Related: About this forumThe Idiot Culture - by Carl Bernstein, from 1992, but it's a great critique of the media which is
only more relevant today ....
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...increasingly the America rendered today in the American media is illusionary and delusionarydisfigured, unreal, disconnected from the true context of our lives. In covering actually existing American life, the mediaweekly, daily, hourlybreak new ground in getting it wrong. The coverage is distorted by celebrity and the worship of celebrity; by the reduction of news to gossip, which is the lowest form of news; by sensationalism, which is always a turning away from a societys real condition; and by a political and social discourse that wethe press, the media, the politicians, and the peopleare turning into a sewer.
I do not mean to attack popular culture. Good journalism is popular culture, but popular culture that stretches and informs its consumers rather than that which appeals to the ever descending lowest common denominator. If, by popular culture, we mean expressions of thought or feeling that require no work of those who consume them, then decent popular journalism is finished.
...... What is happening today, unfortunately, is that the lowest form of popular culturelack of information, misinformation, disinformation, and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most peoples liveshas overrun real journalism.
The point is not only that this is trash journalism. That much is obvious. It is also essential to note that this was on an NBC-owned and operated station. And who distributes Geraldo? The Tribune Company of Chicago, who owns the stations on which these cross-dressers and transsexuals and skinheads and lawyers for serial killers get to strut their stuff? The networks, the Washington Post Company, dozens of major newspapers that also own television stations, Times-Mirror and the New York Times Company, among others.
..... And last month Ivana Trump, perhaps the single greatest creation of the idiot culture, a tabloid artifact if ever there was one, appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair. On the cover, that is, of Conde Nasts flagship magazine, the same Conde Nast/Newhouse/Random House whose executives will yield to nobody in their solemnity about their profession, who will tell you long into the night how seriously in touch with American culture they are, how serious they are about the truth.
Today the most compelling news story in the world is the condition of America. Our political system is in a deep crisis; we are witnessing a breakdown of the comity and the community that has in the past allowed American democracy to build and to progress. Surely the advent of the talk-show nation is a part of this breakdown. Some good journalism is still being done today, to be sure, but it is the exception and not the rule.
Good journalism requires a degree of courage in todays climate, a quality now in scarce supply in our mass media. Many current assumptions in Americaabout race, about economics, about the fate of our citiesneed to be challenged, and we might start with the media. For, next to race, the story of the contemporary American media is the great uncovered story in America today.
..... We need to start asking the same fundamental questions about the press that we do of the other powerful institutions in this societyabout who is served, about standards, about self-interest and its eclipse of the public interest and the interest of truth. For the reality is that the media are probably the most powerful of all our institutions today; and they are squandering their power and ignoring their obligation. Theyor more precisely, wehave abdicated our responsibility, and the consequence of our abdication is the spectacle, and the triumph, of the idiot culture.