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This message was self-deleted by its author (kestrel91316) on Tue Jul 11, 2017, 10:48 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(60,013 posts)but have never heard of ocular hypertension.
What do the eyedrops do, specifically?
Response to dixiegrrrrl (Reply #1)
kestrel91316 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(52 posts)I had the ocular migraines/hypertension stuff for years. (Along with, "hidden optic nerve druzen," and, "pseudotumor cerebri." Aren't the words pretty? I digress. Often.) Right on the edge of glaucoma per ophthalmologist, so we watched it carefully. Pressure kept rising, went onto the drops. Did them for quite awhile, then the pressure went down enough to no longer need the drops. Diabetic now, so more frequent check-ups.
****Have always wondered why/how often the ocular pressure (correct term?) goes back down.****
Then there was that morning I got up, did my drops, did one of the persians' eye drops--and realized that I'd used hers, and she'd gotten mine. The bottles look exactly alike, of course. Immediately called my vet (well, the cats' vet) to make sure I hadn't endangered the fluffball. Neither feline nor human were harmed...
Nac Mac Feegle
(979 posts)Depending on what state you live in, medical marijuana might be just the ticket.
<Tongue in cheek smiley>