Former NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison says U.S. could have better prepared for Russia's
Former NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison says U.S. could have better prepared for Russias invasion of Ukraineby Jason Beeferman, Texas Tribune
Kay Bailey Hutchison, former U.S. ambassador to NATO, said Wednesday the Biden administration should have acted sooner to prevent or prepare for Russias invasion of Ukraine.
Hutchison, who is also a Republican former U.S. senator from Texas, said the U.S. didnt fully recognize Russian President Vladimir Putins wish to recreate the Soviet Union.
I did not think in 2022 we would see the horrific devastation of a country that is a good, honest elected democracy, Hutchison said during a Texas Tribune event in Austin.
Hutchison said the U.S. should have provided Ukrainians with more weapons and support amid clear indications of war. She also called Putin a madman.
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(32,884 posts)elleng
(138,720 posts)of war.'
'Thanks,' 'Senator.'
(63,496 posts)and useless
(26,891 posts)The Magats are going to say that president Biden didn't do enough when in fact the opposite is true.
President Biden kept our allies and NATO united and backed it up with sanctions that are crippling Russia's economy.
But hey, let's post GQP talking points. If Biden had acted sooner Putin would have used that action as an excuse for his invasion, which he was going to do regardless.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Biden has done a masterful job despite the ramblings of the former ambassador, the TV talking heads and internet armchair generals.
(90,319 posts)He wanted dirt on Hunter and withheld financial support for Ukraine 's defense.
(41,553 posts)...amnesiac on the facts surrounding them regarding Trump, Rudy, Lev and the deliberate Ukrainian fiasco. Impeachments 1&2 are legends in the mist.
Mike Nelson
(10,499 posts)... where has she been, in a coma? Biden has been way out in front on this issue... maybe she's thinking of how Crooked Donald prepared NATO and Putin?
(70,765 posts)dixiechiken1
(2,113 posts)Well, pay attention, dear... if the GQP has its way, this is a preview of coming attractions in the U.S.
(49,476 posts)relayerbob
(7,115 posts)Obama and Biden certainly did. Trump and the GQP tried to pave the way.
(11,098 posts)You know, for being part of an administration that tried to extort the country's president using the very aid she is talking about?