Marines Put F-35B Flight Costs 17 Percent Lower Than OSD
Marines Put F-35B Flight Costs 17 Percent Lower Than OSD
By Colin Clark on August 21, 2013 at 4:14 PM
PENTAGON: By combing through the assumptions some of them deeply questionable undergirding the Defense Departments official cost estimates for the F-35B and refining them, the Marines say the plane should cost 16.6 percent less per flight hour than the current estimate. Since the F-35B is the most expensive plane to operate, lowering these cost estimates for the Joint Strike Fighters Marine version would have a substantial impact on the programs overall costs.
Anyone who has watched the Harrier or the F-35B knows that Marines pilots rely sparingly on STOVL mode. Its only used for a limited set of tactical moves and, usually, for taking off or landing the aircraft. The great majority of the planes flight time could it be as much as 80 percent? would be spent flying without using the lift fan and STOVL.
The current CAPE estimate assumes $41,000 an hour for the F-35B a senior defense official said they will eventually bring the costs down to $30,000 per hour, with an interim figure of about $37,000. Schmidle also notes that the F-35Bs cost figures were extrapolated from the costs of the much older AV-8B Harrier.
Overall, once the F-35 replaces the three Marine aircraft F-18, EA-6B, Harrier it is designed to supplant the Marines will save an estimated $520 million a year in operations and maintenance costs in 2012 dollars, Schmidle says.