Here’s what and the F-35 have in common
Heres what and the F-35 have in common
By Lydia DePillis, Published: October 25 at 12:51 pm
If you think of the most high-profile federal procurement debacles in recent memory, two things come to mind: the wildly over-budget F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program and now
The differences between them, of course, are obvious. The health-care Web site's cost is microscopic compared with the scale of the F-35, which has already cost $87.5 billion and is expected to need another $12.6 billion annually until 2037. You could pay for the entire procurement process with the cost of two planes. With the F-35, there is a clear lead contractor in Lockheed Martin; it's hard for the company to avoid blame as have the several contractors involved in building the health-care site. A completely virtual product like a Web site requires different development processes than does a physical product with high capital costs, like an airplane.
Perhaps the most fundamental difference is deadlines: had a hard date when it was expected to be fully operational, while the F-35 program has dragged on for a decade longer than planned because the military had other systems it could use (even if it cost more to extend their lifespans).
CGI Federal got its piece of the contract on an "indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity" basis, which allowed the contract to balloon from about $94 million to $196 million. Lockheed Martin's arrangements with the Pentagon are much more complicated, but the company has shown little regard for frugality, and it took the military a decade to impose any meaningful cost controls (which have finally started to bring the price of planes down).