"The Water Diviner." An incredible, movie I'd never heard of.
Not sure why this movie went under the radar. Especially since it stars Russell Crowe. Highly recommended!
My review and a trailer:
Streaming on Netflix.

dawg day
(7,947 posts)Gallipoli has been the subject of several films-- it must have great significance for the Aussies.
(34,497 posts)brewens
(15,359 posts)I had never heard of it before I got the DVD from there. That was really well done.
(24,760 posts)For some reason, I missed this one.
(19,469 posts)Russell Crowe directed this film. Uses Autralian history after WWI and what the ambush at Galippollimeant to people.
Having been to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, that battle is still fresh in the minds of Aussie's. One of the boats that was used to transport the ANZACS to the Turkish beach, had bullet holes in it. Harrowing was the diary a showing how the ambush went down.
(34,497 posts)I stumbled on it one day and thought it was a really good movie. I want to watch it again but it was so sad.
(4,930 posts)Though I think if Russell Crowe really wanted to make a history film about Australia, it should have been about the aborigines.
He still got flack from Australian entertainment biz about his portrayals, which I don't get, too complicated for me to understand.
(10,237 posts)RESIST!