Sequester stops Philly cops from arresting pot smokers (video)
Oh the humanity! It’s an odd video, taken a few days ago on April 20 in Philadelphia, otherwise known was 4/20 – or 420, which is code/slang for smoking marijuana. At the exact hour of 4:20pm, the crowd lit up marijuana joints, as a protest against anti-pot laws.
Some police in Pennsylvania are asked to get involved when some protesters are smoking pot in a federal park. The guy is quite incensed about it – the cops, not so much. His particular concern is that they’re doing it around small kids.
Somehow, I think the kids will be just fine passing by a group of protesters just as the kids are just fine passing by anyone who may be drinking a beer. It’s not the end of the world, except for one whiny guy.
Interestingly, the cops, or whoever they are, seem oddly disinterested in doing anything about the pot smoking. They keep telling the guy that the pot smokers have a protest permit. He keeps responding, they have a permit to smoke pot? LOL