Drug Policy
Related: About this forum52% of Rhode Island Voters Support Legalizing and Regulating Marijuana Like Alcohol
http://justsaynow.firedoglake.com/2012/02/03/52-of-rhode-island-voters-support-legalizing-and-regulating-marijuana-like-alcohol/Of those polled, an overwhelming 65% supported decreasing the penalties for simple possession of less than an ounce of marijuana by removing the possibility of jail time and making the offense a civil citation. Such a change received support from across the political spectrum, with 73% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans, and 60% of independents in favor of the measure. Two bills, H 7092 and S 2253, have been introduced in the Rhode Island House and Senate to remove the threat of arrest and jail for personal possession of less than an ounce of marijuana.
A majority of Rhode Islanders would like to go beyond the reforms proposed by H 7092 and S 2253. Of those polled, 52% would like to see all penalties for personal possession and use of marijuana removed and marijuana treated in a manner similar to alcohol, where it would be taxed, regulated, and sold in state-licensed stores to adults over the age of 21. This idea also received bipartisan support and was backed by 55% of Democrats and 54% of Republicans. Legislation to establish such a system will likely be introduced in Rhode Island this year.
As a country we are quickly approaching a critical cultural and political tipping point on this issue.

(51,666 posts)tridim
(45,358 posts)Why can't they just ask, "Should adults have the freedom to grow and consume herbs like Cannabis"? For some reason it is always equated with alcohol, and limited to "small amounts". To me this is just setting it up so any legal cannabis will be controlled by corporations and governments from day one. It stinks.
Nobody would dream of limiting how many home-grown tomatoes you can grow in your own back yard? Why should cannabis be different?
Cannabis is an intoxicant, and tomatoes are not. Relating the two gives people a basis to make a judgement between intoxicants. The general public has experience with alcohol, not so the case Cannabis due to the fact it is currently illegal.
When the day comes that Cannabis is made legal for personal consumption, there will still be limits placed on how much you can grow for personal consumption. Just like there is for making your own wine or beer.
Legal Cannabis WILL "be controlled by corporations and governments from day one", that is something you can count on. Corporations will grow it and sell it and make billions of dollars. Governments will tax the living shit out of it, and rake in billions of dollars.
Cannabis will become Big Business.
(45,358 posts)Playing the guitar makes me feel REALLY good. Should it be controlled by the government?
Define intoxicant. Note the root word BTW, "toxic". Cannabis is non-toxic.
(28,784 posts)the states and the people in them keep moving forward.