just
sounds horribly wrong to me.