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From Repro HealthWatch
Sweeping antiabortion-rights law comes between Indiana women and their health care providers | April 8, 2016
When Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed HB 1337 into law last month, Indiana women saw their access to abortion care dealt a drastic blow. The law, a grab bag of medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion care, reflects antiabortion-rights state lawmakers’ persistent efforts to interfere in the patient-provider relationship. HB 1337 is a dangerous piece of legislation which threatens to push abortion care further out of reach and undermine the practice of medicine. In this edition of Repro Health Watch, we take a closer look at HB 1337 and other anti-abortion efforts in Indiana.
Ind. gov. signs abortion restriction bill; Planned Parenthood vows challenge
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed into law a bill (HB 1337) that imposes broad restrictions on abortion care and fetal tissue disposal, the New York Times reports. More »
ACLU files challenge to Ind. antiabortion-rights law; abortion-rights activists plan demonstration
The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana on Thursday filed a lawsuit on behalf of Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky challenging recently signed Indiana antiabortion-rights law HB 1337, Reuters reports. The lawsuit calls on the court to declare the law unconstitutional and requests an injunction to halt its enforcement.
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Physicians say new Ind. abortion restrictions could harm women
Physicians in Indiana are criticizing a new law (HB 1337) that imposes broad restrictions on abortion care and fetal tissue disposal, saying it could jeopardize women's health, the Washington Post's "Wonkblog" reports.
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Abortion-rights opponents mobilize to ban abortion based on fetal disability diagnosis
Abortion-rights opponents are advancing model legislation across the United States similar to a recently signed Indiana law (HB 1337) banning abortion sought because of a fetal disability diagnosis, STAT News reports. Several states have implemented one or more provisions included in the Indiana law, interfering in the patient-provider relationship by requiring a physician to provide care according to a woman's reasons for seeking an abortion.
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Ind. lawmakers criticize process used to pass antiabortion-rights bill
The Indiana House did not consider committee or public input earlier this month when it passed HB 1337, drawing criticism from liberal state lawmakers, the Times of Northwest Indiana reports. The procedural move eliminated local women's chance to debate the measure, which imposes several restrictions on abortion care. More »
Ind. lawmaker proposes fetal heartbeat ban
Indiana state Sen. Jim Banks (R) has proposed a bill (SB 144) that would ban abortion when a fetal heartbeat is detectable, which can be as early as six weeks of pregnancy, the Indianapolis Star reports. Abortion-rights supporters maintain that the abortion ban bill is unconstitutional.
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OB-GYN: Ind. abortion ban is 'bad medicine,' 'encroach[es] on women's rights'
Katherine McHugh, an OB-GYN in Indianapolis, writes about the harmful ramifications of HB 1337 in an opinion piece in the Washington Post's "PostEverything."
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Ind. abortion clinic to shut down Friday
A longstanding Indiana abortion clinic, which since last November has only offered referral services, shut down in March, the South Bend Tribune reports. Women in the area are now forced to travel long distances to access abortion care because the clinic, the Women's Pavilion, was the only abortion clinic in northern Indiana.
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