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Am I being overly picky or what?
Look at what I discovered after the landscape place was done the other day.
They said they didn't know how to deal with this.
I do.
You need woodfill and paint to fix the paint that was knocked off.
As for drain from the gutters, wow what a sad mess.
I'm going to try to find another to place to deal with this.
They were also ready to chop the dahlias down again but I caught them before they did.
I was in bed asleep when the damage occurred.
Let me know what you think.
I won't be leaving these pictures up here for too long so looky look while you can.
Opinions greatly appreciated.
What if anything should I do?
God I hate this.
Where is a big man when I need one?

(35,091 posts)Let them know why.
(21,450 posts)It takes time and a lot of effort and money to fix the damage to the paint. I know, that is why I have woodfill and a gallon of primer and paint!
I had to hire someone to fix it up before because people I was hiring for $25-$50 an hr. had the whole back of the house dinged up.
As for the drainage pipe for the gutters, I'm not sure what can be done about that.
Any ideas at all as to how to fix that?
It pisses me off!
No apologies, no nothing!!
(4,719 posts)placed largish stones, bricks, etc.
Lawn mower guy mowed down all my wildflowers. Once.
I collected stones on my walks and made wavy circles around all the flower beds.
Neighbors even complimented me on how nice everything looked.
(21,450 posts)This place in particular has done it several times despite me going outside, pointing them out to them and telling them to work around the tubers and sprouts. They never get far beyond small plants and the manage to cut them down every time.
So frustrating!
What the hell is wrong with these people?
Why are they even in the landscaping business if this seems to be the best they can do?
(59,178 posts)company and ask that the damages be repaired or you will will have to find another landscaper.
(21,450 posts)Put it in writing and mail it to them with these pictures.
I can print them out!
Damn idiots!
(11,692 posts)Were they paid to trim? Why else would they have done that damage if they didn't trim?
I got a guy who mows my yard but I do the weed whacking. I've done damage like that by accident. But I fix it.
It really looks like minor damage that paint and some pliers can fix. If you are unable to fix it yourself, hire a handyman. They are usually cheaper and will fix most minor house problems.
Yeah, I think I would get someone else to trim, if I were you. I mean it's ok if I do it by accident, but when you pay someone to do something, they shouldn't leave it worse off. Ask them for a small rebate to get the damage fixed.
(21,450 posts)It was a nightmare! That was for primer, paint and labor.
Then I hired this place to avoid more problems like this.
And this is what I get?
Its a shitty job and as for weed control, huh?
Weeds all over the place.
Usually I am out there after they leave doing the weeding!
It costs me $60-$120 a month for this B.S. !!
(95,934 posts)The BBB in your area? You could file a complaint with them too.
(11,692 posts)If I lived nearby, I'd come by and fix the paint/corner for free.
I do most of my repairs myself because people just want way too much. And in this rural area, it's very difficult to find people to just come out.
(21,450 posts)The man I hired was the fastest painter ever known!
He got the entire bottom of the house all the way around primed and painted in about one hour, I kid you not.
It is protecting it as you can see.
I had this done last year.
The paint was $100 and the man's work was another $100 which was well worth it!
Response to CountAllVotes (Reply #8)
Farmer-Rick This message was self-deleted by its author.
(11,692 posts)And with my double posts, I'm having a heck of a time.
(21,450 posts)It is better than it was now but still not the same as it was.
Thanks for the tips as I had not thought that that metal would bend so easy.
It could break-off real easy too! Had to be careful.
Thanks again!
I may keep the stupid place as this guy coming over later could talk about nothing but money and credit cards. Not impressed!
As for the damage to the other side where they knocked the paint off down to the wood, that is still the same way.
You need woodfill and paint to fix it.
I'm in far too much pain to do that due to the MS.
(33,076 posts)would think they should repair and replace their damage. If not I would fire them on the spot.
(21,450 posts)I have MS and I simply can't do it!
Damned shit disease!
(33,076 posts)CountAllVotes
(21,450 posts)Just dealing with getting rid of the grubs landed me in bed for 16 hrs. out cold!
I get exhausted so easy and I have no help at all.
I'm on my own on this lonesome journey.
(33,076 posts)
(21,450 posts)How kind of you.
I wish there were more folks like you around.
No help no nothing around here.
No one seems to have noticed that my husband has died.
You think they might have noticed wouldn't you?
We lived here for 20+ years.
Its all up to me now and I don't know if I'm doing a good job or not but I am giving it my best shot.
I don't care to move as I cannot afford to do that.
The taxes and insurance on the house are about $2,000 a year.
Where can you live for $2,000 a year?
Answer: Nowhere!
(56,126 posts)
I see a lot of dandelions, if you want those gone (they don't hurt anything) they will have to be sprayed, nobody commercial is going pull weeds in this day and age.
my son does landscaping occasionally and is right now outside weed wacking the whole yard. he will get room, board, and probably $100 for the couple hours he spends on the project. those machines are pretty powerful and it isn't hard to hit a few things if you aren't super careful. it takes real skill to do a good job, which means you have to pay a lot to get that kind of work done. people that balk at paying for labor often don't realize how much work "labor" really is. either you have to be present and supervise, or you have to pay the money for someone else to self-supervise (be skilled) or you pay to have a third party supervise.
(21,450 posts)That is why I had it heavily primed and painted last year.
The various people I had working on the yard had knocked off so much of the paint/primer and siding it was awful.
So, I hired this place that is doing a pretty crappy job IMO.
It is not free, believe me.
As for all of the dandelions, I hate them!
They are nearly impossible to get rid of unless you use Round-up Ready to kill them which doesn't seem like a great option to me!
(11,692 posts)I love it when the dandelions bloom in the spring.
Besides, as long as you keep it short it looks fine.
Yeah, using a really good primer and paint will make your siding last for decades.
I built a dog house for my 150 pound guardian dogs. And it was the cheapest, crappiest stuff you could get from Lowe's. I painted it with the absolutely best primer and paint I could get. And it is going on 20 years old now, in and still in great shape, and we get so much rain here.
(21,450 posts)I'm on the coast in the pacific northwest of California.
That primer/paint job last year has held up good.
I still have a lot of the primer and paint left as I bought a gallon of each from Sherwin-Williams.
Maybe I can fix it up myself if pliers might be able to correct the drainage pipe issue.
Of course the issue is, "Why should I have to fix something that this landscape company did?".
I'm going to try to find another place to take over.
This is pure crap.
It will probably cost more, that is the problem.
After my husband died, I discovered I cannot collect his Social Security so my very low income status is now poverty level.
(21,450 posts)Dandy had great fun running through a field of them.
As proof, Dandy has the dandelion feet syndrome now!
(56,126 posts)understand even then "weeds" need attention, they are ever-present and persistent.
dandelions are pretty harmless and beat the hell out of goat heads (sharp thorns, aka puncture vine) or ridiculously tall weeds like amaranth (that also gets a little stickery).
(11,692 posts)As honey suckle. The invasive Italian and Canadian thistle has taken over most of the thistles' niche in the US. But the native thistle is much less invasive and more fragrant.
(21,450 posts)All he could talk about was being paid by a credit card.
Credit card.
Credit card.
At least $100 a month or more too!