Related: About this forum" Take Back Halloween" on kickstarter
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1877121452/take-back-halloweenThis website was started in order to show women how to create costumes that aren't just "sexy," made out of things you have around the house (or can easily buy/borrow). They want to add 15 more costumes for next year & those who contribute get a chance to vote on some of the ones they will add!

(39,169 posts)These are FAB costumes!!
Thank you for posting!
on edit: I'm definitely donating.
on edit again: I see some costumes are built around pre-made clothing. That makes more sense.
(9,465 posts)But I doubt some of them are easy to assemble or don't require sewing. The Ada Lovelace and Jane Austen ones in particular. How many thrift stores carry early 19th Century garb?
I once spent hours attaching 50 rubber snakes to a wig for a Medusa costume - the thing wound up weighing about a zillion pounds and gave me a headache - but that was before everything got "slutty". Slutty Big Bird, for crying out loud! Some things just ain't right.
(39,169 posts)My best costume ever was Sam I Am from Green Eggs & Ham. Not sexy at all, but everyone loves it. My husband, bless him, made the most perfect green ham out of a paper soup cup - one of those paper bowls that instant soup comes in. Even down to the little fork sticking out of it!
LOL on the rubber snakes & how heavy they were. Must have looked cool though!
Halloween is the best time to get costume ideas!