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This message was self-deleted by its author (Turbineguy) on Mon Jun 13, 2016, 06:53 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(34,195 posts)I was drinking gallons of water and peeing up a storm daily. Not having health insurance
I went to a urgent care
That was 10 years ago, and Ive been on two types of insulin since,
plus having to keep to a diabetic diet.
I'm now 70 and on Medicare.
(38,749 posts)Obviously I am concerned about lasting damage. He'll be 59 next week. I just talked with him and he sounds fine. He's below 300.
(34,195 posts)Keeps my A1c down.
But every now and then I eat something I crave; helps keep me in line.
Response to left-of-center2012 (Reply #3)
Turbineguy This message was self-deleted by its author.
(12,051 posts)slightly blurry vision. I was immediately put on Metformin 2x a day. Now, 4 years later, my A1C is 5.8 and my doc is very happy with me. I have no diabetic problems in my feet, eyes, kidneys, etc.
I also eat a low-carb diet to keep the A1C down and to not have spikes in blood glucose. Also, I do not want to go on any more drugs or insulin so I am very strict with myself about diet. Your brother should try to get into the same mindset.
If your brother has caught it soon enough and vows to take very good care of himself, he should be able to manage this. Oh, when he gets out of the hospital, he may want to find a doc who specializes in diabetes/endocrinology to watch over him. They know exactly what to look for. I had a GP who should have told me some stuff, and he didn't, so I switched docs.