Related: About this forumHe has chosen a name!
Meet Oberon:
We were going through a list of celestial baby names and he really responded to it. It's the first name suggestion I've gotten meows for, and he later came to the bedroom when I called it. Had to double check the play real quick to make sure the ol' Fairy King wasn't a total a-hole like I remember. Conclusion: kind of an a-hole but not evil, so we are good.
Called Mom and she thought I said Obi-wan, lol! I was so focused on moons and Shakespeare plays that it didn't even occur to me. He does happen to be my favorite Star Wars character so that makes the name even better. And my little guy is definitely a Jedi with the feather on a stick.
More pics of Obie!
Going to do a close up series of how fabulous he looks on all the different rugs in the house.
Watching the attic door. I have to hide his feather on a stick toy in there because he is obsessed with it! Had it on top of a tall bookshelf and caught him trying to climb up to get it yesterday.

Ocelot II
(123,364 posts)Dear_Prudence
(846 posts)That is a great name. 👍
(1,587 posts)My heart just melts over these gorgeous precious cats. I'm caring for 3 of them 😁
(51,041 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,198 posts)You have there, surely a descendant of Royalty.
(846 posts)What a beautiful, clever boy!
(5,357 posts)because it doesn't roll off the tongue easily and has 3 syllables. But, he chose and likes it.
Been playing with some nicknames and hoping he accepts Bee.
(846 posts)He is such a handsome young man. I'm so happy you found each other!
(122,508 posts)3catwoman3
(26,264 posts)Why is part of his tail shaved?
(5,357 posts)From what they told me at the shelter it sounds like he came from a chaotic home that was on the verge of becoming a pet hoarding situation.
He's settled in so quickly and well here! I think he's enjoying the peace and quiet and not having to compete for food (or be bullied away from the dish by other cats– something 'off' was going on with food at his old house and it wasn't healthy for him. He's already gaining some needed weight!)
He's very happy here, has really come out of his shell, and I'm so pleased and grateful for that. He's such a little sweet pea
(19,594 posts)I played Hermia in a college production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, so that play has a special place in my heart.
The way I remember Oberon is sort of snarky, mischievous, and a bit self-absorbed, but not really malicious or evil. I think it's a great cat name, and it suits your little guy perfectly!
(5,357 posts)I was reading up on Oberon in mythology earlier (I thought he was just a character created by Shakespeare! ) and laughed at this description of his personality:
“He does what he pleases and will not tolerate interference with his plans.”
How very cat-like!
There’s lots of cool stuff in here:
(846 posts)My husband and I got him from a lady whose first language was not English and tried to name him for Opie from The Andy Griffith Show. One of the sweetest cats ever. Give your sweet boy some pets from me! Take care.
(23,078 posts)The other one was a very handsome gray Maine Coon
He owned an artist in Florida and she posted pictures of him all the time.
I have not seen any posts from her in years, but Oberon was a favorite. (She called him Obie)