NSAA places Norfolk Public Schools on probation for remainder of school year (N word)
I know Mr. Lee from the story. When he says it was said, you can believe it!
Norfolk Public Schools has been placed on probation by the Nebraska School Activities Association after a racial slur toward the Omaha Northwest girls basketball team came from the high school’s student section during a Feb. 12 game.
The NSAA concluded its investigation Thursday. Its findings include several efforts the district is implementing to address the issue.
“(Norfolk Public Schools) was very thorough. They did a good job of doing their due diligence of who they had to talk to,” NSAA Executive Director Jay Bellar said. “They weren’t able to come up with one person who made the racial slur, but they put a lot of good things in place and we added some things.”
Besides submitting a formal apology letter to the Omaha Public Schools, the district has changed seating arrangements at activities and is developing an equity and diversity plan.
FULL story at link above.