Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forum25 Deadliest Mass Shootings in U.S. History (updated)
This discussion thread was locked by krispos42 (a host of the Gun Control & RKBA group).
Last edited Sun Feb 12, 2017, 03:10 PM - Edit history (1)
Note 2/12/17 - I've created a new list you can find here so I'm going to lock this one and cast it loose. I'll link to it in the new thread.
-Krispos42, Group Host
Note: the original link went dead a few months ago. It was a copy of a CNN story. This seems to be the same one, only updated.
I can't do it now, but I'll try to update my analysis as well, hopefully over the weekend.
[div class=excerpt style=background:#AFEEEE](CNN) Here is a list of the 28 deadliest single day mass shootings in U.S. hisory from 1949 to the present. If the shooter was killed or committed suicide during the incident that death is not included in the total.
Timeline: 32 killed - April 16, 2007 - Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. A gunman, 23-year-old student Seung-Hui Cho, goes on a shooting spree killing 32 people in two locations and wounds an undetermined number of others on campus. The shooter, Seung-Hui Cho then committed suicide.
27 killed - December 14, 2012 - Sandy Hook Elementary School - Newtown, Connecticut. Adam Lanza, 20, guns down 20 children, ages 6 and 7, and six adults, school staff and faculty, before turning the gun on himself. Investigating police later find Nancy Lanza, Adam's mother, dead from a gunshot wound. The final count is 28 dead, including the shooter.
23 killed - October 16, 1991 - In Killeen, Texas, 35-year-old George Hennard crashes his pickup truck through the wall of a Lubys Cafeteria. After exiting the truck, Hennard shoots and kills 23 people. He then commits suicide.
So let's look at this. I'll use the 1993 Federal AWB definition of "assault weapon" for consistency.
#1: Committed with non-assault weapon handguns
#2: Committed with non-assault weapon rifle in a state that's had an AWB since 1993
#3: Committed with non-assault weapon handguns
#4: Committed with 2 non-assault weapon guns and rifle that may have been an assault weapon
#5: Committed with 7 non-assault-weapon handguns
#6: Committed with 2 non-assault-weapon handguns
#7: Committed with a non-assault weapon handgun
#8: Committed with a non-assault-weapon pistol and a non-assault weapon rifle in a state with an AWB since 1994
#9: Committed with one assault-weapon pistol, a non-assault weapon rifle, and two non-assault-weapon shotguns during the Federal AWB.
#10: Committed with one rifle that could be an assault weapon.
#11: Committed with a non-assault-weapon handgun
#12: Committed with a non-assault-weapon shotgun. The perp took a non-assault-weapon handgun from a guard that he killed.
#13: Committed with a non-assault-weapon shotgun, a non-assault-weapon handgun, and one rifle that could be an assault weapon.
#14: Committed with 4 non-assault-weapon pistols and a hammer. Occurred during the Federal AWB.
#15: Committed with one rifle that could be an assault weapon, a non-assault weapon rifle, an undescribed shotgun, and a non-assault-weapon handgun.
#16: Committed with a non-assault-weapon shotgun and two non-assault-weapon pistols
#17: Committed with a non-assault-weapon rifle and a non-assault-weapon handgun
#18: Committed with 3 non-assault-weapon handguns in a state with an AWB in place since 1989
#19: Committed with 2 non-assault-weapon handguns in a state with an AWB in place since 1993
#20: Committed with an unknown rifle.
#21: Committed with a non-assault-weapon shotgun and two non-assault-weapon handguns
#22: Committed with one rifle that may have been an assault weapon.
#23: Committed with one assault-weapon pistol and a non-assault-weapon pistol.
#24: Committed with one rifle that may have been an assault weapon. Perp carried with him but did not use 3 non-assault-weapon pistols, and committed suicide with 4th. This may have occurred shortly before or shortly after California instituted its AWB.
#25: Committed with a non-assault-weapon shotgun.
So, again... is the overriding problem of the age that rifles and shotguns have pistol grips? That they have pistol grips AND folding or telescoping stocks?

(7,981 posts)krispos42
(49,445 posts)SecularMotion
(7,981 posts)krispos42
(49,445 posts)Which took time to research and prepare and I am not willing to discard that effort.
(7,981 posts)krispos42
(49,445 posts)Seems a waste to just delete all that hard work that I did.
(12,194 posts)Be courteous for a change and maybe you'll get some back.
(16,974 posts)to discuss your post at at the very least make some kind of comment when you just d a cut and paste. At least the Host of this group did some analysis on his post and is willing to have a discussion about it.
I find your outrage over this funny
(12,194 posts)Duckhunter935
(16,974 posts)difference.
(2,186 posts)Hypocrisy much?
(16,974 posts)The host from the other group has now started to try and kick his own threads to keep them relevant. This will backfire also as it shows just the type of person this host really is. Refuses to comment or enter any type of discussion on the posted article.
(12,194 posts)I propose that where duplicate OP are concerned, that our attention be given the OP in which its poster attempts to discuss the issue the most, and secondary, the one in which the original poster participates the most.
(16,974 posts)SQUEE
(1,320 posts)To remind people how petty the banner side of the argument can be.
(16,974 posts)blueridge3210
(1,401 posts)will have the intellectual honesty to actually debate the facts brought forth in this post. To date he has shown a lack of cognitive ability to actually debate the issues; he usually resort to name calling or making off-topic comments. It would be nice if, as a group host, he made at least a modest effort to respect this group.
(16,974 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,621 posts)
(68,644 posts)Duckhunter935
(16,974 posts)I would like to be able to quick reference it for future posts please
(12,194 posts)I have been considering asking the reddit DGU cumulator thread to be pinned as well.
(16,974 posts)since the other host seems to want to kick his own threads but refuses to comment on the Google cut and paste without comment thread
(1,401 posts)Just because I can.
(18,318 posts)Edit to request OP be pinned.

(1,401 posts)More! More!
(49,445 posts)Thank you all.
(68,644 posts)Source:
Response to NYC_SKP (Reply #30)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(68,644 posts)Selling fear, Ebola, guns, terrorism...
(18,621 posts)
just ray
(2 posts)I have a question for some of the more senior members here. I am new to the forum, and forums in general, and know little to nothing about guns. My question is what defines an assault weapon, and how is in anyway different than a regular weapon.
(18,318 posts)It seems to denote a semiautomatic carbine (short-barreled rifle) which physically looks like the more widely accepted definition of an Assault Rifle, a carbine capable of full-auto and/or Select Fire. This latter category is what virtually all the world's militaries are equipped with; in the U.S, Assault Rifles are highly regulated, expensive to acquire and not in wide civilian distribution. While this delineation in terms is widely known (even among MSM), the expression "assault weapon" seems to conjure an extra measure of dread, and hence is persistently used by MSM which is known for its hostile views on firearms. In short, the walnut & blued Remington 742s and ancient Model 8s and Winchester "ought 3s" look like any other traditional hunting rifle, but don't light up the controller/banner radar.
I hope this helps.
(2,375 posts)Bottom line -- rifles that look like military rifles don't necessarily function like them. The Controllers rely on public ignorance on this issue to spread the LIE that "assault weapons" are more lethal than other rifles.
See also:
(4 posts)Could you update link in original thread please?
(49,445 posts)I went to see if it needed updating. It's a CNN link, so I should be able to find it.
I'll try to do it tomorrow at work where I have a desktop to work with.
(1,629 posts)Last edited Sun Mar 27, 2016, 09:44 PM - Edit history (1)
Mother Jones compiled this mass shootings database... shootings from 1982-2016
The only problem I find with it is it only contains the number killed and not all those who were shot and survived. When a mass murderer goes on a killing spree... where every shot is intended to kill, it's often an accident that all aren't killed. Improved medial or trauma care can save a person who might not have been saved 10-20 years ago. Including ALL the victims of these mass shootings provides a better comparison over time of the true devestation.