Related: About this forumTell me your Drill sergeants favorite sayings my senior Drill was maggot
Last edited Sun Aug 19, 2018, 04:31 AM - Edit history (2)
June 1984 harmony church fort benning. I met a individual a SFC who was my senior Drill in my training platoon. And I was terrified of him in introducing himself to platoon. He told us he served two tours in nam ,and went back voluntarily second tour to get away from his first wife. As we stood at attention by our racks. And I’m thinking to myself this is not good why did I even volunteer for this. Five of us enlisted together five friends from high school. Five friends who played on the football and baseball teams together from seventh grade to graduation.
And as I stood at attention exhausted hot sweating. Out of the corner of my eye I could occasionally catch a glimpse of Steven low crawling up and down the squad bay.And others getting a quick lesson in mountain climbing drills or pushups, Steven was one of the five of my group who volunteered together. We had three Drills that cycle in our training platoon a senior Drill a second and a third the third just graduated from Infantry Drill school the apprentice why he must learn from the experienced Drills the art of giving out pain and misery and fear. Fear is a great tool to get you motivated.
Earlier when we arrived at 10/2 training as we all did our best to get off the cattle cars. We were immediately introduced to high crawl low crawl three to five second rush. Up and down the company street carrying our duffle bags. And Drills were screaming in your faces it was hot out I don’t remember how long that lasted it seemed like hours. Welcome to the world of squad three to five second rush.
But Steven broke in middle of the company street bawling ,and I don’t know how I knew it was him in all confusion. Surrounded by round Browns you fucking waste of human skin no compassion words of love and encouragement from the Drills. But I somehow I knew it was Steven as I ran every three to five seconds up down the street with other sorry asses. Drill screams down you throw yourself to the ground up move now fucking duffle bag weighs a ton.
And then we’re in barracks standing at attention the Drills just gave us our first class on how to make our bunks and we fucked it up go figure. and now Steven is low crawling others are being punished. Drill are in everyone’s ass and heads. Now our senior Drill is in front of Donnie didn’t know who Donnie was at that moment but he slept below me in bottom bunk for 11 of 14 weeks of osut. Reason is week 11 I caught injury and got medical recycled to another company to finish up. I actually ran into Donnie later on my PCs from Bragg to west Germany. He was in the other infantry battalion on kaserne we were stationed at. I heard hey maggot called out to me in a mock voice one day at px.
I remember Donnie words this fucking place is harder than juveniles prison. Donnie had choice either enlist or go to adult prison if I remember him telling me when he turned 18. He was black dude from Los Angeles got caught up in gangs. I remember telling him hey at least you caught a judge with a big heart out of sarcasm.
But we bagged it early that day Donnie and teb nothing going on. We went to his room and cracked a bottle of scotch why I’d be feeling good for 1700 formation that day. And we sat drinking talking about benning it was only maybe 28 months passed but seemed light years ago. And quoting our senior Drill maggots he inserted maggot into every sentence. Example
Maggot I’ll rip your heart out and show it to you.
Or why are you breathing my air you fucking maggots
Or to this day my all time favorite ok it’s time to let the maggots chow down.
Ok wait or to the logs maggots log drills telephone polls you maggots fucked up again.
I will say this in that time I never had a hand laid on me in abuse. Maybe a slap or a poke to get that rifle correct In close order drill and ceremony. But they did not need to abuse you they had punishment down to a science in physical pushups log drills mountain climbers I’m a dying cockroach leg lifts. Infantry Drills are the finest the army has and they have extremely tough job because they separate the wheat from the chaff. Donnie that day in his room told me wild b I know you got injured caught a medical recycle week 11 but the night before graduation senior drill brought in three trash cans full of beer and ice and took off his round brown. And said men now I’ll drink with soldiers and not once that night use the word maggot in talking to us.
I do remember senior Drill and his words of wisdom. As say we were doing log drills or some kind of punishment. As soon as you maggots come to understand that your lives are now tired hungry cold constant fear and being deprived you will be then fine infantry troopers. Two tours Vietnam he was trying to get our heads where they needed to be ,just in case we ended up in a world of shit. Example one night doing ambush class were laying and I cut a fart no noise discipline how did he know it was me. But out nowhere he dragged me and said you want to joke you do that in real world you’ll get your ass killed ,One of the finest NCO’s I ever met.
They got you to start thinking like a pack of wolves. You live together you will kill together and die together, I mean seriously I started looking at Steven with disgust a guy I grew up with. why because he turned out to be weak in mind and could not get with program. One fucks up you all fuck up and the wrath is brought down upon you but you never can escape it, it’s meant designed to be part of the program. Week 3 Steven tried to hang himself bed sheet and shower pipe. As we were all being punished by Drill who was CQ that night. And Steven being loaded into ambulance the Drill was like look at that weak fuck that shit will let you down in firefight. Should killed your self shit now we have to waste our time with you seeing shrinks. Steve was chaptered out on mental I run into him on occasion when I go back home. But amazed at how I started to look at him with disgust at benning as 18 year old maggot .

(11,088 posts)And in a very annoyed manner:"whaaaaaat?"
(3,710 posts)And I remember it seems we all had a turn at The Who’s next catch it in the neck. Fuck I should have joined the coast guard I would think.
(40,915 posts)51 years ago...... Holy Crap!
(10,602 posts)"Up Your Ass With A Barbed Wire Dick". He used that statement in many more contexts than I can remember. That was 50 years ago. The DI"s were hard but for a very good reason. They needed to shock you into reality of going into a war zone. I had pretty much basic training from May until October being infantry and bound for Vietnam.
I was assigned to "Tiger Land" at Fort Polk, Louisiana for my secondary training. Was trained for 81MM mortar. All I know is that we ran and ran and ran and ran every single morning at least 5 miles before breakfast.
(14,140 posts)marble falls
(63,664 posts)marching to chow. It was more Andy Rooney than Red Menace.
(24,010 posts)Pull your head out of your ass, Private Bozo!
(14,140 posts)JustABozoOnThisBus
(24,010 posts)The Army, it its wisdom, transferred me out of infantry AIT school and gave me an office job. It was probably safer for all concerned.
(14,140 posts)
(17,209 posts)It was really hard keeping a straight face in formation when the senior drill sergeant told us that. 😄
(7,419 posts)Good times.
(6,309 posts)Our Filipino master sergeant had one name for all of us. "Joseph"
(24,010 posts)Yes, there is a difference between "dry heat" and bug-filled humidity.
(6,309 posts)Fort Polk. The armpit of the army. 😲
(13,968 posts)Not a saying, but the mosquito scene.
(14,140 posts)Aristus
(69,316 posts)I was surprised that it wasn't something more obscene.
A-2-3, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, Summer, 1986.
(14,140 posts)Fort lost in woods
(69,316 posts)I was at Leonard Wood for reserve training. I later attended OSUT training at Fort Knox for M1 tanker school. They dropped me into the middle of a class since I had already gone through Basic.
marble falls
(63,664 posts)sock!" - MMCPO Bost (Gold Striper!), Great Lakes NTC, Company 76. All said as one word. He took the Navy and being an American very seriously. I was company clerk and I liked this guy a lot. Not a mean bone in his body but he was serious.
Haggis for Breakfast
(6,831 posts)We had a Senior Chief (What he was doing THERE was grounds for a LOT of speculation.), who would bark at anyone doing anything he considered not "squared away for the Nav AYYY." (You've got do say that phonetically so that it rhymes.), "I will rip out your throat and shit down your windpipe."
The graphic for this made everyone giggle, so naturally we did a LOT of squats !!
marble falls
(63,664 posts)the guy bad enough that NCIS (not a bit like the TV "NCIS" got involved they were confined to barracks for a week or so while Navy investigators nailed down the guilty parties. They were even marched to chow by Marines with M16s.
The CC claimed he was just telling sea stories and he had no intention to get that poor swab whupped.
You remember the difference between a sea story and a fairy tale? A fairy tale starts out, "Once upon a time ..." and a sea story starts out, "No shit, this really happened ......"
Speaking of squats, one of my room mates at Snipe's Castle had been born short some ligatures in his knee so that when he was compelled to keep doing squats until he could do them right in boot, it trashed both his knees and he was disabled out of the Navy. He was sitting in A school until his orders and discharge caught up with him.
I loved the Navy and learned a lot. The most important three things were: Go along, get along. Always follow the rules and there are rules that allow you to break the rules. Don't listen to a 'sea lawyer'.
Another PO1 also taught me to accidentally drop the log book page into oil if I ever got in a jam because we logged in pencil and oiled pencil can't be erased.
(2,679 posts)Dick was used like your “maggots”.
Hero was used when they were not yelling at you. Mostly from the Senior Drill. “Now you two heroes are going to clean some officers office. Don’t fuck it up”
Leg was from jump qualified NCOs. I had one that had Air Assault Wings and man oh man did the jumpers get a rise out of that. They’d thump their chest loudly when he entered the quad.
(14,140 posts)Sand Hilton candy ass
(2,679 posts)We had yoga for PT, milk shakes at lunch and manicures. I can’t help you got sent over to Harmony Church with the peasants. I’m sure they took one look at your Penn ass and said fuck no.
(14,140 posts)

(3,440 posts)...proud of it's Infantry Drills!
(2,679 posts)When did you go through?
(3,440 posts)DashOneBravo
(2,679 posts)We try to keep everyone entertained around here.
(189,251 posts)It became a running joke amongst us that I hadn't been dropped for pushups. Word must have gotten out because one day after they dismissed us the drill sgt. turned around and said "Oh, yeah ________ DROP!" Everyone cracked up. He made it a regular thing to drop me just for general purposes. My basic was 16 weeks long.
The other story has to do with getting ready to graduate basic. Two fill in DS's (I think they were still in the DS school) were given our platoon to move some bleaches. They wanted nicer ones for the ceremony. So we picked up the bleachers and carried them aaaaalllll the way to where the Marines did their armor training at Ft. Knox. Might have been a mile. We unchained (someone had signed for them) the sets of bleachers, pulled one out so they could look them over, then another then another. Finally they decided on a set of bleachers and we carried them aaaaalllll the way back. At the end the DS's dismisses us and asked if there were any questions.
Me: " I hate to ask this but aren't those the same bleachers we took up there?"
The DS's looked at each other and laughed. One said "Welcome to the Army"
(4,516 posts)would be coming down the road toward us. The drill sergeant would yell out, “ don’t move, make them move.”
Fort Knox 1966
(767 posts)Those turds were all inbreeds not liking or caring about anyone. I am so glad my suffering was only 4 weeks. Beginning at 3:30 and not stopping for 4 weeks......When I was discharged I was an E-5.....In the navy all promotions are after successfully passing a VERY hard technical test......No shined shoes, kiss ass promotions......Only promotion by merit; I was awarded a meritorious and battle "E" during my years......