African American
Related: About this forumNumber23's poll of polls!! Vote here now!!!
Number23 has a thread up asking who your candidate is for this primary season. We know it's July, but it would nice to see where the members of this forum (MEMBERS WHO POST HERE REGULARLY- NOT JUST RANDOS )stand.
Who has your vote and why?
51 votes, 0 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Hillary Clinton | |
15 (29%) |
Bernie Sanders | |
26 (51%) |
Martin O'malley | |
2 (4%) |
Lincoln Chaffee (spelling?) | |
0 (0%) |
Jim Webb | |
0 (0%) |
Undecided | |
8 (16%) |
0 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
Show usernames
Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(24,544 posts)Last edited Fri Jul 17, 2015, 10:20 PM - Edit history (1)
group posters and REGULAR participants in the African American forum. Edit: Although I should qualify that to say that every poster of color on DU is welcome to vote.
To be blunt, I genuinely couldn't care less about the opinions of people who never post in this forum but suddenly want to chime in with who they're voting for.
The beauty of the poll system is that everyone can see who is voting for what. So, if you are not a regular participant in this forum, please refrain from voting. TIA!
(57,936 posts)I read "here" and thought you meant DU. I do not generally pay attention to the name of the group a post is in. Sorry.
(6,281 posts)You can delete your vote.
(31,849 posts)and the "sorry" didn't work, either.
Just noting a difference ...
(135,425 posts)Some of those folks I've never seen post here!!!
Who kicked this thing???? LOL!
(24,544 posts)group!" folks who still voted anyway and, as you can see, left their votes even after it was explained to them who we wanted to vote.
This thing isn't even new anymore. It didn't show up in the Latest tab or anything. And yet... all of these folks are still wandering in to cast their votes. That doesn't look sad and desperate or anything.
Edit: Just noticed you haven't voted! Why not??? It's for all people of color on DU and/or regulars in this forum.
(24,544 posts)Because this poll is asking REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS to the AA forum for their opinion. And since we can see who's voting, we can see that alot of you guys' votes don't count even a little bit.
But thanks for playing though, all 9 months late and everything!!
(24,544 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)

I don't know why I bother. Might have to bold that bit about regular posters. Doesn't seem to be sinking in.
(34,648 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)always lurking, keeping an eye on "things".....
(24,544 posts)Right now, looks like Sanders only has about two votes. Two votes valid for this forum anyway.
(16,286 posts)so they can tell YOU what do do.
(24,544 posts)hoping. If anything, their barging into this thread to vote when clearly asked not to unless they were regulars just helped put more of us in the undecided category.
Undecided is still VERY clearly winning, and as far as I can tell, only ONE poc has voted for Sanders. If if we say that 2-3 more of those votes are from minorities, he is still not leading this poll. And with two votes from people that I know are minorities, I would say that Hillary is in second place.
As I mentioned before, I started this poll because I saw someone say that there were more POC supporting Sanders than anyone else. Well, I will concede that we may not have every single poc voting on this web site, but it's pretty clear based on this poll that this statement -- among many, MANY others made by that individual -- is not true at all.
(90,319 posts)He had me with his keynote address.
I am for Hillary now. I respect the way she has evolved on so many issues. PBO and HRC overcame their differences and she went on to become a great SOS. I want someone that runs with PBO and not away from his accomplishments, she proved that in her town hall in NH the other day.
I want someone with both feet planted in the future and not mired in the past. Hillary believes in Social Justice and Economic Justice, that must go hand in hand. One without the other is meaningless.
In the end, I also want to assure that it will be a Democrat that enters the White House in 2016. Why? Because our lives and the lives of our children depend on that.
(34,648 posts)I really don't want to see Obama go. I really don't think there is a good enough replacement for him. Regardless, as long as it's not Jim Webb as the nominee, I'll show up to vote. If it's him, I guess I'll see if Canada will let me in.
I am devastated that Obama will be leaving office in the not so distant future. However, be sure as hell is going out stronger than ever. Lame duck my ass. He still has time to make some remarkable changes.
I have been proud to call him, Mr President.
(34,648 posts)Now, if it were Michelle running for prez right now, I'd be all in on that campaign. I'd knock on every door in the state and even go to church for her.
(90,319 posts)Lol~ If Michelle were Madam President, instead of a prayer circle in the morning she would have her team doing pushups and all kinds of exercise. Great way to get ready for the day~
(34,648 posts)
(18,124 posts)
(109,763 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)see that man and that family leave that White House. I will bawl openly and loudly when that happens. And I know I will not be alone.
He is revered in so many countries for a reason. He has done so many good things while in office. But almost as importantly, he has broken a ceiling, not made of glass but of reinforced steel. And this country is better off for having had him.
(34,648 posts)I already have that bad feeling in my stomach when I think about it. We got so lucky this time. I have never felt comfortable with a president like I feel with him. I really don't expect to feel that way again. I'm honestly thinking about adding a history minor to focus on black studies and him in particular. What he did by making it to the top was almost magic. I just don't think everyone realizes how important that is to black people psychologically.
(11,833 posts)or book on him. It's one of the best stories of our generation. And you're an excellent writer.
(34,648 posts)We live in exciting times and I feel lucky to get to be one of the ones who was around to experience this. Thank you.
(11,833 posts)This administration has accomplished so much good, with the least scandal or drama that I recall of any in American history. Yes, certainly exciting times. A more connected world than ever. Persistent challenges that we face collectively. I think we have the technology and now we need breakthroughs in human consciousness to distribute wealth more effectively. You're welcome. And thank you too.
(91,504 posts)that pretty much describes i how i feel. just knowing he is in office makes me feel more relaxed in a way .
(53,661 posts)He is one of a kind. I don't expect for things to necessarily get better no matter who gets in. For a variety of reasons,
I trust this man on a level I have not since I was much younger, before you were born, to care about PEOPLE. I'm trying to keep my head up about it, but I feel so very sad that he has less than 18 months to go. IMO, this country did not deserve him.
He has done all he could for us and others out of humanitarian instinct and I only get glimpses of others that way. They may be good people, good politicians, and all of that. As far as Canada is concerned, if there was any way for me to know what would happen in the 60's and beyond, I would have left the USA.
Now I am too old, no one wants me and I am tied down. So I have to face whatever fate hands me. Obama has made the last few years some of the best years of my life, although things are getting much worse for me.
So I am going to vote, most likely the candidate will be HRC, and I'll vote for her. Or O'Malley. Or whoever. I can't afford to not vote and let the murderous GOP take over. My vote may not stop that happening either.
But I have no choices, neither does my tiny family, if we had, we'd be gone. Obama has done all he could to make it more humane, but in too many ways, it still is.
(11,833 posts)He helped bring liberalism & progressivism back to popularity in our country. He and his family are an inspiration to me. They define the qualities of grace, speaking up for what's right, patience and handling adversity with love, compassion and humor.
(6,281 posts)I think Obama said he'd be moderate and he has been moderate. Sadly, Republicans EITHER went too far right to be worked with OR hated him too much to work with him.
So I can't agree about the liberal/progressive part. The rest, I'm 100% with you.
(91,504 posts)anytime i see him i'm just thinking "i don't want it to end" .
he truly is something special. and after my first presidential election in 2000 ending the way it did and all the disaster after with 9/11, iraq , the 2004 loss it seemed like it wasn't until Obama became President where i got out of that horrible state.
as for this upcoming election i pretty much accept clinton will win but i will probably vote for sanders unless biden runs in which case i will vote for biden. webb is the only one i would have a problem voting for so it's a good thing he has no chance of winning the nomination.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)But the truth is that after PBO, it is impossible to get excited about anyone else. I think the first years after he is gone will be brutal regardless of who wins.
(34,648 posts)randys1
(16,286 posts)President Superman.
(37,468 posts)He has faced racist and unrelenting bitter opposition from the racists, conservatives (most of whom are racist), and Republicans. He has conducted himself with dignity and grace. He has accomplished as much as Congress has allowed him to, and as much as The Powers That Be (the oligarchs in the shadows) have allowed him to. Let's not be naive, the real powers in this country are mostly in the shadows making phone calls to people.
Case in point: the large banks have way too much power, and need to be broken up and knocked down several notches. The legalized bribery needs to be banished from the system. I know the President has taken a lot of knocks here for not putting all the banksters in jail, but 1) he and Holder needed good criminal evidence, which is not easy to obtain; and 2) in early 2009, a true economic depression was developing and required very fast action. Breaking up the banks was NOT an option at that time. If this makes me an apologist for the man, so be it. I think this is the reality. I also doubt there is sufficient public support to break up the banks, enough to withstand the tough fight that would ensue.
I will really miss him, a lot.
(37,468 posts)1- I voted for Bernie, because what he says resonates with me. However, I would like him to directly and forcefully address the chronic racial issues this country has with solid proposals. There's no reason for him not to, whatsoever. If he already has, please give me a link, thanks.
2- If Secretary Clinton gets the nomination, that's fine with me. I don't think Bernie stands a chance to be honest. I won't campaign against her or speak against her on DU or other places. I know my opinion of Senator Sanders' chances puts me at odds with most of DU, and I'm ok with that.
3- ANY Democratic candidate MUST address the racial issues. Merely talking about "economic justice" is NOT good enough, because social justice in all its forms is needed at the same time.
(24,544 posts)Which is not all that surprising considering there has not been very much lobbying of any candidate in this forum and I think alot of us are pretty ambivalent. I think we've just been spoiled rotten by having a Barack Obama to choose from the last two elections.
I think what Bernie says resonates with alot of people, but like you said, that doesn't necessarily resonate into votes. There was a really interesting article that I just read that talked alot about how since the 1980s, there has always been a (predominantly white, male) Democrat that gets the early buzz, the big crowds, gets touted in the media as the "one to watch" and then fizzles out. From Gary Hart to Howard Dean and they were very quick to put Sanders in that list as well. The article was written by a former Obama advisor.
(11,833 posts)Right now I'm for Sanders because I believe wealth inequality is a critical problem. I believe he is correct on reducing our military budget, taxing the rich to gain a fairer system, public works projects and universal health care. I want to see him speak more comprehensively on civil rights.
My second choice is Martin O'Malley. I think he's a genuine progressive and I like that he has worked with people as mayor and governor. He's demonstrated he can help achieve excellent results, improving the quality of lives in Baltimore and the State of Maryland. He's giving policy proposals that are outstanding, particularly the ones for reigning in Wall Street.
Hillary is currently my third choice in the primaries. I wouldn't hesitate voting for her in the general election if she wins the nomination. I think she is progressive and diplomatic. I'd like to see her specifically call for raising the minimum wage to $15 and reinstating Glass-Steagall.
I think any of the three would make a fine President, particularly if we give them a more liberal Congress.
(34,648 posts)gollygee
(22,336 posts)qwlauren35
(6,281 posts)Yes, PLEASE let us give them a Congress they can work with.
(34,541 posts)His record and platform -
Climate change is creating an opportunity for us to transform our economy - with a living wage - with jobs that cannot be exported and that do not require H1B visa workers. We can have young urban and rural people job ready in a year and ready to build our infrastructure with sustainable methods and procedures.
Hell - those same young people with tuition assistance could be working and then pursuing a collegiate level degree and ready to take leadership positions supported by field experience and hire the strictly collegiate kids when they graduate in 4 or 5 years.
Since they will be earning a solid wage - they will be able to contribute to our social security fund - and me on the other end (per o'Malley) will be paying in based on my entire salary . . .
This will enable us to give our Seniors a raise and our hammer swinging and stood on their feet all day older boomers who physically cannot be asked to put their bodies through that in their 60's can feel comfortable with retiring and knowing we will make sure they have everything they need.
God dammit! They are tired and the rules of the game changed half way through their lives (thanks Reagan for nuttin') - they worked hard they paid in - let them retire comfortably.
But they can't do that without a high earning job secure group of Xers and milkenials. And the Xers can't put their kids through college, keep a roof over their head, pay off their college loans from the 80's and early 90's, AND take care of mom and dad. Milkenials won't be able to start families and make sure their little ones have their basic needs met unless
We change our economy and focus on what is happening now - this minute - and Climate Change adjustment is now.
Note - I started with educating urban and rural young people. Who is in that group.
(7,160 posts)Right now I like Bernie but, I will obviously vote for the Democratic Nominee
I'm not excited at all about 2016 in fact the thought of a non Obama election makes so sad.
(10,893 posts)but now am leaning towards O'Malley (unless Biden decides to run). I like what Sanders says economically overall, but much of it sounds vague (such as when he talks about political "revolutions" , and what his campaign devotes attention to lacks balance between economics, social policy, and foreign policy. O'Malley on the other hand seems to be more accomplished through his political career. I'm still not 100% decided. I'd have very few problems with any of the choices in the GE with the exception of Jim Webb. If JW were to somehow get the nomination, that would be a true "lesser of 2 evils" choice. Forget what people say about Clinton and Obama being "center-right" and "third-way" or whatever--that guy Jim Webb is a true RWer.
(24,544 posts)are UNDECIDED. And a pretty strong majority of minority posters too.
Again, that comes as little surprise. And I think it speaks to the fact that we are still a long way out from the election and that alot of us aren't nearly as charged as we were when he had an Obama on the ballot.
I know that there are still quite a few regulars here that haven't voted yet but I'll be keeping my eye on this poll. I know it's not in any way scientific but it's still interesting.
(34,648 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)

(34,648 posts)Last edited Mon Aug 3, 2015, 05:29 AM - Edit history (1)
I ain't never seen some of those folks upset about Tamir or Trayvon or Mike Brown, but they damn near in TEARS over this shit. This is what it feel like in GD
(24,544 posts)You saw the way black posters on DU have been treated and who was doing it. And the fact that most of us are as much in the mainstream of black thought in our thinking as we could possibly be didn't mean a damn thing to those hurling the "race baiter" and "SJW" insults.
I know exactly how you feel. The only difference is that NONE of that shit surprises me in the least and sure as shit not a single one of the folks whining about it or calling the BLM group everything under the sun ***thiiiiiiiis close** to thugs for daring to put St. Bernie on the hot seat.
I've said it before a hundred times, the worse thing Sanders has going for him on DU is his supporters. They have now proven that beyond all shadow of doubt.
(34,648 posts)I don't even think the worst ones even know how they look. But honestly I do not find myself one bit surprised about this. I am seriously laughing my ass off. Miss Millie Syndrome is thick up in here. I have today completely lost interest in that campaign, with how some of his supporters are acting, that may be the best thing for me.
(24,544 posts)This is the reason he was called every insult under the sun. This is why they have tried their fucking hardest to run us off this board.
We have been accused of "race baiting," "lying," not actually being black, not actually being Democrats, only caring about rich black people and a whole slew of other unadulterated BULLSHIT. All because we kept trying to tell these stupid, INSULAR people the same thing that those brothers and sisters SCREAMED to them at Netroots Nation.
And now, the whole thing is "well, why are they" (PLEASE notice the people who keep using "they"

I'm not even mad. Because the polls and the few remaining black posters here tried to tell these people. And as usual, so convinced of their own intellectual superiority when they are the DUMBEST mother fuckers on the planet, our perspectives were ignored, minimized and completely disrespected.
Brother Malcolm talked about chickens coming home to roost. And a whoooole bunch of 'em just walked through the front gate.
(34,648 posts)I have tried with all my might to tell them what the problem is, everyon has. They way they acting right now, one would think the Apocalypse had just started. From now on, I'm just going to amuse myself by watching people post stupid shit about marching with Dr. King or how they mentioned police violence in a speech. I tried to tell someone that maybe if they had more than ten percent black facebook friends they would have already known that there would be activist at netroots. I knew. I thought everybody knew what activists do.
Paternilist muthas around here. They all know what we need better than we do. I'm pretty much done with anybody that said something stupid to me today or just that I see in general. No use soiling my beautiful mind with their bullshit. No more. Done.
Lilith Rising
(184 posts)Especially this -
"And as usual, so convinced of their own intellectual superiority when they are the DUMBEST mother fuckers on the planet, our perspectives were ignored, minimized and completely disrespected."
I'm undecided and have been and will be until the nominee is presented. But I watched some footage of Bernie reacting to BLM exercising their RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH and I was so, so, SO turned off. Man... wow...
I tell my daughter all the time that free speech is fine for white dudes but it's not okay for me as a woman, or you as a bi-racial girl.
(34,541 posts)That's a link in the O'Malley group.
He also sat down with Goldie Taylor.
I've noticed my fellow O'M supporters are not losing their shit over this.
Sanders just got a taste of an electorate that includes a strong showing of black voters.
O'M has gotten where he has on the votes of black people.
He didn't cut and run. He sat down and apologized.
(24,544 posts)was so, SO turned off."
Which is exactly why we are all seeing the hysterical (in every sense of the word) and delusional "defenses" of him piling up all over the place here today. These folks are the absolute MASTERS of denying reality, and they damn sure ain't about to stop now!
(34,541 posts)Remember the CODEPINK heckler towards First Lady Obama?
Cognitive dissonance.
(24,544 posts)after another in "defence" of Sanders was the same person who posted an OP written by the National FREAKING Examiner that said that Obama's DHS was targeting OWS for arrest and beatings. Even when the author of said piece basically retracted the story and admitted he didn't have enough information, she was still going out of her way to impugn the president.
So, yeah. These same folks howling at the moon because a group of Americans voiced their rights to ask LEGITIMATE and honest questions of the candidates are also some of the same folks that have put forth every bullshit, slimy lie they could think of against the current president and who cheered when his wife was heckled. But now we're supposed to stop in our tracks in horror because BLM took some of the little bit of shine that Bernie had? I truly don't think so.
(100,677 posts)My brother is that one in ten thousand.
(109,763 posts)
(34,648 posts)I deleted it. I use my ipad so I never know what's up with pcs.
(16,286 posts)I dont know what will ultimately happen, but given all the concerns the AfAm community has with him, if this many are still undecided, that is a good thing for him.
(24,544 posts)If not a huge victory, definitely a huge opportunity. But after his response to #BLM, I'm not sure that Sanders is up for the challenge, to be honest. He keeps responding like he did on that stage and he may as well pack it up and go home.
(16,286 posts)The only logical reason has to do with knowing your audience, which is not what I want to hear.
(100,677 posts)rbrnmw
(7,160 posts)The posts in GD about #BlackLivesMatter ' s protesters are reprehensible.
(11,833 posts)Leaning toward O'Malley.
Yes, for all the reasons discussed above.
(34,648 posts)lovemydog
(11,833 posts)to undecided in 24 hours, from reading posts here.
I try not to hold all the arrogant, ignorant posts that are pro-Sanders actually against Sanders. I figure there are ignorant fools who support every candidate. But man oh man. I just can no longer ignore the blindness to racial matters that these so-called liberals keep demonstrating over and over again. I've tried telling them a hundred times that I'm sick of hearing 'economic justice includes racial justice.' I've tried telling them a hundred times that racial matters can be separate from economic matters. I think I've mentioned a dozen times that merely quoting MLK or Malcolm X on economics doesn't mean they weren't first and foremost about racial equality, and that there are many other black writers since then, apart from Cornell West. I've tried telling them a thousand times that President Obama is the best President in my lifetime and that the attacks on him are ignorant at best, downright nasty at worst. Sometimes I think they are all trolls, trying to make the Sanders campaign look racially ignorant. But a lot of them were posting bullshit about the President long before the Sanders campaign. I don't know. Trolls against democrats? I just don't know. I'm undecided for now. It feels better. I want to see a candidate who most strongly understands and supports black lives matter. Frankly I think that's going to happen most locally and at State levels.
Meanwhile I am so fed up with arrogant tone deaf white self-described 'liberals' who are paternalistic fools that I just feel like posting here for a while.
(34,648 posts)And really it's just a few bad apples. The ones who are terrible don't seem to know because their fellow supporters do not check them on their bullshit. They rec it. And I have never had sooo manh white people DETERMINED to teach me the REAL TRUTH about Dr. king. So Many damn lectures after all the books I've read? What assholes.
Got told by a white dude that ge owns black civil rights just as much as me. I felt like he thought he OWNED ME. Fuck. I have never in all my life...
Lord lord lord!! How did the slaves deal with these paternalistic nincompoops? It was hell on earth, had to be. The blind stupidity.
And all those tips and pointers on how black people should act and protest. Really? Always in ways that won't bother then.
Black lives only matter if black people DO NOT inconvienience white people. Damn shame we gotta have this war. Of course I choose black lives while they choose,
(11,833 posts)If people are trolling to split the party maybe I could understand. But you're right, the amount that some of those ignorant posts get recommended and met with 'hear hear' or 'you tell 'em!' actually suggests to me that there's a lot of democrats who actually promote that bullshit too. I'm still going to try and tune out the nonsense here and look at all the candidates. I always do that. But wow, some of these so-called liberals really seem to hate black people, white people who are allies with black people, and I don't know what else! And yes, the ignorance of MLK toward people who know his life and work (I've been reading books on him since I was twelve, and have read at least a dozen and all his talks and speeches and writings) is just astonishing in its breathtaking arrogance and stupidity.
(31,443 posts)while it's not my primary reason, the ugliness that has been shown to my President on this board seemed to shift to Hillary, and in most cases by the very same posters.
Job #1 is knowing who your allies are, and it sounds like black folks got an eye opening reminder at Netroots. As many have already stated, the warning signs have been there all along. And 1SBM, among others, has been vindicated.
(34,648 posts)lovemydog
(11,833 posts)
(135,425 posts)There's not a lot of daylight between them on most domestic issues. she certainly understood his agenda and she can build on what he has accomplished thus far.
I don't think Sanders can handle the international portfolio and I don't know if he's got anyone on his team with a good grasp of that. HRC has that locked--she's on a first name basis with every leader in the world.
(31,443 posts)and the fear of many, is that Sanders is as much a departure from the Obama presidency as would be the Republicans. I'll admit that scares the shit out of me. I feel that Hillary, Joe Biden, or even Martin O'Malley (the Democrats) would protect & build on the successes.
You're especially spot on about the international concerns. The singular focus on economics speaks to weaknesses and limitations in any prospective "leader of the free world".
(31,849 posts)what folks consider Bernie's greatest asset ... his forthright/straight/honest/No bullshit ("grumpy" and impatience persona/approach ... would prove, in my estimation, a great hinderance.
(31,443 posts)
(31,849 posts)and can you believe someone actual wanted to argue with me on that?
(31,443 posts)in a world leader. I don't know about others, but I'm not looking forward to another 4 to 8 years of the obstruction & stalemate we've seen for the seven. If there's a "Democrat" who can get us back to some semblance of regular order, then they get my support.
Capitol Hill shouldn't be some political junkie reality show. Lives & livelihoods are at stake. Currently, we see the simplest things that used to be a matter of routine, bringing our government to the brink, time & time again. It's almost like a sport. The crazies have taken over, and I don't see BS bringing us back from that. If anything, with his rigid ideological stances, I see things continuing to deteriorate.
I'm all for our democratic leaders being strong & decisive, but I don't need them to be a left version of the Tea Party.
(24,544 posts)No one is even talking about Bernie Sanders. Or O'malley.
It's all Hillary. Hillary. Hillary. Hillary. If Biden enters the race that will likely change.
(3,580 posts)Because I'm not a regular poster in this group so I didn't want to skew it. I'm not excited about the choices but lean to Hillary. I don't think any of our choices can rise to Obama level. It's the dem party at fault. They are not cultivating people from the ground up or looking outside traditional ladders of political ascendency. Now I'm going to sound sexist, racist and ageist all at once. I would like to see some younger, female, poc being mentored. This is where we are headed as a society. I'm not saying old white men or any combination of such cannot be effective leaders but I am thinking long term here.
If I switch from Hillary, it might be to OMalley. I'm still not sure. I would vote for Bernie as well. I'd rather stick a pencil in my eye than vote for Webb. So far my reason for the Hillary pick is I know her, I think she would eat the GOP for lunch But she still has work to do, as do all if them to get me fired up.
(11,833 posts)people of color, more women, more people under 60 as serious candidates at every level in the democratic party. And I want them all to be progressive.
(24,544 posts)voting for. So even though you don't post much, I'd love for you to vote in the poll for who you're supporting!
I would like to see some younger, female, poc being mentored.
I feel exactly the same way.
(308,408 posts)It won't be Webb.. so no worries.
I can't predict the future.. but that is not going to happen.
(34,541 posts)15 (29%)
Runningdawg, rickford66, randys1, steve2470, Exultant Democracy, Blue_Tires, mikehiggins, gordianot, 840high, ruffburr, russspeakeasy, OffWithTheirHeads, SamKnause, gollygee, ladjf
The actual vote is 4. I don't think I've seen others back here before.
(308,408 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,677 posts)IMHO, it demonstrates they willfully ignore a lot of things certain folks say too...
Of course it doesn't apply to people who voted by accident.
(24,544 posts)since as a black poster here. I wanted the poll open to ALL POC and the regulars of this forum. I'm not sure why he's changed his vote.
So as of this vote, the only poc in this poll that is supporting Sanders appears to be Blue_Tires. And as I've said, I posted the original question out of curiosity because I saw someone running their mouth that there were more POC on DU supporting Sanders than anyone else. As usual, that person was full of ten glorious types of crap.
(486 posts)Hmmm...
So you "caught" a few not regular AA Group posters who dropped in and responded to your poll without following your directions. But the main purpose of the poll was to identify, call out, (name and shame?), any PoC or regular AA Group posters who might (knowingly or otherwise) reveal their support for Sen. Sanders?
There most likely are some regular readers of this forum who just aren't regular posters (yet). And there are also DU PoC who support Sanders but don't visit this DU forum at all.
I didn't respond to your poll, but this just makes me more undecided... about becoming a regular poster here.
(22,336 posts)Everyone here knows I'm a Sanders supporter and no one has at any time been anything but nice to me.
If you are polite and respectful to people, they tend to be polite and respectful in return.
(24,544 posts)This doesn't have a anything to do with "shaming" anyone who voted in this poll. We are not interested in your deliberate and incredibly stupid attempts at shit stirring in this thread. It's obvious you are not a regular and it's even more obvious why.
You can see yourself out of the AA forum now. And thanks for not voting in this poll. Your vote would be as welcome as your posts.
(24,544 posts)How fascinating.
That's why right now it appears that there are two LEGITIMATE (for this forum) votes for Sanders. I cannot believe that there are posters that who do not participate in this forum -- and that is every bit because they are wanted here as much as they want to be here -- that are actually voting in this poll and think that they are gaming something.
(31,443 posts)
She can succeed Hillary's two terms.

(34,541 posts)

(31,443 posts)

(34,541 posts)
<--- but here I am!

(73,759 posts)Other than that, I'm undecided.
(91,504 posts)but it is very likely i will go with Sanders if Biden decides not to run. so that would be another minority asian(indian american) vote for him.
at the same time i don't want to be associated with some who claim to support him in any way. i find them offensive and bigoted. Sanders isn't a racist and i think his reaction at NN was part of his natural personality rather than a personal feeling towards the specific cause. but there are some behind him who are a real turn off.
another thing is just about every minority group is supporting clinton in huge numbers right now. i get a feeling that some of the treatment towards minority posters and the way people talk about civil rights is partly because of this. they are taking out their anger on minorities for her being ahead.
(31,443 posts)
I saw a strategist on Rev. Al's show last week, and while she was complimenting Sanders on his ability to attract large crowds, she just happened to mention that the crowds all look very much alike. She later reported that she received some of the nastiest, most racist email she had ever gotten from so-called "liberals"/BS supporters. I'm sorry, but these are not people I want as "allies".
(18,124 posts)I would say...
(17,997 posts)But I obviously did. But I wouldn't vote for Webb if you paid me! I fixed that
Finally! Glad, cause I was worried about you!!!
I must have been sleep duing.
(24,544 posts)Folks keep dropping in and off, numbers keep moving around and folks just insist on voting even though they know their vote is unwanted and unwelcome.
And all that and they're STILL LOSING to undecided.
(11,833 posts)'Stop running the red lights. Let us out!'
I love the posts in GDP like 'We're down 50-19. Woo hoo. They're terrified of us!'
(24,544 posts)illustrate the depth of delusion in this place better than those threads. And they pop up at least once a week.
I've said 100 times that I'm not a Hillary backer but that I'd be happy with her as my president and I STILL shake my head and laugh my ass off every time I see those "Bernie has Hillary running scared!!1 He's down in some no-name state by only THIRTY SEVEN POINTS!!1 Feel the Berrrrrrrnnnn!11one" posts.
If I was an active Bernie supporter, I'd be so embarrassed by these people. And what's even sadder is that they genuinely cannot understand how their behavior does the complete opposite of rallying people to their cause. I always remember Starry Messenger's point that these would be the the kind of people that the campaign puts on licking envelope duty and keeps as far away from the public as possible.
(31,849 posts)Case in point:
I moderated my responses in that exchange ... I wanted to say, "our lack of support of Bernie is really screw you, asshole."
(55,655 posts)According to various articles and Twitter. Imagine how door knocking is going to go? They are organizing though.
Ismnotwasm said she was walking around a lake in Seattle, and a guy ridding a bicycle covered in tinsel, playing a tambourine, also covered in tinsel, stopped her. "Do you know Bernie," he asked her.
(Insert your own commentary).
(109,763 posts)
(135,425 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,541 posts)The rest - I've never seen back here.
(42,607 posts)My husband is an undecided although Sanders is increasingly getting on his nerves. He likes O'Malley the best.
(4,713 posts)are once again scared to death of having their asses handed to them. Reading is fundamental.
(24,544 posts)And only one of those is from a black person or a minority, as far as I can tell.
Undecided seems to be where most of us are.
(37,468 posts)If there isn't a radical positive change by primary time, I'm switching my vote to either Secretary Clinton or Governor O'Malley. From my cursory reading of the news, it appears he's trying harder. Time will tell.
(489 posts)over the top reach out to BLM and the community at large.
It cant hurt him...
unless...and my unless has ZIP to do with Bernie himself. I am relatively certain Bernie Sanders cares a great deal about the BLM issue, even if he has trouble showing it.
I do wonder though, if he is being advised NOT to be loud, over the top, as a way of not pissing off his base.
(34,648 posts)I'm serious. I keep thinking 'Why do I have to b th one to explain shit?'
I guess I just do. I'll send my op to him.
(109,763 posts)
(24,544 posts)and what, 4, 5 for Clinton??
This is the only forum here who's opinion I genuinely care about re: primary support.
(34,541 posts)
(24,544 posts)Says that the only O'Malley vote is from someone called mponti who is not a regular in this forum and I have no idea if s/he's a person of color.
So right now, until verified, O'Malley's got no votes!
(916 posts)
(31,849 posts)though I see I didn't vote.
(109,763 posts)every topic that came up, and he sounded one-note to me.
I don't think the differences in policy are all that significant between them, considering either one will have to work with the GOP in Congress. For example, the idea that we could get single-payer through this Congress is laughable. Maybe some day. But we would have to flip both the House and the Senate, and we'd have to have 60 votes there for overcoming a filibuster.
At least she's fundraising for the people down-ticket -- the Democratic President will benefit from that, whoever that person turns out to be.
(24,544 posts)one nailed to the wall with a thousand nails. Even if Sanders was able to pull out 2 or 3 of those nails, at this point, is seems pretty clear to me that he doesn't have the support needed to win the nomination.
(109,763 posts)the President put it all together last time.
And I think one thing she has going for her is that she's serious about her religious beliefs, and so are many southern Democrats. People here mock that, but Bernie's smart enough not to. OTOH, he can't connect with people on that level.
Response to bravenak (Original post)
M Kitt This message was self-deleted by its author.
(34,541 posts)What you stated here is only your opinion:
Senator Sanders is not without flaws, he's just the best Candidate running in the current election cycle.
Note - I was Edwards or Biden early on in the last election and didn't really get energized about Obama until McCain selected Sister Sarah Alaskastan as his running mate. So trying to play the violin strings and the empathy thing to 'hope and change' won't work on me.
I stated in another post - if Sanders wins I'm going to give him 90 days to pull all of those rabbits out of that hat and I change my avatar to one of Obama with 'Miss Me Yet' written on it.
I know at 90 days he won't accomplish much and he will be saddled by a miserable group of assholes in the House for a few years - so he most likely will only be one term - if he wins.
(27,611 posts)I want both.
(24,544 posts)randys1
(16,286 posts)the assholes, that is who I vote for.
Right now it is Bernie but that could change based on my criteria.
(24,544 posts)Which I think speaks to the lack of enthusiasm about her candidacy or maybe even all of the Dem candidates right now.
(16,286 posts)but that is news to me.
As you say, lots of undecided.
(24,544 posts)voted so far.
(16,286 posts)
I wish there were reliable ways to poll who would win in November before we pick someone
I dont think there are, though
(27,611 posts)assuming everyone mindlessly supports Clinton because of Scandinavian syndromes and voting vaginas and so on. Look at all the Undecided private parts!
(24,544 posts)group but are openly and clearly HOSTILE to black posters here. I guess this is yet another fun and exciting way for them to give their ashy middle fingers to the perspectives of minority posters here. I don't know why they think they need to bother. Even if I could erase their votes from this poll, I wouldn't because folks here need to see the quality and caliber of far too many folks that post here and what we have to deal with on a regular basis though I think most are pretty hip by now.
And I wanted to do the poll in the first place because a person who is well known on these boards for being incredibly divorced from reality kept running around hollering that there were more minorities supporting Sanders than Clinton on DU.
YET AGAIN, reality appears to have failed them.
(11,243 posts)I try to read a candidates positions before I watch them stump or debate and try to think about my vote as a valuable resource and investment in the future. Which candidate will be more likely to yield returns? It is too easy to get emotional with images. I feel that I can exercise better critical thinking if I read first.
After reading both candidate websites, I felt there was a lot of rhetoric and very little substance to many of Sanders' positions. I agree with him on many issues, but see no concrete plan on how to get them accomplished.
Clinton's statements are full of policy detail. So for instance, she has a policy statement on how to make things better for small business. It might not sound exciting to someone who does not actually own a small business. But I do and can attest that she really gets it there. She has clearly talked to a bunch of business owners and knows the nickel and dime of what we need to succeed. Sanders is talking about big picture economics. But I don't see that he has formulated much policy beyond that. So that was the first point for Clinton, in my book.
On racial justice, Clinton has a bunch of concrete suggestions to make the system better. Some of these are already a priority with my regular, local political organizers, and because I trust their judgment, I trust that she is also correct. Sanders is clearly aware of the problem, but it is all rhetoric. And also, the way he wrote that section borrows terminology heavily from the writing of MLK and Coretta Scott King, which kind of bothers me. This is the one I am thinking of:
I must remind you that starving a child is violence. Neglecting school children is violence. Punishing a mother and her family is violence. Discrimination against a working man is violence. Ghetto housing is violence. Ignoring medical need is violence. Contempt for poverty is violence.
Sanders goes on about "Political Violence" "Economic Violence" etc. and talks a bunch about MLK. I love MLK, but using his legacy extensively for a campaign rubs me wrong. So second point for Clinton.
And there is the online Sanders supporters. Third point for Clinton.
She has done more to protect women's reproductive choice, which is huge for me right now. I strongly believe that women should have dominion over their own bodies. The fact that I have a 16 year old daughter is my skin in the game.
On the negative side, I was really angry with her at the end of the last primary. She was desperate, angry and said some things that were hurtful and wrong. Point against Clinton
I liked her debate and Benghazi performances. +2
I was a very early Obama supporter last time, so it is not like I was Hillary Clinton's greatest fan, "voting my vagina" , or only willing to go with the sure thing. I was completely persuadable to another candidate.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)mainly because she has a diverse agenda. She is not a one issue candidate and oh yes, she's democrat.
(16,286 posts)what is being talked about now.
Fascinated is the wrong word, but I truly am stunned that half of this country could vote for what I can best describe as
"Hitler Light"
Light because of course Trump wouldnt actually do most of what he proposed, I dont think, but he is talking exactly like a Nazi.
And America is LOVING IT
(91,504 posts)the calling for sanctions on this day. WTF was that ???????? but that is one area where she has regularly differed from obama. i'm not impressed with her as sec of state and i think we will hear a lot once the term ends and people start writing books.
on domestic issues i think clinton sanders and omalley and just about most democrats are about the same. whatever they want to do is very much limited by congress . but they will be far better than any republican.
(34,541 posts)Im behind on the news
(91,504 posts)The Obama admin did put new sanctions but it was limited and for a few individuals (about 10 people).I'm guessing this is what Clinton was calling for.
So this makes me feel better about hrr on this issue.
(24,544 posts)to do so if you did.
To be honest, Hillary didn't impress me as SOS either. She had some pretty embarrassing missteps. They weren't massive but they were enough to leave an impression such as when she snapped at that African student that she was SOS and not her husband.
(91,504 posts)i was waiting to see if Biden would get in . and it is true there aren't many people of color supporting him . people underestimate how strong Clinton's support is among minorities. the clintons have just built up connections through the years.
i think clinton will win . but the truth is i'm not into this as i was when obama was running. in a way this is good because the primary can be more relaxing . and i wont have any trouble voting for whoever ends up the democratic nominee .
i like sanders better than clinton . but i don't hate or even dislike clinton.
(24,544 posts)And even though like you, I am no where near as excited about this election as I have been the two previous ones, I think I've made my choice now.
(27,611 posts)Oh no, now I like them all. I hate making decisions. Long restaurant menus freak me out. At least here there are only three entrees to choose from.
(15,539 posts)but I am an AA Forum member. I joined because I find the posts and posters here to be the kinds (great posts, wonderful people) that made me join DU in the first place. This is the only DU forum that I belong to.
Thanks for the poll, bravenak.
I am a proud Hillary Clinton supporter because I believe that she is, by any measure whatsoever, the best qualified candidate for the office of President in 2016. Period.
(5,811 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)Sanders has 5 votes with 1 poc supporting (although that I know that J17 is supporting him too and just hasn't voted), O'Malley 2 votes.
(24,544 posts)from poc.
But Hillary appears to be running away with this poll. Most number of votes and most number from posters of color.
(34,541 posts)I posted this in n unrelated thread but - re the "child refugees" from Central America two summers ago - that's hen he first caught my attention.
He saw little kids. Not refugees.
His Catholic High School and University education during the early to mid 80's (that's his age showing) is similar to mine in the late 80's and early 90's - it shows in how he expresses Social Justice. Human beings - we are all just people.
(24,544 posts)candidate without trashing and sliming everyone else's.
You can tell alot about a candidate by the type of people drawn to their campaign. Which is something the entire Internet seems to be finally catching on to lately.
(34,541 posts)I've decided I'm not voting in the Presidential Primary. Everything else on the voting booth panel - yes.
(6,281 posts)I don't think I am either.
(31,849 posts)On the one hand, I have issues with both of the remaining candidates. On the other hand, I have serious reservations as to the electability of Bernie (and far less concern about the electability of HRC), not voting would be my giving away my defensive vote.
(24,544 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)C'mon people! Surely you've made up your minds by now!
(34,648 posts)I'm gonna vote for MOM in the first round so everybody can know that at least one damn person remembers that he was awesome. Then I'll move to Hillary after that, since we do a caucus. I might be alone, but I am used to it.
(24,544 posts)At this point, it was her or not voting at all.
(34,648 posts)If we had a primary I would have already sent in my ballot. Early but not extra excited. I'm staring to feel more enthusiastic now that Trump is scaring the shit out of me.
(24,544 posts)on another message board about Jews? Was that really you?
You need to say something about it. Because these people are chasing after every mother fucker on this web site with melanin demanding that we atone for something that you allegedly said on another board and I'm getting tired of it.
I really hope that was not you that said what was said and that someone is highjacking your name to get you into trouble.
(34,648 posts)stupid and hateful and that I was sorry for that. I had talked with bonobo about it. But as far as people saying stuff yiu you guys I am sorry about that too. I had put so many on ignore by using the rec lists of these ridiculous ops that I do not see a whole lot of posts and posters that I used to.
They all saw me apologized over and over, that is all I can do. If they want me to grovel? No.
That is too much to expect anymore than an apology and an acknowlegment of what I did wrong. I am not going to run around and blame anybody else, and if they keep harassing you guys I have decided to stop posting because it is unfair you you.
(24,544 posts)BehindtheAegis would be the first person I'd go to about this. He is an incredibly smart, honest and decent person. And he's got exquisite taste in television.
B, I love you but I don't understand this need you have to keep fighting with these people. And if it's leading you to say stupid and hurtful things, you need to own up to them. I am really glad to hear that you have already typed several apologies. But look at the crowd you're dealing with. Do you think that's going to be enough for them?
(34,648 posts)And he and I always hash shit out on the low. But honestly, I see this thing as over and you are absolutely right that I do not need to fight with them. I feel like I said everything that could be said by now and am just waiting for it to be over and done. Nothing will be enough for people who spent the last eight years making sure we knew they are never satisfied. I really do not care too much if they bother me, but the thing that makes me almost cry is when they run after you guys.
I know I say stupid shit sometimes and am never 100 percent right even when I'm close to correct, and I might take you up on your advice, cool it for a while, my break is almost over. Gotta get back to school on monday. But yeah. You're right.
(24,544 posts)was hurt and upset by what you said.
(Sigh) I just don't get why you went there. Kev just did a fairly innocent post in GDP and your pals were in there hollering about what YOU'D written as though ChitownKev was your daddy and you were supposed to get his permission before you could post. I had someone come at me earlier today with this shit too. You can't get people with no clue to suddenly get one, but this idea that Kev, me or anyone else here is fucking responsible for the stupid shit that YOU write is the height of racist paternalistic bullshit. But they will never see it. I'd love to hold every last one of them to the same incredibly psychotic and stupid standard they hold us; make every last one of them "explain" and apologize for WillyT's and Manny's posts. But in addition to not being deranged, I've got better things to do with my time.
It's every bit as stupid and insane as them blaming you for the stupid shit that WillyT wrote. These people are not rational. And you have pissed them off terribly which on one hand, is probably not all that hard to do. But because of their cluelessnes all of us in the AA forum are tainted. And it's 100% bullshit.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)Look, I'm old but I ain't THAT least I don't think I am...

(34,648 posts)Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)Well...considering what happened over the summer, I get it...internet messaging is one thing, this went way beyond that with B.
Still, there does come a time when you have to stop holding on to it. Not for them but for YOURSELF, B.
(34,648 posts)It will be something different everyday. No matter if I participate or not. But I am going to give everybody a break from me so they can try to leave you guys alone.
(24,544 posts)And it's just like you said, there comes a time when you have to let it go if for no one other than yourself. When you are so angry that it's causing you to lash out at entire groups of people then your anger has become hurtful and destructive. And you won't be hurting any damn body but yourself.
It's like that old adage: Hate is like ingesting poison yourself and expecting somebody else to die. Everyone on DU knows how I feel about these people that have absolutely REVELLED in shitting all over black people and black opinion (unless it aligns 100% with theirs) this election season. They can all kiss the brownest part of my behind. But Jewish people are not behind the vast majority of this idiocy and I don't understand anyone lashing out at them.
But I am very glad to hear that she's apologized. Like you said, if folks can't accept it that's on them.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)No, it wont. If one black person says or does something wrong (like a picture of two black guys with guns outside a voting place, all of a sudden there are thousands of Black Panthers stopping white people from voting) all black people are to blame and are to answer. we know that, dont we.
And an apology will never be enough for some, because their heart was never where Bravenak's was in the first place, and that is in a position of love, even if it is often mixed with youthful emotion.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)I'd get hid again.
Ok, it happened at another website, it was outed on Kos, you've apologized for that and admitted that you're they take it is on them (I did explain to one person at Kos "why the anger" and he COMPLETELY got it.)
(34,648 posts)It is like people who are so happy to find a flaw. But I'm filled with them... Of course I'm wrong. I constantly find shit I have to explain myself on and apologize for. To me, that's the only way you learn anything. By realizing your own flaws and coming correct with yourself. Yourself. Those that refuse to come correct are the main ones why hound other who have aleeady come correct.
Kinda like superpredators and shit like that. The woman apologizes snd tried, however terribly, to come correct. Other will say shit that offends and double down. Point out her shit she already apologized for, and try to use it as a shield for him. Probably why even though I am not that in love with her, I gravitated that way. Christ figures scare me. Nobody can be perfect. When they are treated as such I run.
(24,544 posts)If you've spoken to Jewish members here and hashed things out, then I don't think that you owe anything to your fan club that will shriek and wail over every damn thing that you write while being blind and deaf to every stupid, racist and/or offensive thing that comes from their buddies.
Fuck 'em.
(34,648 posts)It actually hurts me to see that I have cause you some extra grief and that they will come to harass and harass because of me. It is not fair and it's my fault. I just feel so shitty about myself. I would write out and apology and put it here and tell you guys I'm gonna be limiting my time, but that would just make it worse, probably. I might just do it anyway and you can block the assholes as they come in. I want to.
(24,544 posts)If you want to do an apology OP, do it because it is the right thing to do. Do it because you want to.
Not because a bunch of simpletons that you wouldn't give the time of day if you had the misfortune to come across in the real world are "demanding" it as though they have a fucking right to demand anything from you or anyone else. So many of these folks, 80% of their ENTIRE contribution to this board is about you. And some of them have had every bit as many time outs as you have, are unable to vote in juries due to their nastiness, raced to high five so many of the biggest shirt stirring racist trolls this site has ever had, or have well documented and shared histories of being openly combative with every single person with melanin that posts here.
This is not the creme de la creme that we're talking about. You don't owe them a damn thing. If you want to do something, do it for yourself or for the people that you know you may have LEGITIMATELY hurt with your comments. Don't do a damned thing for your "fans."
(34,648 posts)I do not care about those hateful people. I only care about the ones who care about me.
(11,833 posts)Truer words have rarely been said.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)
(11,833 posts)I says tons of dumb stuff. I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings. Some accept it, some don't. I can't control that part. Please know that your positives far outweigh any flaws. You're much loved by people who care about you. I agree with N23 & CK that bitterness is like drinking a poison - it only hurts you, not the others. Love is the answer. Love yourself and accept that you're not perfect. I know it's easier said that done. But please take it to heart. As for the other stuff, I don't think it reflects on this group. We're all individuals. If others can't accept it that's their problem not yours. I've seen you learn and grow a lot and I'm sure you've noticed it in yourself too. Learning & growing & opening up your heart to folks who love you makes life meaningful & more enjoyable.
(34,648 posts)It's fine to bother me but now they are beating everyone else with it. I can accept myself and always try to do better, but hurting others to get to me sucks. That is what is the worst.
(11,833 posts)even if you never posted a fucking word here. It's just random static. I'd rather have a few friends and everyone else can just kind of yammer on and I don't listen too much. I just can't let that static bullshit bother me too much. I'm just me, flaws & all. Some like me, some don't. For those I get along well with, I'm grateful. The rest, well honestly I hope they have the joy of love somewhere in their lives. I'm not going to return toxicity with getting toxic.
(34,648 posts)I hope they can leave everybody else alone about this and find another reason to bother people. Since that's pretty much all they do with their time. I really do hope they have actual things going on, and that this site is not their world. I have my particular crew I care about, the rest just need to stop noticing me. But I do have a bunch of folks on ignore so, I only see what I choose to see.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)and so is number23. You have a big heart and I know you are hurting when your friends are attacked for something you said, but don't keep beating yourself up over this. The ones who will continue to drag it up are folks who simply don't matter, and they are going to find a way to abuse you no matter what. Let it go.
(55,655 posts)I'll leave it up to them to declare themselves though.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)I haven't seen this thread since it was posted in July until this a.m. when I followed a link. I am behind HRC and have changed my vote in the poll.
(27,611 posts)For a while I was Standing with Hillary for Spite, then genuinely behind Hillary but too lazy to change my poll vote (and I didn't want to admit to being a Hillarian, also for spite).
(11,833 posts)And holy crap quoting Dostoyevsky is impressive. I confess I googled the quote.
(24,544 posts)To be honest, at this point given the way a hell of a lot of people and organizations have been treated both online and in person, I believe that you may have been on the cutting edge of a genuine and probably very significant movement.
Standing with Hillary...for Spite
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)But I must admit that I have enjoyed some of the ass-kickings that Hillary has administered to there is that.
(24,544 posts)as well as the many other Sanders supporters that are regulars here. So I am upset that their candidate appears to be unable to wrap this thing up for their sakes.
But as for the rest of the majority of the Sanders supporters here? Yeah, what you said + a fucking million.
(24,544 posts)Sanders has about 6 legitimate -- TO THIS FORUM -- votes in this poll. Out of 39. And that's me being generous. And only three of them -- M0rpheus, KeepitReal and Blue_Tires -- are black.
I recognize the vast majority of the names in the Clinton votes and again, even being very cautious, damn near 30 of her 39 votes are regulars in this forum. Looks like about 27 of her votes are legit here. So it's a pretty spectacular whipping and it is very much in line with how black people are voting in the primary and caucuses.
(11,833 posts)and appreciate Morpheus, KeepitReal and Blue_Tires very much. I can understand why they support Sanders. Heck, I was for Sanders then O'Malley then Sanders then Clinton then Sanders then undecided then write-in for O'Malley and now to Clinton.
(1,045 posts)Because if it's one thing I've learned in this life... when a person can display their flaws and navigate through judgement and gossip, and even after all that, admit when he/she is wrong, that person is strong and a true individual.
I see that in HRC. and I definitely never look forward to someone meeting every bullet point of wants and needs I have. That shit ain't never gonna happen.
(11,833 posts)I'm voting for Hillary in June and November. Clinton has worked to protect core liberal principles and I think she will help achieve the most for all. Philosophically I agree with her that we need more kindness in our policies and our discourse. I also believe she is the candidate most likely to expand and further the accomplishments of President Obama and his Administration. I'm impressed with her actions in helping elect democrats in House and Senate races. We need more diverse, progressive representation in Congress and all walks of life.
(24,544 posts)Anyone that could get someone as awesome as you to say such great words about them must be pretty impressive indeed.
(11,833 posts)and back atcha my friend.
(31,849 posts)for the first time in my adult life, I did not cast a vote for the top of the ticket.
I have my own, unresolvable (at this point) problems with both Democratic candidates.
Though there is no way in HELL, I will seat out the General Election!
(37,468 posts)1StrongBlackMan
(31,849 posts)but when I drove past my polling place on my way into work (@6:45a.m.), traffic was really light.
(31,849 posts)and this is on top of really high early voting numbers ... So I guess I was on the move too early!
(37,468 posts)1StrongBlackMan
(31,849 posts)again, high early voting ... but they didn't say anything specific to the Democratic turn-out.
(11,833 posts)November matters way more than now.
(4,713 posts)
(4,713 posts)Or they just don't care because they must be heard whether anyone likes it or not.
(34,648 posts)giftedgirl77
(4,713 posts)I had a 0-7 jury today where one of the comments was just leave it bc it's just gg trying to get another hide to brag about. Really people really? I've had my transparency page thrown in my face sooo many times it's ridiculous.
(31,849 posts)giftedgirl77
(4,713 posts)I just laughed at them & shook my head.
(34,648 posts)People from here, apparently
(37,468 posts)
Glad you're off admin. review!
(34,648 posts)Shoulda kept me flagged so I would not bother talking to these PEOPLE.
(11,833 posts)to me years ago. Too much information shared. Hell, I have a friend who got hounded on a damn message board about dog care. She used her real name. Some angry peta whackodoodles found her home address & posted maps of her home with things like 'kill her' over a google maps photo of her home. Nothing is worth risking safety. I'm not sure how it all works but you can probably ask the owners of sites for another username. Harassment may reduce over time. Of course, it's up to you whether you want to do that. There may be other options available in your state, which you can google.
(34,648 posts)diatribes and threats. Many sites do not allow people do do targeted swarming and bullying. Because of the things you describe. I hope they know better than to contact one of my people in person because they will learn THAT DAY, that they are NOT BADASSES when not behind a monitor. We do not play that shit.
(11,833 posts)... okay I'm biting my tongue here.
(34,648 posts)They contacting actual OGs about some petty internet shit. People who have done dimes in the state pen, threatening them over internet talk.... That's why they fucking with. Aint that some shit. And racist!!! Geting folks extra hot and bothered.
(1,045 posts)that shows how little mfers understand the real world.
and shows how much they actually deal with real life shit. The cluelessness is so epic around here.
(34,648 posts)They bothering folks that LOST their voting rights for things these people cannot imagine being bold enough to do. I'm just wondering when they gonna wake the fuck up. Before they bother the wntfw.
(1,045 posts)Spot the fuck on!
(4,713 posts)
(11,833 posts)warmhearted.
(4,713 posts)
(34,648 posts)dumb ass word games. They want retribution. Over dumb ass bullying messages. I told them not to bother getting mad and tracking folks down but they are trying to find the culprits anyway. They are not like ME. I am chill. They looking to wreck somebody and it's not funny. Talk about a message board beef gone wrong. I would put up a warning to leave my people alone but that might just make them act worse.
Remember that episode of Dave Chapelle? 'When keeping it real goes wrong?' They actin like that. Trippin!
(4,713 posts)Some guy in WA walked up to my friend in a coffee shop & started screaming at her that she was a baby killer & onto a tangent about the Iraq war. She said it was one of the craziest things she'd ever seen.
Keep your head up chica.
(34,648 posts)Real life is way different than this
(11,243 posts)you can say any damn thing back and no hide. The down side is that they will keep coming at you like a scene from The Birds.... Really glad I took my personal info off the account BEFORE this awful primary began.
You can take the Twitter account private for a period of time if you can't keep up with the blocks. Bothering your family members is sick behavior. I am so sorry to hear about that.
(34,648 posts)No more bullshit. This sickening display has me so pissed I could care less about their braying over my comment ever again. I'd like them to decide that they look bad enough and go find actual lives.
(24,544 posts)Good God, you have GOT to be fucking joking.
(34,648 posts)I see nobody wants to fess up either
(24,544 posts)the rest of us who "runs" DU right now. Even though this poll is very clearly for posters of color here and/or regular contributors to this forum, the influx of Sanders supporters that have absolutely insisted on voting in this poll -- even NINE MONTHS LATER -- is them flexing their mighty muscles!! They're gonna show us, by golly!11
It's in no way the work of sad, desperate people trying to make themselves feel better by racing all over this board "reminding" everyone that when it comes to DU, Bernie's got the numbas!! In the real world and with the voting public it's a completely different story but on DU? He's gold, Jerry! GOLD!!!
(4,713 posts)support is so overwhelming that whenever he loses it must be a conspiracy. I can't help but wonder how they function in the real world.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)as president.
I also believe, no change that to know, that some white Bernie supporters, surely not most but some, will purposely sit out the GE for president as payback to black people who didn't support Bernie.
Knowing that the very first targets of an all republican government will be non whites.
(4,713 posts)that they have anything but disdain for this group. But then again this would be par for the course for BS supporters & internet polls.
(34,648 posts)No shame. They have none at the f all
(559 posts)I didn't even notice you were cleared.
(34,648 posts)I noticed earlier after somebody told me.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)sorry to hear about some of those things that are going on...see, now when the shit starts going down offline...well, folks just do not understand these things.
(34,648 posts)After those nasty threatening racist diatribes they would be smart to delete their accounts, even though they are fake... People are not all about theur freedom of speech like they think they are. None of my family give one damn about no politics. I am the only one who woulda felt one bit bad about saying what I said. They done tried to harass actual gangsters. Don't trip. Nobody was scared but I am telling them to chill out and stop trying to look for the culprits. That's just not fucking cool to run around all self righteous harassing folks family, saying WAY WORSE SHIT than I can imagine ever saying. I am pissed and done. This election is just not that important to have people about to get themselves hurt trying to bother my fam.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)Some people don't believe that shit stinks..
(34,541 posts)I didn't realize they had gone to these lengths.
Are they just dumb? Seriously - I'm beginning to think there is a group within DU that are bunch of dummies without street smarts or common sense.
I've been quiet on this thread to monitor. Hit me up on Facebook if you feel better chatting there.
(34,648 posts)I have no idea what is wrong or why they don't feel any fear. I really just cannot wrap my head around it. Searching far and wide to find folks who know me? Too much. It stopped as soon as I said something. I guess they read my posts and do not want to get caught by somebody who does not care about their rights.
It reminds me of running off to protest trump. Of course they got hurt. Those folks at Trump rallies are not going to deal with it without being nasty and violent. I would never go. I know better.