In just 3 months
I lowered my cholesterol from 270 to 112. Doc said he has never seen anything like it before. Best part, I went on a diet with lots of fat. Everything cooked in bacon grease, lots of cheese and eggs. I just cut out sugar, potatoes, rice and white flour.
I had stopped my chol. meds because of my feet being numb and 3 months ago I again started back with a different med. Also joined a gym and did a lot of pedaling. Lost 10 pounds.

(35,055 posts)A lamb burger stuffed with goat cheese and fried in bacon grease with a side of fresh asparagus with a glass of unsweetened raspberries zinger tea.
(113,131 posts)so I told him to stop taking it and to call his doc immediately. I mentioned that whole oats and oat bran had lowered cholesterol in some people.
When he died some years later, I found a multi year stack of Lipitor prescriptions. He'd told me the doc was very pleased with how he was doing on the stuff when he'd swapped over to eating oatmeal or Cheerios for breakfast every morning instead. He just hadn't bothered to inform the doc that he'd reacted badly to a statin and had gone to dietary measures.
I'm glad your diet is working for you. I have lousy kidneys so it would kill me. I eat oatmeal and Cheerios instead.
(39,360 posts)I've come to the realization (and I hate to do it) that potatoes and white flour are evil. I have inflammation and read that I should avoid nightshade veggies (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants). I can eat an order of fries and sit back and watch my hands become red and swollen a few hours later.
When I can behave when I eat, I find that I can help myself feel better. Right now I'm struggling with drinking more water, no beer or alcohol, much less caffeine, and very few sugary drinks. I have kidney disease and it would greatly help my cause to drink nothing but water.
(35,055 posts)I've heard most stones pass in the fall and winter because we drink less water. All summer I drink a gallon and half of herbal tea(fruit types) and had stopped about Oct. Starting back on it now. I bought an ice tea maker at a yard sale for a couple of bucks a few years ago and have gone thru 3 of them since. Those fruity teas are fine without sugar.
Try to cut out "white" foods for the most part.
(5,075 posts)We make sun tea in the summer. Fill a gallon glass milk jar with water, dump a bunch of tea bags in (to taste) and set it in the hot sun for an hour or two.
Squeeze out the bags and put in the fridge.
(35,055 posts)postulater
(5,075 posts)safeinOhio
(35,055 posts)dilute to about a gallon and a half. Works out to about a buck a gallon.
(60,025 posts)When Mr. Dixie dropped his levels to 170, by eating oatmeal a few times a week, his doc had the same stunned reaction, which he then glossed over.
I was furious at first by that reaction, until I reluctantly had to realize that the average doc has ZERO nutrition info. and was brainwashed by the same upside down food pyramid we were.
fortunately that doc has now retired.
GOOD fats are not the enemy. "White" carbs are.
(35,055 posts)once/day, with walnuts and almond milk.
(6,096 posts)My son is a chiropractor, and his strength is nutrition I went on low carb for 9 months and lost 50 pounds (I am 69 years old) and my cholesterol lowered a great deal. I still believe anything white, and SUGAR, are the 2 main culprits...but once I have sugar, I have a difficult time getting back to the basics again. Good job SafeinOhio
(35,055 posts)I'v been taking 6 1000mg fish oil pills a day, 2 pills 3 times a day.
I take the ones that are mercury filtered. I do eat a lot of fish and recently had my mercury levels checked and they are normal.
Years ago I worked outside in the winter and at that time I started taking the fish oil. Everyone I worked with had dry and cracking skin on their hands. After taking the fish oil, mine never did. So, I'm sure it's good for dry skin. Also seems to make you very regular going to the bathroom.
(8,646 posts)just been told I'm likely diabetic (I knew it was coming for years...18 years ago it started out with gestational diabetes when I had my first pregnancy and every test I have had over the years that blood sugar creeps up a little higher...) and am doing mostly low carb. It's the one way of eating I have been able to stick with the longest. My issue is that it's very expensive and as a single parent with a low income, I had been eating a lot of cheap filler foods over the last little while. But, I guess I do have to put some money and effort into my body, since it's the only one I have. My doctor has given me 3 months to get my blood sugar lower (even though it's borderline normal, not out of control bad) or I get to go on meds. No thanks. So low carb it is! My cholesterol isn't horrible, it's well within normal but my ratios could be better. I hope it improves with this new way of eating.
(35,055 posts)Veggies, oatmeal and fruit. Just cut out sugar, potato, rice and most breads.
(8,646 posts)I guess I assume most people know what I mean when I say I cut out carbs. It has always bugged me that is the main misunderstanding with Atkins, that all you eat is bacon and butter. When I was doing hardcore Atkins I don't think I've eaten so many vegetables in my life, even more than on Weight Watchers or any other 'diet' (and they tasted so much better than any low fat diet where vegetables are plain steamed atrocities, lol). And yes, many people don't understand that vegetables have more than enough carbs for that to be your main source.
I don't eat oatmeal though for the most part - gives me heartburn. I do eat potatoes, very sparingly. Usually the purple ones
(20,855 posts)The cholesterol you eat is relatively insignificant because it doesn't stimulate the liver to make more. What does? Processed carbs and refined sugars.