Related: About this forumNEUROSCIENTIST: "You Will Never Drink Alcohol Again After Watching This!" Andrew Huberman

Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)If watching that video will make me stop drinking, I guess I won’t watch it.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,510 posts)I'll try to remember this in this next reincarnation.
(19,519 posts)Intellectual property.
Here’s the link to one of his podcasts on this topic.
He’s got a lot to say, and a lot of it is very valuable, but there are also so many folks, just packaging clips, and sticking them on YouTube with ads embedded. His own channel also is paid for by ads, but at least that revenue is going to creator of the intellectual property.
Thanks for the opportunity to discuss this topic.
Something to think about. Aloha.
(30,800 posts)mahina
(19,519 posts)dem4decades
(12,432 posts)mitch96
(15,005 posts)nt
(10,984 posts)who watched this while finishing a glass of good cabernet
(2,195 posts)BOSSHOG
(41,334 posts)I spend a couple evenings a week perusing DU and drinking a few ice cold brewskies. I’ve been drinking beer for more than 50 years. I think what the scientists and doctors are saying is correct but I enjoy a beer. I’m almost 70. I’m happy, walk 500+ miles a year, do 300 crunchies an week, enjoy life. I plan to post an update on this post in about 10 years.
(2,195 posts)I’m 54 and plan to get more physically active after retirement. I do like to have a few beers on the weekend. I know scientifically I’d be better not doing that, but it is one of my life’s pleasures.
(41,334 posts)I think it’s kind of addictive. I look forward to a walk almost everyday, although I probably have more time to do so than you. Doctors have asked me during every physical whether and how much alcohol I consume. I tell them the truth and every time it’s the end of the conversation. I always think to myself, why ask. We live in a small town with two incredibly successful liquor stores. I’ll keep supporting them. Enjoy My Friend.
(113,131 posts)Buddy, if that was a thing, any frat boy who got hammered would be dead of sepsis or peritonitis within 24 hours. Bacteria do not pass through the intestinal walls, they are too big.
I found a lot of problems with this presentation but don't feel like writing a wall o text. The bottom line is that all drugs, alcohol included, are targeted poisons and all have potentially unpleasant side effects. Alcohol can be a great social lubricant, everybody in the room taking on a warm glow and feeling they're charming and so is everyone else. It can also be habit forming and lethal. Approach with caution.
Elessar Zappa
(16,307 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)Alcohol is what gets you high, it triggers a release of endorphins. While the serotonin and dopamine pathways are also activated, that hit of endorphin is what keeps people drinking, trying to bring it back. I'm surprised he missed that one. I'm less surprised he doesn't understand how alcohol is metabolized, the pathway is long and torturous, causing hangover if more than one unit of alcohol per hour was drunk. He hasn't kept up with a lot of new research into fetal alcohol syndrome (he'd rather shout "thou shalt not!" at women) and either missed or was just plain wrong about so much of it that I think his approach stems from an education in health food nutrition rather than standard academia.
He is right that alcohol is a poison. As I said, all drugs are targeted poisons.
(17,729 posts)I would like to see Dr Idz who has a TikTok take him on.