Wrrd I'll have pain the rest of my life
32k. I don't want him doing 7k veneers. I blew my nose and got a pain twinge on my right jaw. I tooktylenol.
Getting small pain spasms on the left. I can't believe this happened. Everything was perfect. Then he did this very hard push back to apply a piece of plastic. I used money i was going to use. I'm paying out of pocket for this. No lawyer is interested and he's a rich, prominent dentist. I'm a nobody. I'm so depressed about this. No one cares in my life. I'm not allowed to talk about it. My "partner" defend s the dentist as "not perfect" and "doing his best" which is driving me into a frenzy
(37,263 posts)XanaDUer2
(14,979 posts)In this shitty state to the point theyll just help in DV cases. Patrons complained they really don't help anymore. Thanks for responding