Related: About this forumI have declared Armageddon on the flea situation
I've done a whole lot of reading. Seems citrus, vinegar and baking soda are great flea removers. I just bought a gallon of cider vinegar and 2 bags of baking soda to go with what's left of a giant bag I already have. I'm putting vinegar in all of their water - indoor and outdoor, and I am going to spread a whole lot of baking soda next to the house where the flea situation is out of control. I'm also going to increase the spreading of food grade diatomaceous earth.
Then comes the lawn treatment.
I did ask the guy at Home Depot if they sold flame throwers. Apparently they don't. Or if they do, the look in my eyes told him he'd best deny it.
I have topicals for the indoor kidcats and am ordering a 'pill gun' so that I can dose them up with something like Capstar. It's safer to hand feed a lion than it is to try and give these vicious beasties a pill. And, no, pill pockets don't work. Unfortunately.

(3,633 posts)The guy at Lowe’s should have told you to check Lowe’s online if he didn’t have any in stock. Maybe give them a call and see if you get the same answer! Lowe’s website has many offerings. Stay safe and I hope things get better soon!
(1,178 posts)Have you heard of beneficial nematodes? These bad boys work great! Flea Destroyer is one brand. These babies feast on flea eggs. There’s about 10 million of these babies in a package. Mix in a hose sprayer and have at it. Won’t hurt you, the environment of your fur babies.
Diatomaceous Earth for inside. Works great on fleas, roaches, etc. sprinkle on floors near entrances and along walls. Won’t hurt you or fur babies.
Both are available at most feed stores and Amazon.
Our first doxie was allergic to fleas. It was terrible. Vet recommended both and worked like a charm. Takes a little while but they both work without hurting the environment, you or the babies.
Good luck!👍
(27,440 posts)If I see some lessening I'll make sure to always stock up.
May take a few days but we saw zero fleas in about a week or so.
(3,633 posts)Siwsan
(27,440 posts)One with vinegar, water and lavender oil and one with just a vinegar water mix. Also have a bottle of spray that contains cedarwood oil. That seems to work pretty well. I meant to buy a bottle of lemon juice. I'll try to remember that, tomorrow.
I picked up several botanical type flea repellants. I also picked up a can of Raid flea killer that I will use on the enclosed porch because I can block that off until the spray does its thing.
AND I'm ordering some flea traps from Amazon.
This is an absolutely nightmarish situation, that's for sure. I was talking to someone while was at the check out counter, this morning. He lost an entire litter of kittens, too.
As much as I hate Winter, I hope we get a good, solid freeze with this next one. Meanwhile I'll keep dosing the outdoor babies with vinegar and comb any that will let me.
(95,797 posts)I am sure you will see results, hopefully sooner than later.
One thing you might look for when you go to get lemon juice... I don't know how much a bottle of the stuff costs but there is a product I have been using for years that I like because it really has a great flavor. It's crystalized lemon juice called TRUE Lemon, it isn't expensive and might give you more bang for your buck.
I like other ideas made in this thread, I'm sure you will have things under control soon.
(27,440 posts)I just tried to put a topical on the kidcats. I managed Arthur and Sian but that was a struggle. Now the rest know what's up and they are hiding.
I struggle to even comb Madoc. I don't want to even think about how hard it will be to apply that topical. Gryff semi-cooperates to getting combed but the instant that topical hits him he goes into full on claws out, shred mom, got to escape mode. I tried to switch him to a pill but it's not easy tricking him into taking it. Not fun. Carys is still so reclusive that I have to get her to take a pill. I can usually hide one in her food.
I am going to order a 'pill shooter' from Amazon.
It's not even 10am and I'm already feeling defeated. My brother gets back on Friday and he has LOADS of experience with felines. I'm going to BEG him to come by next weekend to help me. I am just so frustrated and exhausted that I want to start crying again and I'm so tired of crying.
When I finish mowing the lawn I'm going to pour a glass of wine and take a long soak in a lavender intense bath. Hopefully that will hit the reset button.
(95,797 posts)Some CBD in tea or something, it will help calm you. Don't feel defeated, you have armed yourself well, you just need to refresh yourself and observe pacing before charging into battle.
You'll be fine, the troops are returning soon, you have the weapons and ammunition, battles are fought one by one so don't press yourself into think you have to do it all now even though expediency is needed. You can't fight all the battles if you wear yourself out on the first salvo.
(122,520 posts)like a most excellent idea.
Your Horror Story (and I do know it is a horror story!!) reminds me of when I was in Fl. . We had a problem, although not anywhere near as bad as what you are experiencing. I was told about a wonderful essential oil combo (pennyroyal and others) that one mixed with borax (yes, that stuff on the top shelf in the laundry section!), and spread on carpeting, and any cloth furniture. Took a while, but it did work. I was just so grateful that my kitties were older.
Sending lots of love and healing vibes.
(27,440 posts)Also the pill shooter and some flea prevention chewables. Heck, they are worth the try.
I do remember seeing Borax at the store. When I go back I'm definitely going to pick some up. I just did a major dusting with baking soda in the east side garden, by the house, which is where there's the heaviest infestation. All of the water in the dishes all contain vinegar. I might mix a little in their food, too.
Also might try dabbing ALL of the fur babies with some lavender oil.
OK, I'm going to get the mowing done, look for some more garlic, and then head to the bathtub. After that I'm going to take the rest of the day off.
(122,520 posts)about lavender not being safe around kits, which was something entirely new to me.
If it's not one thing, it's another!!!
Great on those darn flyin Pametto bugs. Those suckers scare me to death. Two inch long flying roaches. Uck.
So glad I don’t live in the Houston area anymore.
(23,081 posts)One of our rooms developed a horrendous infestation seemingly overnight. I read about sprinkling salt on the carpet so I tried it.
It was so bad that when I walked into the room, my feet were covered! It was like one day nothing and the next day an army
Anyway, the instructions were to liberally cover the carpet with ordinary table salt, close off the room and leave it closed for 3 days. I went back in on the 4th day and no fleas. After reaching that point, the instructions were to vacuum the carpet a couple of times and toss the bag afterwards. It worked!!! I think the heavy dose of salt dehydrated them and the eggs too. Since I am certain that a lot of the salt remained in the carpet it must have continued to dehydrate the eggs.
I found a spray at Target which contained lavendar and other organic things. It was designed to hook up to the hose and spray outside. I did the whole foundation and that helped enormously.
I am going to get some diatomecious (sp) earth for inside my house for the damn roaches. One of the trials of living in the hot South - the Jurassic level roaches!!! Thanks for that great tip!!! The damn things come down our chimney.
(1,178 posts)To vacuum every day and immediately empty vacuum cleaner/throw away bag. Then immediately take it to the trash can.
I hear ya on the roaches!
(846 posts)If any of your cats have kidney disease it can be fatal. I can't remember the dosage cats can tolerate, but it can also cause stomach upset. I'm sure your vet can tell you what dosage to use. Good luck!
(27,440 posts)Apparently it doesn't really take much to have an impact.
I am truly at a point of desperation, right now. When I say there is an infestation, I'm understating the problem. This is truly a nightmarish situation.
(846 posts)
You are a knowledgeable and careful animal companion mom, Siwsan. You need to do what you think is right. Take care, my friend, and be well.