I'm clueless about how I can stream Roku TV directly through a Samsung Smart TV.
My husband used to know how to do things like this but he died last summer, and I can't figure this out.
I don't have a Roku device, but believed I heard it can simply be possible to connect a smart tv to Roku TV for streaming.
I'm not very knowledgeable about electronic stuff, hope there's an easy answer. Thank you.

(67,112 posts)little Roku box just plugs into the Samsung Smart TV, or really, any TV. See Roku at https://www.roku.com/ and take a look at the Roku players starting at $29.99. Then you can just click on the section saying "Help me choose."
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)Thank you for the comments.
(67,112 posts)Some are free, others are not. I've been using Roku since first available and I've never had a complaint about anything.
(825 posts)...the make and model number of the tv? The online user manual should indicate if Roku TV is being used.
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)drray23
(8,136 posts)Into a hdmi port on your TV. Most TVs have more than one such port. If you have cable or satellite TV, one of the hdmi ports will be in use by your cable box.
Simply plug the roku in the other port, say hdmi2 ( they number them) and then use your TV remote to switch the input to hdmi2 ( on your tv remote you will likely find a button called input which allows you to toggle between the hdmi ports.)
Once you toggle to the port that the roku is attached to, you will see a menu. Use the roku remote to navigate.
(19,332 posts)good info and steps here
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)and the words all seem foreign to me. Don't know how that happens. I get too defeated before even starting.
Will take the time to really keep at it until it finally starts making sense. I can see all kinds of advantages in having access to this tool!
Thank you.
(19,332 posts)you never have to worry about it again. I've had my Roku in my Vizio smart TV for ... dunno... 5 years? Not a hitch.
The only confusing thing for some is that to use it, you have to switch the TVs input from your cable box or antenna to Roku, and you usually do this on your TV remote (source). And then switch back to cable when you want that.
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)Phoenix61
(18,113 posts)Have you looked at Sling or Hulu?
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)concerning another series, in a post I saw several days ago.
I saw a couple of people from Second City TV are in it, Levy and Catherine, in a google search for the series.
I love both of them.
(46,166 posts)My library has the first three seasons, so far. Maybe yours has some seasons on dvd or via streaming.
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)Phoenix61
(18,113 posts)Which is 14-15 dollars a month.
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)cannabis_flower
(3,868 posts)It's free.
(39,360 posts)We've lost any tolerance we once had for television commercials.
It's possible neither one of us sees well enough to appreciate higher resolution television and I'm not certain our internet connection could handle higher resolutions reliably anyways.
Netflix works flawlessly for us, it's cheap, and I'm not going to mess with it.
(67,112 posts)season. PS: I have Netflix on Roku.
(71,044 posts)It cost 58 a month...now they do have cheaper packages...and sling has a $20.00 on too... I had them also.
(5,240 posts)I purchased 2 Amazon Fire sticks and I am trying to figure it out. I have one pluged into an HDMI on one TV but I haven't tried it yet. I dread it.
(7,963 posts)Roku and Amazon sticks work in much the same way. I understand the dread but they make them so user friendly nowadays (most anyway) that if you read the instructions it pretty much prompts you to do everything else. And think how good you'll feel about your accomplishment when you set it up.
(5,240 posts)By the time I got home from work the last thing I wanted to do was anything technical.
(7,963 posts)My background was in communications and writing and when some people heard that they always seemed to have some writing project they wanted me to take a look at.
(5,240 posts)Nah, I barely write more than a sentence, and I only communicate when necessary....
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)Bradshaw3
(7,963 posts)If not, you need a device. I use a roku streaming stick plus and it works fine. Once you hook up to the HDMI port, the pre-progammed instructions will guide you and they come with a little pamphlet. You will also need a streaming service for some things you will want. You'll learn more as you get used to it. If you have any qestions you can dm me.
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)Thank you for your post.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,497 posts)There are 2 flavors of smart TV's-
(1). Really smart.
They have the apps built in and are accessible via the TV remote.
(2) Kinda smart.
You need to download the TV control app from the Apple or Google store to your phone. Run the app and change the input to your phone. Then run whatever app (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc) you want to watch on the TV from your phone.
In both cases, you really don't need a separate dongle (Roku, Fire stick, Chromecast).
Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)Demsrule86
(71,044 posts)Judi Lynn
(163,056 posts)Demsrule86
(71,044 posts)
Fla Dem
(26,326 posts)Getting The Roku Channel on your Samsung TV
1. Press the Smart Hub button or Home button on your Samsung remote.
2. Navigate down the page to Apps.
3. Search for "Roku" and wait for The Roku Channel to appear.
4. Select the app and choose Download.