Anybody ever had to drink barium sulfate?I have a CT scan tomorrow and I'm scared of the whole thing
Thanks in advance for any advice

(24,741 posts)It didn't make me nauseous or anything, not that I can recall, anyway.
You'll be fine. They won't want to poison you till after the bill is paid!
(38,505 posts)montanacowboy
(6,437 posts)she was pretty worried too, but afterward she said the worst part was drinking the barium. They gave her a light sedative and bingo, she was out of there in about 30 mins and said all the worry was for nothing.
(38,505 posts)Yonnie3
(18,435 posts)Nothing much to relate.
It seemed like a lot to drink, but I managed.
No side effects as I recall.
(38,505 posts)Yonnie3
(18,435 posts)BittyJenkins
(593 posts)It tasted like chalk. Plug your nose and you will be fine.
Cat scans generally go quick. I have had lots of those.
Good thoughts coming your way.
(38,505 posts)
(3,637 posts)I'm getting another CT scan tomorrow also, but no barium, looking at kidney stones...agggh....
(38,505 posts)multigraincracker
(35,055 posts)I didn’t have any problem with it
(38,505 posts)underpants
(189,127 posts)A HERETIC I AM
(24,741 posts)

(38,505 posts)
(20,214 posts)I can't remember why. I might be confusing CT with MRI. I got something like a milkshake the first time, and it wasn't bad. I had another, years later and years ago, was looking forward to the shake, but I got a lemon lime kind of ade. The staff was very informative and took me step by step through the process, both times, and check on me as I was drinking the barium. The ct itself wasn't bad. if you have trouble, ask for a cloth to cover your face. My cousin had several, and she got claustrophobic in one, so she started getting a face cloth. She said it helped a lot.
Good luck with your CT. Hope you get a good report.
(38,505 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)For me…. Very solid …um…#2 for a bit.
Not better or worse than getting prepared for colonoscopy.
Edit: Talking the barium thing. Not the CT thing.
(38,505 posts)Marthe48
(20,214 posts)I was a bit startled! lol
(15,006 posts)If it's for a GI series you will have to drink a few cups. Most places now used a flavored version but you can't get away from the thickness. It helps with the diagnosis.
Think of it as a bad milkshake.
Drink lots of fluids afterwards as it can constipate some people..
I never lost a patient to a GI series...
If it's for a Barium Enema don't worry you wont taste it...
(38,505 posts)50 Shades Of Blue
(11,082 posts)No matter how much time they give me to finish it, I need every second because I can only take a small sip at a time, I just find it so unpalatable. But one time I was in the waiting room with a woman who someone managed to guzzle hers down real fast. That was not a good idea.
(38,505 posts)mitch96
(15,006 posts)Maybe the lower part of your small intestines..
It seems the opposite of how we did it years ago. Back then you would come in, change and stand before the fluoroscope. Take a few sips and the MD would take pic's of you swallowing. Then they would lay the table down with you on it (free ride Woo Hoo!!) and have you drink some more while taking pics. Then you would drink some more and then wait ½ hr. Take a picture. Wait another ½ hr, take a picture. Do this this till you see the end of the small intestines.
With you drinking the barium before hand it seems it would speed up the process..
(38,505 posts)It could be any damn thing I guess
(15,006 posts)a good time together...Like you said, who knows.
Have you had a CT scan yet?
(38,505 posts)They inject the contrast agentfor that
(15,006 posts)fuzzy feeling.. or a hot flash where you aren't expecting it....
The contrast shows the blood vessels in the chest very well.
Rules out many "maybe's or could be's"
If "they" don't see anything on the small bowel series they might order the Ct.
More drinking involved but not as chalky. Maybe contrast maybe not..
And so it goes...
(67,112 posts)tasted like a milk shake.
(38,505 posts)judesedit
(4,533 posts)cause I moved. That's the hardest part for me...staying still lol.
(38,505 posts)judesedit
(4,533 posts)
(38,505 posts)judesedit
(4,533 posts)🤞🙏 Now to wait for the results. That is the hard part.
(1,654 posts)Drinking it or ill effects from it. On the other hand, I had a CT last month and they gave me the 3 pint size bottles of a commercially bottled, name brand thick very very sweet vanilla barium to drink at specific times. I had no trouble drinking it except it was way too sweet. However, I had to stop on the way home from the test and run into a bathroom in a supermarket for the beginning of 3 days of diarrhea. Since I gradually got over it, I didn't even report it to either my doctor or the radiologists. So just make a plan for yourself knowing where there is a place (or several places since it took more than once before I got home) you can stop if necessary.
(38,505 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,401 posts)I was a bit concerned since I am a gagger and picky about food taste etc.
But it was fine. No problem.
Didn't taste great but I got it down with no fuss, no muss, no mishaps.
(38,505 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,401 posts)2naSalit
(95,858 posts)It was awful.
I got sick, literally puked, because the barium was flavored with mint to which I have a serious allergy but was unaware of at the time. It made me sicker than I was with whatever it was that I was being tested for. I have negative experiences more often than not so I avoid doctors for most of my ailments. If I can't figure it out on my own, then I'll visit my doctor.
You should be fine, just take the stuff in medium sized sips. I remember it well, it was kind of like mint flavored pepto bismal.
(38,505 posts)2naSalit
(95,858 posts)Vanilla is a good flavor, like I said just take sips, gulps could make you gag.
(65,401 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,401 posts)Where it seems like gallons of awful tasting fluid.
I would do the barium over the colonoscopy prep any day.
(2,475 posts)I expected the CT scan to be the same, but instead of drinking two small glasses of barium, they handed me two big bottles, like twenty ounces each, and said to drink them as fast as I could and they'd be back for me in twenty minutes. It's "vanilla flavored" now, but it isn't easy to drink all that. I managed to do most of it. Make sure you take some kind of laxative to get rid of that stuff afterward, barium is what they made linoleum out of and you don't want that stuff to harden up inside you.
(38,505 posts)I think they said I have to drink something else right before hand
(2,475 posts)It's not that bad and the actual scan didn't last as long as they told me it would, they allow extra time in case you move and they have to do it again. It's definitely easier to drink that than the test where they make you eat lumpy oatmeal.
(38,505 posts)
(2,475 posts)internet told me they give people scrambled eggs and toast with radioactive dye in it. But not here, they said too many people are allergic to eggs so they use oatmeal. Plain, no sugar, no butter, lumpy, hard oatmeal and they have no sympathy when you're trying to eat it, but you keep gagging even though you try really hard not to.
(38,505 posts)bamagal62
(3,791 posts)It’s pretty awful stuff. But, take your time. DON’T chug it to get it over with. I think I had an hour to drink 2 large bottles. Use the time they give you to drink it. The scan takes about 3 seconds. So the only bad thing about the procedure is the BS tastes awful. Again, drink it spread out over the time given.
(38,505 posts)Duncanpup
(14,124 posts)
(38,505 posts)
(35,345 posts)Walleye
(38,505 posts)Progressive dog
(7,426 posts)Doesn't hurt, doesn't taste horrible and you fell fine after the test. At least that was my experience.
(38,505 posts)
(1,992 posts)No problems drinking it or anything...but was warned to stay near a toilet the next day because it doesn't break down and runs right through you...
(38,505 posts)Deep State Witch
(11,633 posts)I had to drink it for a CT scan last summer. Honestly, the worst part was chugging two bottles of the stuff. It was chalky. But nowhere near as bad as colonoscopy prep! That stuff is the worst!
(38,505 posts)Jerryatric
(2,475 posts)amount of barium. If you could do that with no problems, you'll do fine with the barium. I'll be thinking of you and sending hugs and good thoughts your way!

(15,006 posts)It was neither... It's meant to clean you out quickly and sometimes forcefully.
(113,131 posts)It's sort of like a thick milkshake when you can't taste much of anything because of a cold.
Just make sure you take a laxative the night after the scans. To make sure it's all gone, take one the following night, too. Retained barium is bad news, you want it all gone.
This stuff is one of the oldies but it is one of the best ways to evaluate things like swallowing, gastric emptying, and lower GI obstruction. Just give yourself the runs afterward to get it all out of your system. You'll thank me for this.