Sooooo, in the last 2 years, I've lost 55 pounds with another 30 to go.
I've been on a roller coaster this month after my sonogram to determine if I had gallstones showed that I have cancer. I start chemo Monday.
So, today I open one of those patient information pages that lists your medications and appointments, and what is the first item on the list? Before the block that gives my name and address, at the very top of the page, is a cheery little section noting that my BMI is too high and I should really work on that by eating well and exercising more! Like I don't know that. Like I haven't spent two years watching every calorie I eat. Like that's the first thing on my mind right now.

(17,997 posts)
And good for you!
(60,025 posts)Just what you need, as you say....not!
I do hope all goes very well for you, hedgehog......
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)Fantastic job losing 50
Healing energy in coping with the chemo
(72,174 posts)i missed the news about the cancer. that is really awful.
will they do surgery?
best of luck w the chemo. let us know how it is going.
and yeah, that weight loss shit gets old. my roommate was told that they would not replace her completely shot hip until she loses 70 lbs. wtf? how do you lose weight when you can barely walk? (and she is 61, and trying to get back in the workforce. how much longer do they think she has to fool around?)
needless to say she is looking for another surgeon. like they wouldnt do the surgery if she broke that hip. i understand that the weight complicates things, but jeebus. leaving her in the kind of pain she is in is unconscionable.
doctors. cant live with them, cant live without them. i hope you complained about that nag. that is just stuoooopid.
(36,286 posts)but what do the doctors tell all the runners who come in to have their blown out knees replaced? "I'll do the surgery if you promise to cut back to 5 miles a day"
There has to be a reality check here. We're talking about 9 months to a year and a half to lose that much weight safely. Did the surgeons just let her walk out the door, or did they attempt to get her into a proven weight loss program? (Oh, wait - I don't think there is such a thing as a proven weight loss program!)
(72,174 posts)the lead time for that was almost a month. yeah.
and she missed the first appt because she was in too much pain to make it.
she did manage to lose 30 lbs in spite of it all. but 70? nuts.
she needs a knee, too. she actually was not nearly as heavy when the hip started to go. but she had no insurance then, and couldnt get it done.
thank you obama, she now has good insurance. but being medicaid it has a lot of stupid hoops. like the referral has to come from her primary, tho she is not the one who evaluated her. primary is out in the burbs, and all day event to see her. and she already had a referral to the jerko surgeon. but that was from her rheumie, who is the one who really evaluated her.
switched carriers and now has to start over. hoping to get them to accept a referral from the rheumie, (also my rheumie) who is a fucking saint.
wait time to get a new primary in the same system is at least a month. i waited 4 months to get in w mine. unless you are willing to take the first available, who is usually available for a reason. that is how she got the surgeon.
worst of it is she is a very, very, very nice person. which is to say she accepts this treatment. until she talks to me, that is.
(36,286 posts)considering her hip and knee problems. Here's hoping that her progress will change the surgeon's mind.
(72,174 posts)she is gonna try one more within the system, but will also look at another system.
no way being a chubby girl in a small town had anything to do with a level of self esteem that accepts that sort of treatment as reasonable. no. no.
(124,865 posts)
(113,131 posts)All the computer knows is today's numbers. It doesn't know you've successfully lost weight for a couple of years. The computer is an idiot.
Ignore it.
(16,020 posts)
(40,656 posts)this too because you are strong, resourceful, dedicated and good. I know you will do this. Bravo on the amazing effort already expended to take hold of your life. It went on slow, it comes off slow. It took me four years to lose over 100 pounds. I am nearly at the weight that I was in high school which was *cough*. You will succeed. Just remember, you did something already terrifically hard. You can do this. Hugs to you, fellow traveler down life's pot hole filled road. You are loved.