Related: About this forumAlmost finished with the first of a SERIES of flea killing lawn treatments
I just have to move the sprinkler, one more time. Then I'll see if I notice an actual difference. Tomorrow will be cloudy and Wednesday we get rain. I'm shooting for Thursday to give the lawn another dose, depending on what I see (or don't see).
I'm going to spray the screened in porch with Raid flea killer, which is something I'd never use in the house, but I also know I probably need something strong for out there. I did COVER the deck with food grade diatomaceous earth. The inside furniture and floors are getting the same treatment, today.
At least I now know how bad the situation is so I won't be carrying them back in to the house with me. I do a very thorough brush down and inspection before coming back inside and wearing light colored clothes to make those bastards easier to spot.

(122,520 posts)I'm trying to get everything done before the temperatures heat up. It's supposed to be about 87, today.
The flea traps are supposed to be here by 10, tonight. Those will give me the best indication of how much of a problem I have in the house. I did try a DIY one (dish of soapy water with a candle in the middle to attract fleas at night) but those are kind of chancy with curious fur babies roaming free.
Then I read about one that is just soapy water left where you think fleas might be hanging around. That seems to be working too, so I'm going to put a few more of those out.
Those little bastards failed to comprehend the intense tenacity of the human with whom they have chosen to harass.
(1,861 posts)I get the powder online, about 40 grams or so, and I give it to them all once a week, and that is enough to keep 14 cats' flea free for a while.
Nitenpyram kills all fleas, and most ticks, but it is good for only 24 hours. Lufenuron is used for monthly control.
They need 15 mg and that is about a BB's worth. Very small amount. I actually put a bit more in all of the wet food.
I have 6 indoor and 8 outdoor cats that I feed daily and none of them are scratching. If they do, I give another treatment.
(10,447 posts)Diraven
(1,288 posts)No amount of lawn and house treatments worked. The only thing that finally got rid of it was getting all our dogs on flea medicine.
(5,009 posts)for good reason. I once killed a kitten trying to get rid of a huge infestation of fleas on her. That was almost 50 years ago, and the pain of it is still with me as fresh as if it was yesterday.
I know you've just lost so many of the wee ones lately to fleas, Siwsan. I wish you all the best wishes I can muster for you. I'm lucky that the worst I've got to deal with here are small ants and those little beer flies. I'm trying to fight them -and- make peace with what little success I have. But I am so afraid of pesticides that I won't use anything not approved for pets and kids in the house. I have 9 cats that are my babies, all inside cats, who have an outdoor catio of which many of them make good use. I also have a dog the size of a pony who's inside/outside, but always fenced in our yard. Lately, with the coming of my grandson for an extended visit, I also have a guinea pig. But he's got his own cage and room... the only room in the house that doesn't have a cat door... MOST frustrating for the cats! (LOL)
I wanted to give you my condolences on your recent losses. I don't know how you could bear up under the loss of three of them to fleas, and I commend your tenacity in getting rid of the buggers. Much love to you and your brood... you're in my thoughts... even my hubby recognizes your name now, since I've talked about you so often to him!... and he doesn't remember much of anything these days. His baby goes into the vet for a checkup on the 15th. We're worried about cancer with her. So you're not alone in fighting all the things that afflict our most loved babies. {{hugs}} to you and yours!
(1,178 posts)It’s a hard fought battle but I believe you are beginning to win. 👏
(2,938 posts)I have read that when applied indoors, it should be swept into the surface of carpets, and also I to seams between floor boards, and into the bottoms of baseboards. Leave in place for a week or more if you can. It is annoying to walk through, but fleas hatch over a cycle and the product needs to be left in place long enough to kill the eggs and larvae. I wish you the best of luck. A flea infestation is miserable to deal with. I hate the little vampires!