Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumThings I am grateful for 18 March 2022, in no particular order
The cat stuff-food, litter, treats, the cats look healthy.
Coffee, Yorkshire Gold decafe teas
DU& my cheap little phone
Hot and cold running water with a flush toilet and enough TP for 2 weeks
An abundance of food choices in my fridge, which means the electricity is on, cuz I paid that bill
My family of birth, which is a collection of weirdos to greater & lesser degrees, were all alive & well as our group check in text.
Buttered toast is so good.
291days clean
and sober.
I am richly blessed

(15,125 posts)Congratulations on your sobriety!
(34,770 posts)His rich plummy deep voice no longer says at the top and bottom of the hour...." The American President tweeted...."
The number of times I say/think " that SOB..." before I am sitting up has decreased by a factor of hundreds.
(6,675 posts)MuseRider
(34,502 posts)Way to go, that is a huge accomplishment and you don't need me to tell you that! I have watched enough people go through this to know how hard it is. This is great news!
(24,806 posts)Something to be proud of!
(34,770 posts)for a moment this evening, I flashed on a long ago memory of friends at a bar, a scotch with 1 cube and the laughter and conversation, briefly I really wanted that again.
I took a deep breath and reminded myself, I also I want dinner with Amal and George Clooney at their house in Lake Como Italy. That has become a sort of mantra for breaking an unhelpful thought train. I also will ask him why he made that Mexican vampire movie
(24,806 posts)But thanks.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Last edited Sun Mar 20, 2022, 07:21 PM - Edit history (3)
Why ? Because the kitchen with the food is on the first floor, and the computer that I use often is on the 2nd Floor.
I am off and on the computer all day. Walk up & down the stairs a lot..(maybe 10 times a day..times 14 stairs)
I am very lucky to be alive and well.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)I thank my HP every day..............
I have had numerous surgeries for all types..yes, those types, and I am alive & well today...
....Just For Today......
I am lucky & very grateful
(34,770 posts)
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)..Oh, Thank You irisblue for the above comments. We need you too. We need everyone here. Yes all of us
(536 posts)The war in Ukraine has me kind if feeling fragile. Idk how, but I kind of woke up in a AA meeting around 30 days into it. It was around this time of year. Virtually everything in my life had been ruined. An on and off girlfriend had told all of my friends and family that I "wouldn't make it". I stayed sober for a year after that just out of spite. No way was I going to allow her to be right. By then I had met Dr Dave and Sgt Earl. Two very unlikly saints I think now. Saved my life literally. That ws the spring of 92. Six months later in a coffee shop I was sitting with them, Sgt earl said I was the least likely guy to make it when he saw me come in. He would say things like "you still have a watch and a mother that loves you, you won't make it". He would squeeze a tennis ball during the meeting and when I asked him about it he said he "had to" otherwise he would punch out one of the regulars .LOL. I miss them. Thanks to Bill and Bob for AA and everyone that ever went to a meeting.
(34,770 posts)I will not drink with you today