Abenaki peoples speak at the United Nations about Indigenous identity fraud in Vermont
(7:55 min. audio at link)
Abenaki peoples speak at the United Nations about Indigenous identity fraud in Vermont
Vermont Public | By Elodie Reed
Published April 18, 2024 at 11:29 AM EDT
At exactly 7:02 p.m. Tuesday, above the heads of tourists, performers and costumed superhero imitators, a digital billboard in Times Square flashed maroon for sixty seconds.
It read: “Stop identity fraud, Abenaki of Odanak and W8linak sole guardians of Abenaki identity.”
Elodie Reed / Vermont Public
For what they say only cost $500, the Abenaki Councils of Odanak and W8linak and the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador bought a billboard in Times Square for one minute of every hour on Tuesday, April 16.
It was the same message that the Abenaki Councils of Odanak and Wôlinak and the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador delivered Wednesday to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
There, two youth Abenaki representatives spoke during a side event titled: "Identity Fraud and Indigenous Self-Determination: Abenaki Youth Perspectives."