Related: About this forumThose we love, after 02.11.13. Post their pictures here.
The first picture thread is now locked because it was so popular. This one's purpose is the very same. Please post pictures of your pets. The ones you have now, the new ones that join you, and the ones that have Crossed Rainbow Bridge. Say as little or as much about them as you wish.
Post pictures of your pets here. Introduce us. There have been many pictures posted to the group in separate threads. Hopefully we can put them all here, too.
If one of yours has crossed The Bridge, maybe you will see this as a small way to honor them for their years of unconditional love and the joy they've brought you.

(52,795 posts)She is a silly ass dog, for sure. In our occasionally stressed out household, she is the one laugh we can all laugh together.
and she is pretty. . . !
And she OWNS US!
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)On her back, she's an ordinary goof ball. In that second picture she looks so prim, proper, and reserved.
(52,795 posts)Myrina
(12,296 posts)Max, a foster kid who decided after 48 hours he wasn't leaving my house (that was in 2008).
He went to the Bridge on 2-9-2013 at the age of 6, after a battle with Degenerative Myleopathy.
And his brother Bubba Ray LaBeagle, adopted in July 2005.
He went to the Bridge on 8-10-2011 at the grand old age of 14.
He's now showing Max where all the bunnies and squirrels hang out.
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)Myrina
(12,296 posts)Took me an act of G*d to get back into my Photobucket account ...
1. Grand ol' man Hank ... adopted in January 2000 at the age of 3 months. He's now 14. My world will probably end when he leaves me.
2. After Ray (in the post above) passed, I took in Porter P Bear, who was on death row for being 'aggressive'. He's a deaf barn dog that got adopted out to a woman with 3 small kids & cats. Bad fit, not his fault. He lives with my daughter now & they adore each other. He's actually totally zen.
3. When Porty moved in with my daughter, and Max (pictured in the post above) passed from DM, I adopted Coco(nut) from the rescue I used to foster for. ACD/Beagle mix like Hank. She has no idea how small she is & bosses the big dogs around with glee.
4. And this past summer, I took in Hammy, who was also on the kill-list because he's got bad back knees & in need of expensive surgery. He settled right in & I re-named him Homer J because he's not the brightest bulb and has a serious sweet tooth. We think he's Pit/Shepherd mix, but not sure.
Add in about a dozen random Beagle fosters from a local rescue over the years, and Phew!!
(79,173 posts)passed on a few years ago.

I miss Norman.

Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)Our only remaining cats are Murray, who is actually my younger son's, and his sister Cosmo, who is la dolce vita in Florida with my ex. My ex who never wanted a cat. They're now inseparable.
Murray and Cosmo are litter mates. As kittens they were inseparable. When Cosmo matured (we wanted her to have one estrus) she suddenly stopped playing with Murray. Since that day, they could be together without very serious hissing fighting.
Murray defines mellow. If Cosmo were a dog, it be much easier to call her what she'd become. She wound up, fat and happy, living anti socially with ex down in Florida, keeping the lizard population in the lanai in check.
Engineered Karmic Affinity, I call it.
(13,026 posts)Crook's a cutie too..Wish I couldve met them.
(2,649 posts)Badir
Major Tom
(7,784 posts)in June. I'm still inconsolable. So many times I've started a memorial thread for her in this forum, because I know all of you here will understand, but I've never been able to get through it without breaking down.
Eventually I will be able to create that thread... but for now, on this Valentine's Day, I'll just post one picture in tribute to the purest love I've ever known.
July 30, 1997 - June 29, 2012
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)passiveporcupine
(8,175 posts)My sister has one who looks just like this and he is so precious. They are very special dogs. I'm so sorry for your loss.
(5,362 posts)For your loss. Her beauty shines on.
(1,336 posts)

We adopted Patsy in 1996 and I named her for my favorite TV character, Patsy, from Absolutely Fabulous.
Patsy was such a character, vocal and in her younger days, very athletic. She could climb a 6 foot cement block fence with ease, especially during softball/baseball season. She would head over to the fields across the street from our house and hang out begging for nachos and hot dogs.
We were told when we adopted her that she was a pitbull mix. I didn't see it, but that is what we were told. We finally did DNA testing; Boxer, Golden retriever and Samoyed.
Patsy was the best foster mom to every dog we have ever brought into our home. She was gentle, loving and patient. She loved to have a plush/squeaker toy and would just carry them around with her and tease you with them.
I miss Patsy very much but am glad I had the honor of being her mommy for so many years.
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)Those pictures tell the story of a life well loved. Doggie love is a verb. They love us.
Patsy looks like the dog who prefers the sunshiny part of the meadow by The Bridge.
Be well, Patsy.
(1 post)I am very grateful to be able to post and share about my beloved Iris who passed in 2010 on Christmas Eve in my arms. It's hard to believe just how close one can be to animals. It's about the only thing in life you can trust. The unconditional love a dog. My Iris, an American Bulldog/Pitbull mix, adopted me while volunteering at the ASPCA. She came in to the shelter, for the 3rd time around. Her newest owner said that she bit his daughter. According to the women there who knew this dog, she was incapable of biting any human, especially children whom she adored. We found out the real reason later....a baby was on way.
Iris, severely abused and at deaths door when first found, was used as a breeder for fighting dogs. When she had had enough, and refused to let a male mount her, she was kicked and beaten and left to die on the basement floor.
Weary of strangers, it took many days of gentle coaxing, but she came to trust me, and I saw this dogs potential. I took her home for the weekend to introduce her to my daughter, Caitlynn, and son Benjamin. It was love at first sight. We knew that she was meant for us.
Losing so many puppies, the vet guessed she had about 14 litters, she was possessively attached to soft, squeaky toys, and one was forever in her mouth. I decided to get Iris a puppy. I brought home with me a rescue Pomeranian, about 8 weeks old. When I set the pup down in front of her, she looked up at me, puzzled. She sniffed the female pup and then all was lost. She whined so deep in throat I thought it almost sounded human. She immediately began licking and nuzzling the puppy, whining softly with each gentle tongue swipe. It was pure, unadulterated love. She never picked the squeaky toy again.
We were blessed with Iris for 3 very short years when she was diagnosed with cancer. And when it was time for her to go, I held her in my arms as the doctor administered the anesthesia. Her beautiful golden eyes never left mine as she slowly faded away. As my tears fell on her pure white fur, I never felt such a deep, gnawing pain when her eyes shut for the last time. Even the vet, who did this all the time, cried.
I'll never forget this dog, as long as I live. When it's my time to go, I know she will be there waiting for me. On the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. I miss you Iris, you good dog, you...

That was a beautiful tribute to Iris. Welcome to DU and thank you for rescuing Iris. I am glad she was loved. I have a soft spot for pits.
(71,265 posts)
(72,300 posts)[img][/img]
(27,985 posts)Sam the Great as a pup (black pit) with Spot (the cat)
and all growed up:
Cocoa who was severly abused as a puppy:
Simone who we rescued as a tiny lil thing and passed a week after Cocoa, very young and unexpectedly:
Progressive dog
(7,415 posts)From a GSD rescue
Progressive dog
(7,415 posts)The best dog ever.
Walk away
(9,494 posts)Kablooie
(18,846 posts)
Kira is 14 years old and getting thin, slow and hard of hearing.
But she still loves saying hello to every single person she meets on walks.
Granny M
(1,395 posts)These are some of our happiest memories with Sam. He was a very well travelled dog - born in Ireland, then moved with us to Holland, spent time in France, and then moved back to Ireland for his last years. In his travels, he has been to England, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, and Italy, as well as France and the Netherlands. We loved having him with us.
(18,185 posts)I love the pic with the cows, he must have had a big personality.
Granny M
(1,395 posts)We still miss him, even after our Molly joining the family. Thanks for checking out Sam's pics.
(3,273 posts)chacho
Little Bess
(5,227 posts)She was my best bud for 20 years.
<img src="" title="Hosted by"/></a>
<img src="" title="Hosted by"/></a>
(68,918 posts)OrwellwasRight
(5,227 posts)
(20,582 posts)and I won't post their pictures, because it seems to get harder instead of easier to see them right now, for some reason. So ... here is my Obie, who I got from the Humane Society a few months ago. He's the sweetest, gentlest, most intuitive, silly, goofy dog and I am forever grateful to the HS for taking in and adopting out these angels.
Obie chillin in the back yard today, Aug. 29.
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)He looks like the quintessential dog's dog. Happy, confident, unfazed, and a schmoozer.
(20,582 posts)Of course I'm a little biased, but he's really just a perfect companion and I love him to death. He does have his faults though .... he's a digger! I just spent nearly a full day filling in holes big enough to bury me lying down in. He gets hot and digs them to lay in and keep cool I think .. but really, what dog needs 7 holes?? He's a little put-out in those pictures because he watched me, looking completely disgusted that I was undoing all his hard work.
Your dog looks like a big friendly pooch. He's just beautiful and I love the tricolor coat.
(35,015 posts)I posted a picture of my sweet puppy. He didn't make it into these photo threads (started after that time) so I'll do a compilation here.
First lab rescue back in 2000 (we sadly lost her in 2008):
Second lab rescue (he was a senior dog and passed away in 2010):
Third lab is a purebred - we bought him from the original owner (yellow/red - 3 yrs old) & Fourth lab rescue is the chocolate (she is about 2):
As you can see I have a preference for labs.
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts). . . . can I assume you have a fondness for Labs?
(35,015 posts)labs and horses.
(26,193 posts)An amazingly sweet and adorable kitty, whose adventurous spirit took her one trip too far.
Hope you find lots of squeaky toys, canned food, and laps, across the Rainbow Bridge, dear one. We will always remember, and miss you!
(68,918 posts):'(
What a beautiful face.
(26,193 posts)I still miss her terribly! I won't get another kitty...only feeding the coyotes in our remote valley. I feel quite guilty, in fact.
Next up: some sort of little rat terrier from the humane society who can help with the rodent population! Dogs are more easily contained in our outdoor pen, and come when called...unlike kitties...
Thanks for the love.
(2,670 posts)This is Vanilla yes these are the names that happen when you allow a 9 year old to name an all white cat. Sadly I didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked with her. Because my mom moved to Florida and I was still in NY at the time. She died in 2010 and whats weird is she had been sick ahile but held out until I came to visit and she died the second day I was there.
My current cat is Van Gogh he got that name because part of his ear is missing. I found him winter time about 4 years ago when I was moving into my new apartment and he was very loving and sweet and a little malnourished. So I figured he was cold and hungry I'd take him in and here we are 4 years later.
(68,918 posts)When my husband was small, they rescued a black and white cat after his soccer game. He wanted to name him "Soccer." He ended up being "Merlin 1."
Kudos to you for allowing a 9 year old the honor of naming.
(347 posts)I don't always look like this, my mom woke me up from a deep puppy sleep.
(68,918 posts)Happy Belated Birthday little one!
(18,185 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 4, 2014, 07:19 PM - Edit history (2)
He is our 4th beagle, a rescue.
(29,798 posts)Health tragedies in her human family brought 2 y/o Kd to us. She comes from an urban environment with little chance for exercise so she's a bit plump at the moment.
She's integrating extremely well with everyone else. Here she is helping check the mail with Lucy a white 5y/o and Alan a brown 13y/o.
Judging by the amount of time it spends out of her mouth and her clownish nature, I didn't think anyone could properly appreciate her beauty without a sample of 'The Tongue'.
Seeing her discover the joys of space, romping and exercise provides perhaps one of the most deeply pleasurable things I've experienced in years.
(38,540 posts)[URL=.html][IMG]
She went to dog heaven last August.
Kermitt Gribble
(1,855 posts)I adopted Gertie from a local rescue this past January. She is a Beagle mix and about 11 months old now.
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)Molly loved to mulch sticks. This is one of her last, taken just a few days ago. I miss all my dogs, but I shall miss this one most of all.
(50,130 posts)RIP Molly. You were dearly loved.
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)This is our new 2 year old GSD rescue.
(8,159 posts)Sorry but I've never tried here.
Can I just cut and paste?
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)It needs to be on the intertubes someplace. DU does not host them. If it is an image that is just out there on the 'net someplace, just copy the image's URL (NOT the image itself) and paste it into your post. Voila! Picture.
If it is your own image, then you first need to get it on the internet. Most people use Photobucket, but any image storing/sharing site will work. Upload the picture there and then, from that site, copy the image's URL and paste it here.
Hope that helps.
(8,159 posts)I will give it a try
(15,359 posts)I posted about her awhile back but never got around to getting any pics up until now. Her latest trick/game is leaping on my back about any time she can get the drop on me! It's a good thing she won't ever be a real big kitty! We'll see how that goes over with Sassy next time she visits. She thinks it's funny but might not when the little stinker does it to her!
Here we have her laying there looking pretty and savagely attacking the toy mouse on her scratching post!
Granny M
(1,395 posts)We adopted her last year after Sam went to the Rainbow Bridge. It's about time I got her picture here. We love her so much.
Look at that face, she is so sweet. I've had cocker spaniels and English Springer spaniels and they are active and a lot of fun. Is Molly a King Charles?
Granny M
(1,395 posts)She has become such a precious part of our family, nearly 2 years after her rescue. So gentle and happy. She has such a huge desire to please.
(7 posts)I have been on DU for less than an hour and already love this place! I can't wait to show off the little feral cat I befriended and tamed. A year ago she was completely wild. Now she sleeps on our bed every night and "shadows" us every day. A complete transformation! Jay
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)Our newest GSD.
(7,822 posts)
He's 5. Very sweet, with a lot of character. Adopted him from the Humane Society when he was a kitten. He's been so much fun, and one of the smartest cats I've had or been around. Plus, since I first got him he's loved to play fetch.
(13,026 posts)just adorable. My Kitty Othello taught me he likes to play
(5,253 posts)[link:[url=][img][/img][/url][url=]Koto curled in his chair[/url]
(38,540 posts)
(5,253 posts)Life just isn't right without him (despite the four other cats).
(24,146 posts)she crossed the bridge on 3/4 and i miss her terribly
(38,540 posts)Filmed in 2009. We adopted her in 2004. She passed in 2013.
(25,381 posts)
(38,540 posts)
(25,381 posts)
Got her as a kitten in Taiwan and brought her home to Minneapolis. Crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2004 at age 16.
(38,540 posts)
(10,129 posts)
I'm working on getting set up for a chameleon next.
(1,571 posts)My Stella crossed the bridge about 8 weeks ago. She was 16 years old. She found us in Alabama as an orphan when she was a pup. She was the queen of everything for 15 years. She had an amazing life that traced across the gulf south to the mountain west to Australia. I'm not a religious man, but for her, I hope the bridge is there when I pass because I will be looking for my girl.
(25,059 posts)This is my 20-pound baby Max (bigger doesn't always mean better) right before Christmas this past year. He's 8 years old now:
This is Ruby, Max's mom, the sweet little old lady cat. She's even polite enough to sit at the table for her catnip tea:
(60,015 posts)One of the few animals who captured all of my heart, totally.
Known for his constant unconditional love, and great demand for snuggles.
Also impressive homicidal rages at the vet's office.
(24,351 posts)
(153,050 posts)Well done, my dear Bayard.
(838 posts)[img][/img]
Baby and me have been together for 16 years!
(6,603 posts)died quite suddenly this morning. We knew he had a heart murmer, but you'd never have known it - he lived life at full tilt boogie, using the inner rectangle of halls on our house as his personal race track. Sometimes he'd kick his small tennis ball, sometimes he'd just race.
He was the sweetest of our cats, very affectionate, chirper not a meower. He loved watching bird videos so much we bought him one for Christmas, he and I spent hours watching them together, because he expected my commentary.
He lived fully to the last minute, when he just laid down...and died. We are bereft without you, sweetie pie, you lovable french rascal.
(60,901 posts)First came Zoe - rescued from a shelter in 1990, left us on August 7 2006. Incredible with a frisbee or tennis ball...sweet as can be.
Then came Buddy - rescued from a vet by us January 16, 2004, he left us on September 16, 2016.
He was best pals with Mocha - given to us (answered a newspaper ad!) - full name Mocha Latte XXXVI (just Mocha to us - she was NOT a snob) - born May 2, 2004, into our lives on July 24, 2004, and said her goodbyes on December 11, 2017.
This is the blog I made when Mocha left us
We had the amazing Kip - a rescue, who had a feral mom, from June 18. 2010 until July 14, 2017.
Kip was joined by two rescues - Sam, the grey and white, on August 26, 2011, and Pico, the white and black, on December 21, 2012. Sam and Pico are now our fur family.
(18,470 posts)Morgan left us five years ago today.
Still miss the old girl. She would have been 13 if she was still with us.
(37,047 posts)lymphoma last Friday.
One thing that has helped me deal with the pain, guilt, and the horrible decision to terminate his life while he was still determined to come home but had no hope of improving, was to read, on a vet site: "You were unwilling to prolong his distress in order to postpone your own." Maybe it will help someone else.
Thank you for this thread.
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)We've lost most to natural causes but have also put down three. It is a hard decision when looked at from our perspective. For them, it is never soon enough.
We pay the (emotional) price for them being in our lives at the end.
I wish you peace.
(37,047 posts)I am sorry about your losses. I am sure each one of your pets had a wonderful life with you.
(1,278 posts)I consider him my Puppy, though he is currently 5 years old. This is DJ, a German Shepherd Good Boi.
(36,165 posts)I lost my neurotic Mini who had the stenchy breath of an open grave a few years ago to old age and cancer and I swore back then I'd never get another pet to replace her....
Time's moved on and I've relented and Bridget the West Highland Terrier came into my life. I still miss Mini but Bridget is filling the void and being just as destructive as Mini used to be...
Bridget loves eating anything she can find even though she has the world's most sensitive digestive system.
Helping with the gardening...
(1,517 posts)
(3,710 posts)This is Ollie, I was given the gift of his love for 8 years. He left us too soon, but we feel blessed to have been his guardians.
(13,026 posts)When I finally got my computer Othello was curious Took the pic while looking through the phone on my computer. I think it was a neat shot.
(79,173 posts)Tegan has more white on her chest. They were born late september 2019
(13,026 posts)Rustle




Not a day goes by I don't think of them.
They've each crossed the bridge at least 10 years ago. But still my heart aches for them.
I hope I can scoop them all into my arms again,and fit Othello in there too when he crosses(Sekhmet protect him).
I would not be in paradise if all my cats
I've known in my life are not there.
(1,351 posts)My beautiful Samantha.
I will miss you forever.
(229,036 posts)

(2,194 posts)
She was diagnosed with feline leukemia as a kitten. We took her in and kept her going for quite a while longer than expected. She was as sweet as she was beautiful. One time she caught a mole in the garden and brought it up to the door. She was so proud. My wife (a Veterinarian) put her down today. She was struggling to breathe and had lost weight due to lymphoma. We just couldn't stand to see her suffer. I just buried her in our flower bed where she liked to hang out. She had the most stunning eyes. Rest Peacefully Smudge.
(24,876 posts)goodbye Lula, my 15yo mini-Aussie
your deeds of valor and infamy will be remembered
(52,637 posts)I can't post pictures on my tablet but my baby was the cutest, sweetest, smartest, est behaved, loving treasure that ever existed. I still cry every day, seriously I am crying right now thinking about how HAPPY I was with her and how miserable I have been every second since she died 120 weeks ago.
She visits me sometimes but not as often as she used to, this makes me sad. I also know my dad, who died 1 year before she did, is taking care of her until I can get to them. I have seen and heard this in person, first hand several times. Same goes with my first baby who died. For weird stuff to happen to you personally as often as I have you can't ignore it. There definitely is something after death. I know it. I am an atheist too.
Annie Moosee
(123 posts)This is so deeply touching. And a precious tribute to your love.
The other day on NPR; I heard a sort-of “corrective” regarding grief:
There never was supposed to be a “5 stages of grief” - it was “5 stages of death/ dying”; how it got conflated w grief is uncertain.
Freud had at one point expressed disdain for communal / societal rituals to grief. After his daughter and (later) her son died, he felt his earlier (& kinda judgmental) attitude was mistaken.
And most importantly: the getting “over” grief idea is a bit silly. Grief and sorrow changes us, just living changes us, so why wouldn’t grief? With the love & time & luck.... we can remember our beloved ones with more joy than pain.
That said, I sometimes still collapse with grief and guilt over my beloved Aria’s death. 15 + years later.
The pup that helped me to keep going in life back then is now finally sleeping comfortably tonight, with her precious head on my hand in bed. The current arctic blast, bomb cyclone stuff has made me very concerned for any of my spoiled sofa hogs going outside (in Tennessee, so not even in the worst of it). It’s 5:30ish, and she woke me twice this night: once in her disquiet over where she wanted to sleep (picky, her!) and then when she finally decided she had to go outside. (Every moment a concern)
But now her head is on my hand. How can I possibly get up to go potty when she is so very content? My dear little doggo monster...
(52,637 posts)I suffer from grief, not depression and everyone's grief is different. Everyone's grieving process is also different I am learning. My friend's mom died the same year as my dad but my dad's was sudden and a shock as opposed to the end of a long illness. We both reacted differently and have grieved differently.
My dogs were my children. That says it all. One of my doctors lost his 16 year old dog over a year after I lost mine and he and his wife are equally devastated. They are not going to get another dog and neither will I. Every night I speak to my little girlie and try to remember how she smelled, looked, felt, and sounded. There a permanent piece of mistletoe above her spot.
I know exactly how wonderful just having that warm, soft puppy head resting on you the the best feeling in the entire world and I miss it but am also glad that you cherish while you can.
Dogs would only live long enough if they lived infinitely. There is never enough time when you and your dog are souls in love. I am glad when she/her spirit "visits" me as she did 3 mornings ago, the first time in a few months. At first I questioned if what I heard was her sound (she would whine to wake me up) and it repeated right away so I know that was her. Isn't that cool?!? I'd much rather be with her "in person" and I wonder if she will by my puppy when I cross over to join her. Are there relationships on the other side? Another question I will have to wait for. I do want to continue being her mommy and taking care of one another.
Thank you for your sweet thoughts. It touched me and I am crying (again).
Response to Stinky The Clown (Original post)
dawn5651 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(680 posts)burn marks, one on each ear. after treatment his ears have healed and he is no longer standoffish. i have to wonder what makes a kitten scared of human touch.
Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)I'm glad he is now with you and finding peace and security
(680 posts)awhile getting to this point....he is loved and he knows it and he might be a bit spoiled.
(26,193 posts)[url=][img][/img][/url]
(36,631 posts)It's a tough time when we lose a friend. Lost my "Big Dog" in 2020 and spent 3 months just sorting pictures of him.
(26,193 posts)3 months, huh....
(3,416 posts)Last October… gets better, but I really miss him. I made up a little song I used to sing to him and my dog Lucky….both of their names are in the song….I still find myself singing it on occasion and abruptly stop myself and tear up. It will get better, but you will find yourself tearing up from time to time. I’m thinking of you and wishing you continued strength. 💕❤️
(26,193 posts)Have you gotten another dog?
(3,416 posts)speak. Lucky misses his brother, they were together for 11 years. Lucky looked for Markie for several weeks after he died. Fortunately, we are always home so Lucky has us as a distraction. When it feels right, I won’t hesitate to save another pup. Markie was a beautiful, black, chihuahua/terrier mix….such a sweet little boy. Take care ❤️?🩹💕
(764 posts)

Stinky The Clown
(68,529 posts)Our second ShihTzu, she is just 8 weeks old. Her human mom calls her Miss SassyPants.
We are driving to meet her tomorrow . . . . and bring her home.
"Excited" doesn't say it!
(764 posts)I don't think a lot of people follow this.
Response to Stinky The Clown (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed