Our mission
Axios gets you smarter, faster on what matters.
Our manifesto
Axios three co-founders Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen and Roy Schwartz launched the company in January 2017 based on this shared belief: Media is broken, and too often a scam.
Stories are too long or too boring. Websites are a maddening mess.
The audience and the advertisers alike are too often afterthoughts. Readers get duped by headlines that don't deliver and are distracted by pop-up nonsense or unworthy clicks. Advertisers don't get the quality attention they deserve.
Can you imagine Ford being obsessed with whether the engineers love the howl and design of the F-150 engine, instead of simply delivering an awesome truck people want to drive? Never. But that's what digital media companies too often do.
They produce journalism the way journalists want to produce it, often long-winded pieces that take too long to get to the point.
And they design their products to maximize short-term buzz or revenue not to deliver the best experience possible.
This is why weve engineered Axios around a simple proposition deliver the clearest, smartest, most efficient and trustworthy experience for audience and advertisers alike.
After all, people face a growing challenge to keep pace with changes unfolding before them.
- Politics, business, culture, science and technology are in constant collision, creating new conflicts, new industries, new opportunities and new challenges.
- The root of these changes is the awesome and accelerating speed and power of technology, allowing machines to often move faster than mankind.
?Some of the big trends that drive our coverage:
- Robotics, machine learning and AI will upend vast swaths of our lives.
- Chinas influence is real and growing.
- Human activity is posing threats to Earths climate.
- Demographics show we are becoming an even more diverse nation, bringing both challenges and opportunities.
- The U.S. government faces mounting debt, an aging population and the need to adapt to new technologies and threats faster.
- Americas capitalistic system brims with economic possibilities but is stacked to favor the powerful and rich, exacerbating inequalities that need to be addressed.
We cover this clinically, not ideologically.
- We dont have an editorial page and we dont pick sides with partisan opinion. Our view: There is enough noise and our job is to sort through this.
- Axios employees refrain from taking partisan positions or sides on social media and in public forums. Its one small but worthy step we can take to gain and keep trust.
- We believe truth and facts exist and must be highlighted, repeated, defended and cherished in our journalism.
Our guiding principles
01 Audience first
02 Elegant efficiency
03 Smart, always
04 No BS for sale
05 Excellence, always
The bottom line:
We strive to be worthy of your time and trust, always.
Questions or comments?
Reach us here.