I sometimes think Black anger is our only hope...
(Apropos this thread about the whole "angry Black women" thing: https://www.democraticunderground.com/1287389564#post31)
I'm super white. Nobody would ever mistake me for anything but white. I've benefited by white privilege my whole life.
With the best will in the world to be Not-racist, the closest I have come to progress has often been when some Black person who would probably get described as "angry" because they are not trying to "not be angry" tells me about their own experience and relates it to the mistakes I'm making.
I'm a slow learner but I do keep trying.
And what I want, more than anything (and think I probably won't see in my lifetime) is an end to white privilege and a complete cultural embrace of "no time for this shit" about racism- systemic and every other kind.
We will NEVER be able to realize the American Dream I was brought up to cherish until we can do that.
And white people like me, even the ones who try, ain't gonna be much help unless/until we get a certain amount of righteous anger laid on us, and we set aside our denials and self-justifications and learn from it.
And that's a huge burden to lay on Black people, I know. It shouldn't have to be that way. It's not Black peoples' responsibility or task or whatever to "fix" the fucked-upness that is White America.
But it ain't gonna happen without Black anger, any way I see it.
So rage on, please.
I want the world my grandson lives in to be so much better than the mess I saw at the Army-Navy game and practically every damn where else I look.