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(27,446 posts)Beaumaris and Conwy, in particular, are spectacular.
(25,771 posts)but health and more importantly finances (a lack thereof) mean that it will never happen
(27,446 posts)I wandered into one of the turrets. It was pretty dark but nothing more. Then I wandered into another. I was only a few feet into it when a sudden really dreadful feeling overcame me, and I turned on my heel and practically ran out.
When I look at photos of the castle, I can bring that feeling right back up from my memories.
I've sensed a lot of things while wandering around through castles, those in ruins, and those not, but that was the strongest vibe, ever.
(4,192 posts)Edward gets the name recognition but if it weren't for the taxes and labor of the commoners, where would he or any of the royals be. Vision, architecture, engineering and a whole lot of hard, hard's all needed to build such lasting monuments.