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(50,516 posts)Sleeping poorly and obviously that makes me tired.
I broke down and bought a small portable A/C unit. The heat and humidity in my small apartment was making me dopey and unable to concentrate on much.
(20,214 posts)always grateful. I have been staying in, avoiding the smoke and other allergens. Hasn't been bad here, mostly 80s, and the humidity isn't horrible. Maybe I'm not sleeping as well as I think I am!
Hope your a/c cools you off.
(50,516 posts)Rebl2
(15,770 posts)it’s the heat, even if you aren’t out in it that much.
(20,214 posts)Mostly 80s. We're getting the smoke from the Canadian fires. I've used my inhaler, for asthma, about once a day almost every day the last 2 weeks.
Hope you can stay cool
(4,782 posts)I cut back my cable watching. Instead I’m focusing on making my living space and outdoor areas more comfortable and doing creative things. Plus I started physical therapy for my lower back and it’s increased my mobility. I feel more in control of my life and that has energized me. trump and co has exhausted me and I try to stay away from anything regarding him but I will rejoice in another indictment day.
Hope you feel better, Marthe48.
(3,024 posts)KarenS
(4,827 posts)I have just changed primary care physicians and when they did blood work the results showed I was extremely low on vitamin B12. After some B12 shots and now supplements I am not exhausted by noon but still tired,,,, that I am blaming on emphysema, heart issues, insomnia, the heat and being 73 years old,,,,,
Good luck! and ((Hugs))
(30,557 posts)too so that makes me really tired. Also the interminable waiting waiting waiting for the hammer to hit the nail.
(5,042 posts)but also the news and the interminable wait to see *rump go to criminal trial! We're all dealing with PTSD where he's concerned. 7 years of dealing with that will wear any of us down to the nubs.
(113,131 posts)I avoid broadcast news and don't click on the TFG threads here, but it's still pervasive, like hot, muggy weather when a cold front and its thunderstorms are taking their own sweet time arriving.
Plus, I'm in the desert southwest, where no one is going anywhere unless they absolutely have to. We usually range from hot to fucking hot but this year has been consistently damn! The monsoons aren't arriving at all.
(5,042 posts)I'm in the Midwest. While it has been hot, it's not been what I'd call sweltering yet. However, when we get a downpour it just turns the air that much muggier afterwards and seems to make it even worse than it was before the rains came. This week is suppose to be our turn for the over 100 temps. We live in the Family Room in the back of the house -- the only area that doesn't have AC. We'd planned to buy a window unit, but got hit with multiple high expenses for the last few months... like $600 here, $800 there, and a couple of $2000 bills. On top of registrations for 3 cars and insurance on 3 cars all due at the same time as registrations, on top of the house insurance due at the same time... this month - just as the over 100 temps hit. Never fails, does it? Thank goodness for ceiling fans! (LOL)
(113,131 posts)about 20% relative humidity, after coping with coastal New England and Florida.
If the rains come before 2 PM, they just raise the humidity. If they come after 3 PM or so, they cool things off. After dark, they create cool outflow winds as the storms collapse. Most storms are late afternoon, when we get them.
Skies are relentlessly sunny here, ten days or so after they should have started.
My flat has a heat pump setup. I haven't turned it on for a couple of weeks, I think everybody else is keeping me cold. If you ever hit the lottery, I do recommend a heat pump setup, they work really well and are very efficient.
My strategy is to go soak my head when I'm overheated. Wet hair cools me off for a long time.