Related: About this forumDoes anyone know anyone in the alternative press...
Who would be interested in exposing a drug company cover up of a potentially lethal drug, a drug that is killing thousands while the drug company refuses to change its warning label by adding one sentence that would save countless lives? This company was just busted for bribery and fraud and is spending millions keeping lawsuits in limbo while they drag out their stampede to profit. I have world renowned medical witnesses who state that the drug warning is totally inadequate and potentially lethal.

(97,964 posts)Even reporting it to a doctor etc.
The first thing to do though is document it through the FDA and med watch
If after documenting and going through the proper channels, and nothing gets done, then the press
What drug are you talking about?
(449 posts)This is part of the cover up. The FDA is for all intents and purposes a subsidiary to the pharmaceutical companies and the pharmaceutical companies do not want records kept of how many people die and are disabled by the disease. The drug in question is Lamictal, one of a number of drugs that cause this toxic allergy, and the disease is Stevens Johnson Syndrome and in severe cases Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. The drug companies say it is very rare, statistics are not kept and then the drug companies say they are not culpable for any damage because all doctors should know how to identify and treat it. Often the cause of death will be listed as sepsis or pneumonia not the root disease. The diagnosis is missed by doctors initially virtually 100 percent of the time. The NY Times did an article about diagnosis but did not mention that the drug companies are fighting tooth and claw to keep the true symptoms of the illness off the warning labels for fear that consumers might be dissuaded from taking these dangerous drugs.
Let's be honest here, congressmen are generally in the pocket of the drug companies. There are 3 pharma lobbyists for each congressman and the largesse they throw around makes congress a non-factor regarding dangerous medications.
(97,964 posts)build a case then report it through the media how it was ignored by the governing agencies, though people were being harmed, etc.
Lamicital is pretty well documented regarding its dangerous effects
so the question remains are patients making an informed decision?
(449 posts)Doctors push it like candy and the warning label says that if you get a rash go to a doctor....any doctor. First off, the initial symptom of lamictal allergy is mucosal involvement..sore throat, blood shot eyes, fever...and these symptoms are not in the black box warning and the manufacturer is spending millions keeping it that way. Secondly, the warning says see a doctor but most doctors will miss the cause because they don't know that rash plus mucosal involvement = SJS. In England doctors must pass out a special warning pamphlet when prescribing this drug. Also, the only doctor who can help you at this point is in a burn unit so the label should say go to the ER or closest burn unit. Finally the statistics that Glaxo uses regarding deaths are drawn out of thin air. Since the disease is not reported to the FDA no one knows how many people really get the rash. In ten years when the slaughter has caught up with the manufacturer, the actual statistics will be staggering.
(449 posts)Why does the press refuse to release the truth about how pharma covers up deaths caused by their dangerous medications? Who controls America? These companies make a 20 percent profit annually, are the second largest sector of the economy after defense, operate on a business model where drugs are pushed through to market and then after years of profit the dead and their families are bought off for a few billion while the drug companies make ten times that amount. Until the heads of these companies are held accountable to jail sentences for bribery and fraud then a few billion here and there is no big deal and no one has the stones to take them on about the situation. Remember, Vioxx was a highly profitable death machine.
(97,964 posts)Of corese that President Obama is a socialist
You are correct, the country has been taken over by the corporations
As mitt says they are people
(1,362 posts)She's done numerous interviews on RT with whistle blowers.
Then there's of course this:
(449 posts)nt