So I guess I DO vote, so I can bitch
So don't be so quick to leap to conclusions, OK?
If you had some reading comprehension, you'd have known that. I posted:
" What is the point of deciding things at a group conscience, but then those decisions aren't enforced? I've been through that with this particular meeting again. I've taken a break from this meeting before, and I'm going to do it again. "
This group has had group consciences before--they make decisions about what procedures to follow
in the meeting, it's written in the Suggested Opening that we are to REFRAIN FROM THE USE OF MENTION OF LITERATURE OTHER THAN OUR CAL.
But nobody ever speaks up. A person chairs and doesn't follow the written procedure. Nobody says anything.
I've spoken up several times about the literature business business before.
I've done all I can to keep this group on track, but nobody else seems to care. Of if they do, they are too wimpy to speak up.
I'll find another group to go to.
Thanks for nothing. Hope that made you feel superior.