Related: About this forumPerianal Abscess questions...
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by greatauntoftriplets (a host of the Health group).
If any docs or RN's here.
I have a close friend who has one, pretty sure. (Just kidding, it's me) Round bump like pimple, extremely painful. Very close to anal region.
1. I read that draining it is what a healthcare professional could do but that almost half the time it leads to Anal Fistula, which is worse and requires surgery?
2. If I had it drained does a resulting Anal Fistula always require surgery?
3. The pain makes me want to have it drained, but this fistula thing worries me, can it go away on it's own?
4. Is draining it likely to leave a more painful area while it heals?

Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)If it has already announced its candidacy, you have to leave it alone.
(54,721 posts)I'd love to hear the Kentucky derby announcer saying, " ... and perianal abscess in the rear!"
(54,721 posts)Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)
(54,721 posts)I scheduled an appointment with a specialist but by the time I actually got in to see him it had reversed course and I was nearly back to normal.
Apparently that's common, but it doesn't always happen, and sone people may not want to wait and see.
Mine actually comes back once or twice a year but so far always the same story, it goes away on its own. Maybe a week of discomfort.
(1,073 posts)I ask bc I have struggled my while life with what I thought was acne. But a dermatologist told me what I had was HS, (Hidrandenitis Suppurative). She prescribed a diuretic and some washes that totally cleared up a life time of this crap. When I went to a doctor I found out that i had swollen sweat glands along the inside of my vulva. I thought I had cancer. Summer is very hard on the lower body parts too. It will require a out patient appt with a surgeon to lance it. I feel your pain. But also the first few posts were very funny.
(35,055 posts)I had what I thought was a fistula. Had it for years. It would go away and then come back.
After I came down with sepsis, there was no answer where the infection started. I guess it was might have started it. Went thru the phone book and there was only one annul surgeon listed, so I made an appointment. Best choice I’ve ever made.
I was in fear of the pain from talking to others.
He found it to be a Perianal cyst and did the surgery.
I really never felt a thing during and after. Never took a pain pill and have never had a problem.
He did tell me it was not the cause of my sepsis.
(177,365 posts)Your post violates this group's statement of purpose about asking for medical advice. DU members are not qualified to provide medical advice.
Either contact your primary-care physician tomorrow or visit an emergency room.
Now, we're locking this thread.