Cancer Support
Related: About this forumA warning for cancer survivors who get the COVID-19 vaccine:
I had my once-every-six-months CT scan last week, to verify that my endometrial cancer has not returned for the third time. The oncologist came into the exam room with a serious face - my existing cancer is stable, but there is a worrying enlargement of a lymph node in my left armpit. He will schedule a PET scan, a mammogram, and an appointment with a breast cancer specialist.
Needless to say, I've been in full panic mode for five days. A new cancer to deal with, after seven years of surgery and chemo and radiation and immunotherapy!
Then today, my mother pointed out an article in the local newspaper -- cancer specialists are warning that enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit or collarbone area may be due to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. When your body is reacting to the vaccination, your lymph system has to clean up after the fight.
My enlarged lymph node is on the same side as my second vaccination, which was ten days before the CT scan. Tomorrow, I'll call the oncologist, to suggest that we just update my mammogram, and hold the other tests and appointments until those results are back.
Cross-posted in General Discussion

(3,888 posts)of the vaccine and that it will disappear.
I got sick after each shot. Worse after the second. My arm is still sore.
I'm glad I got the vaccine. At least there is hope to get out of the house again.
Good luck.
(6,381 posts)and an overwhelming tiredness after the second. I sleep most of the day away, the day after the second shot. I never noticed the lymph node.
(3,888 posts)Scary times. Take care.
(10,424 posts)cancer has returned in her nodes near her arm pit. As a result, she got her covid jab in her upper leg.
(5,452 posts)between Moderna vaccines to give my body the best chance to create antibodies, and was delighted the last 2 days to have fever and extra fatigue as a sign I still have an immune system
Some people reported certain cancer markers in their bloodwork were elevated after the vaccine, but dont know if they went back down. My next chemo and bloodwork is next week and am a bit anxious, but feel I made the best decision. In a battle with covid unvaccinated, covid would have the better odds.
Surely hope you get the best report, and very sorry you are dealing with this worry
(14,414 posts)a month or two if possible.
Thanks for posting. This was not something on my radar. Its good to know.
(21,083 posts)Keep us posted.
(9,522 posts)Its been making the rounds of the lay press for a week. It must have been in the medical alerts already.