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(869 posts)Congrats! one day at a time + every cliché you've heard at every meeting. It does work.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)I think that I would be 6 feet underground forever...yet here I am typing these words.
,,,..Came into Overeaters Anonymous in 1980. Never really left, but it took awhile to "get it". Nevertheless I took off about 60 pounds and have kept almost all of that off since 1982. (took a couple of years to get it off and keep it off) Went to Emotions Anonymous, CODA, and eventually worked my way into AA. (going to AA about 12 years...pill know, pills given by doctors)...Yes, I am so glad AA accepted me..Many AA groups take "pill addicts"
...Anyway...instead of weighing in at 215 as I was in 1980, I weighed in at 162 in 95 when I had to have surgery on the ticker. (you know the thing that pushes the blood around the body)..In 2012, had to have the "ticker" operated on again, and got on the scale before they took me in in 2012,,..and I weighed 162. I had cancer surgery 3 times, and 2 of the 3 people that took me to the hospital for those surgeries, were in the 12 step program. The wonderful lady who took me for ticker surgery in 2012, was in AA... I had fallen in love with her. She passed away 5 months after my 2nd ticker surgery...
....Unknown at the time, and discovered a month after my ticker was cut, she had chest and brain cancer...Somehow I got through it all ...with the help of the program..Nice people. and hope, and a belief in a power greater than me, for me it is a private belief, that I try to rely on.. I miss Darlene so much even now. But I still go to meetings 3 to 5 times a week...a variety ..OA, AA, CODA...etc..Within the last year, I attended "Clutterers Anonymous" cause I save too much .."stuff" working on that one...I like collecting stuff...Anyway, I am just as grateful today, as I was years ago..and you know what???? are right....IT WORKS..... (I am living proof, without the people in the program, and the program itself, I would have given up years ago) It ain't easy going through what I went through) .......thank you for reading this....Stuart
(16,104 posts)If it weren't for people like you, I - and many, many others - wouldn't be here, either!