Related: About this forumLook what I took out of Winter storage, today.
My Gardening Shoes!! Whoo Hoo!! It's going to be 60 degrees, for the next 3 days, so I'm getting out and doing some Winter debris clean up from the front and side flower beds. The Daffodils are budding, the Tulips and Day Lilies are popping up, the thyme and oregano are lush, the trees are all budding and my Butterfly Bush is putting out new growth. I am trying to limit my gardening activity, for now, to avoid getting too sore, after a Winter of low energy activities. However, it feels amazing to be able to be outside, walk around, and not worry about slipping on ice or trudging through 8" of snow.
Next on my agenda is starting my veg garden seeds and more herbs for my front herb garden.

(18,434 posts)I knew someone who left up the tree year round and just swapped out decorations to go with whatever Holiday was on hand. I actually kind of like that idea.
I do have multi colored solar lights in my front garden - they each individually change from red to blue to green to yellow so it does kind of look like I have holiday lights up, year round.
(3,988 posts)Transplanting and cloning.
(17,769 posts)

(27,446 posts)Maybe I should start expanding my 'herb' garden.
(6,672 posts)They have a large section now devoted to growing pot. Wow. Have times changed!
Beautiful looking plants, by the way.
(17,769 posts).... so you don't track up your beautiful floors. There is bound to be mud at Spring season start.
(27,446 posts)I was surprised at how thawed the front garden is, already. The back lot does require wellies, to do a proper walk around.
(10,424 posts)If the snow wasn't too deep, I wore them to take the dog out. I do have to say, I'm jealous that yours are appropriately green.
(27,446 posts)I've got several styles of rubber shoes, but the croc style is my favorite. REALLY comfy.
(95,902 posts)And it is still all over the work table half sorted, have to straighten that out today. I had to figure out what I'll be starting on Equinox day, that's about the earliest I can get things started and have them ready for mid to late May planting. Last year a lot of things, tomatoes especially, looked like they were barely able to make it when I put them in the ground feeling mercy for them to give them just a chance to grow, they ended up taking off in a day or two and were the best producers in the garden! This year I have upgraded my strategy and decided the 21st-22nd would do. I have limited starter space that gets direct sunlight so that is a major consideration too.
I can hardly wait to get going on the outdoor stuff but we aren't done with winter yet.
(23,208 posts)we still have 6 foot snowbanks around the house... my crocs are in a safe warm spot for a couple months
(27,446 posts)I remember one of the worst storms, when I was MUCH younger, happened right around Easter. All I care is that a week from Thursday the weather and roads are good because that's when I get my 2nd Pfizer jab, and I have to drive clear across to the other side of Flint to get it.
(23,208 posts)or maybe the 67... so long ago it is a blur... I lived in Lansing area and remember the snow plowed so that it felt like I was going through a tunnel in the road... I grew up in Michigan and know the weather is much like here... I still have daughter in Okemos and brother in Brighton so keep up on it...
congratulations on vaccination! and I hope the weather stays good
(112 posts)Here in the buckle of the Bible Belt, our last frost date is about April 1st. I'll probably plant outside somewhere around April 10th. I start peppers and tomatoes for myself, my Uncle and 3 friends, so I am currently sharing my cave with about 150 assorted plants...
Luv your Crocs! I've got a cheap knockoff pair that I've been kicking around in for about 15 yrs...
(27,446 posts)If the warmth takes hold early, I start putting in plants, but always have spares, just in case. I've had to wait until early June, a few years back, because of the ground being too wet.