do you have a doc that treats your pain?
today is the day to let them know you appreciate their care-
imma write a long, sloppy note to my rheumie. he is the best ever.
dr james grober of northshore university healthcare system.
eets- rec this up. i know this is an issue for A LOT of du'ers.

Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)About ready for an 800 ibuprofen. Lupus. What about you?
Will thank my rheumo too!
(72,174 posts)this guy is THE most responsive doc i have. send him and email, and he will likely respond in less than half an hour. sometimes faster.
he never judges.
i have overheard him thanking staff for good work.
he hounds insurance companies and pharmacies.
he works with your other docs.
he wants to you to feel better.
if there is a med you want to try, he will write it.
and he LISTENS. he is not about what he thinks you need. he takes the time to find out what you think you need.
in short, he CARES.
(not too hard on the eyes, either. lol. what blue eyes he has.)
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)Fibro too, sore sore sore all the time. Stay relatively pain free, mo
(72,174 posts)i have steered a couple friends to him, and they are equally in love.
i'm doing ok. the fatigue is more crippling to me than the pain. if only i could sleep worth a shit.
hope you have a good doc, too.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)I have a decent doc, not a jerk at least. Does the job without having an arrogant god-syndrome.
(72,174 posts)kinda funnie thing about this guy.
he is yale, yale, yale. he could be an arrogant ass, but he just doesnt have that bone in his body.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)I wish I wouldn't have such a black thumb.
(72,174 posts)some of the neighbors not so much, but.....
(39,360 posts)My previous Dr was very impersonal and commanded me around.
I don't get anything prescribed for pain anymore, besides a rare muscle relaxer. I am however self medicating with cannabis and it's working wonders with my peripheral neuropathy, muscle pain and other issues.