Buenos Aires Governor Marķa Vidal "celebrates" Int'l Women's Day with tear gas and rubber bullets.
The city of La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires Province and Argentina's fifth largest, was marred with state violence for the second time this year after far-right Governor María Eugenia Vidal ordered police to quash a labor protest that took place on March 8. The tear gas and rubber bullets fired at the crowd made up mostly of women sent seven protesters to the hospital with injuries ranging from rubber bullet lacerations to broken bones.
March 8 is International Women's Day.
The victims were members of the Union of Child Care and Educational Support Staff Workers (SOEME), who were protesting in front of the General Directorate of Schools for a increase in their salaries to 10,000 pesos ($650) to compensate for the sharp increase in inflation rates since President Mauricio Macri (a close Vidal ally) took office three months ago. Governor Vidal refused to hold a meeting with the union, and instead ordered police to repress the demonstration.
This is the second such incident in La Plata since Governor Vidal and Mayor Julio Garro, both members of President Macri's far-right PRO, took office three months ago. Mayor Garro ordered police to repress a protest of laid off public employees on January 8, which resulted in 20 injuries and ongoing calls for his resignation.
Susana Mariño, Assistant Secretary of the SOEME union, said that "it is a shame that this happened on International Women's Day, as it shows that we've not learned anything at all."
At: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://infobaires24.com.ar/vidal-homenajea-las-mujeres-dia-gases-balas-gomas/&prev=search
Vidal, a member of the extremist Catholic sect Opus Dei, has become the Argentine face of the War on Women. http://www.democraticunderground.com/110845846
Governor María Eugenia Vidal, a medieval woman waging a war on women.[/center]