Why Is the Right So Obsessed with Seed Oils?
Why Is the Right So Obsessed with Seed Oils?
Wellness influencers and conspiracy theory peddlers love to demonize seed oils — but experts think their fears are bullshit
BY EJ DICKSON Rolling Stone Magazine
“BEFORE SEED OILS were invented, everybody was hot and healthy,” reads the first sentence of an Aug. 21 tweet by Carnivore Aurelius, a Twitter account with more than 300,000 followers. The tweet cites statistics claiming to link consumption of seed oils to an increase in obesity and cardiovascular disease rates, embedding a photo of a crowd of people at Atlantic City Beach in 1908 (who indeed do look hot, but more in the literal sense, considering most of them are wearing woolen bathing suits).
Carnivore Aurelius is an account devoted to “restoring our ancestral, meat-loving lifestyle“; its website also sells a branded bag of beef liver crisps for $89.99. Like other proponents of the carnivore diet like Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate, Carnivore Aurelius frequently advocates for “traditional” family values, tweeting about how feminism is a “scam” or idyllic photos of young, beautiful blond moms with babies with the caption, “ladies, theres nothing wrong with you if you want this over becoming a partner at a law firm.” It has also devoted much space to pushing the evils of seed oils, a term used to encompass sunflower oil, canola oil, soybean oil, and so forth.
On Instagram, where Carnivore Aurelius has more than 700,000 followers, the majority of the most-engaged content about seed oils comes from their account, according to CrowdTangle data from the past 12 months. A February 2023 post, which claims that seed oils are “the most destructive force in the world today and cutting them out of your diet will radically change your health,” has gotten more than 63,000 likes and 1,700 comments. A tweet from Aug. 21, the same day as the one cited above, says, “canola oil is literally made from seeds of the rape plant… named after what it will do to your health.”
More: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/is-seed-oil-bad-for-you-wellness-influencers-right-wing-debunked-1234809499/
Speaking of. It just took one quick search on Youtube to run across all this crap:
Here is a where a Doctor looked over all the availably research on seed oils and found they are fine:
Here a doctor looks at another angle and finds no issue: