Related: About this forumNo luck tonight in getting the kitten. At least not yet.
There were zero kitten sightings, today, which had me worried. Actually, zero kitcat activity. But right at 5:30 the crowd started to gather.
I always have a dish of kitten kibble at the back door because that's where the kittens hang out. I sat about 2 feet away from Scooter and the kitten while they ate. That's the closest I've gotten to Scooter when we're not in the side garden where I put the feeding station.
I have named the kitten Gwyn which is Welsh for white.
Little Gwyn's eye actually looks slightly better, although there is some weep present.
I won't give up, tonight, but it's still kind of dark when I go out to feed them in the morning (damn daylight savings time!!) so maybe the darkness, along with morning feeding crowd, will be distracting enough for me to make a good try. I'll have everything ready.

Polly Hennessey
(7,732 posts)When I lived in Las Vegas our HOA began having a feral cat problem. We traced it to a house where a lady named Rose lived. She never neutered/spayed her cats and let them roam free. When she died the house was sold and the cats were on their own. Several neighbors and, of course, me took notice and action. Long story short the neighborhood eventually had between 14 to 20 cats and they were happily reproducing. The trap/neuter/spay/release program was just beginning. From 2004 to 2015, we were diligent in our efforts. We found a Vet that would help us at cost. Around 2012 we realized we had been successful. The colony was contained. Many kittens were adopted, all were vaccinated, dental work done. I truly believe we had a healthy and, finally, controlled colony. It took us years. So keep up the great work and little Gwyn will soon be a very happy girl.
(27,448 posts)Today was a strange day because it was so feline free, outside.
But tonight her siblings didn't dash off when I stood by the window, which is a good sign. If I could get all three, I'd be ecstatic.
(64,116 posts)And healing vibes to kitten's eye. 💓💓💓