Related: About this forumIs anybody else giving fiction books for Christmas presents?
Im thinking of giving my MIL The Sarah Booth Delaney Mysteries Series by Carolyn Haines. There are 11 books in the series so far. I am lucky that she likes to read paperback better than hard cover because theyre cheaper and also because I can only get 10. #11 is only out in hard cover.
I also want to get my two youngest grandchildren a book series each. Just havent decided what ones yet.
Books make great Christmas Presents!

(110,159 posts)they love them. one year oldest santa present was the series of star wars.
my in laws finally told me to quit telling them to get kids books, when they would ask what kids want.
kids like books
i think books are a great present.
(20,564 posts)i used to give books for way too many years, some would call them decades, but now we're in that in between place where books may be phased out yet not everyone has a kindle yet
i'll admit it, for the last couple years and this year too, i just throw up my hands and give a bottle of wine until it's all sorted whether or not books will continue to be something people are willing to cart around or whether they should be something electronic
(10,044 posts)Sadly. cause I love books, but gladly because the kids are trained to use the library so I don't have to buy them. The younger one buys books thru school book club and he picks them out himself.
Have spent all the bucks on snowsuits, boots, clothes, toys, etc. But the piece de reistance (help! somebody French) is a big jar of Kretchner's Wheat Germ that the 7-yr old is always bumming spoonfuls from our refrigerator. Why his parents don't buy it I don't know. Will put it in a shoe box and wrap it..he will get a big kick out of it.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)he'll get a huge kick out of it I'm sure. I'm with that grandchild of yours, I love me some wheat germ.
(2,299 posts)My grandpa is sending me Christmas money ( and I can't get over how sweet that is. Last year he was sick in the hospital and he still managed to send me Christmas money. It made me cry.) We have this fabulous, giant Japanese book store called Kinokunia at Dubai Mall, and I am an absolute addict as I find books there that nowhere else has.
I would love to give books as Christmas presents, but my daughters aren't big readers and my husband would rather read online.
(12,530 posts)...with a few books preloaded.
(912 posts)for my Granddaughter. The Gathering Storm, a Wheel of Time Book for my son-in-law. Rest of the gift books are non fiction.
Edit to add Diary of a Wiimpy Kid for another grandchild.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)for one of my grandchildren.
(912 posts)One reason I give books for Christmas is that I "preview" the book for the recipient! I read the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and think it is cute. Also read about 10-12 books I bought for my 2 year old grandson (I will be ready now for any reading opportunity!), I had already read the Hunger Games Series and that is why I decided to buy it for my granddaughter. Only one I didn't read was the one for my son-in-law, that is not my type of reading.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)
(1,951 posts)According to my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, my oldest nephew (8) would rather read than go camping/hunting/fishing -- all things their family is big on. "Just like his uncle" (meaning my husband) was the exact, exasperated quote from my mother-in-law. SO...for Christmas, we are giving him the entire Chronicles of Prydain boxed set.
The five-year-old nephew has his birthday just before Christmas, so he is getting "The Story of Ferdinand" and "Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body".
The niece (16 mo.) is getting "The Saggy Baggy Elephant".
And the one other adult in the family who's an avid reader (besides my husband and me) is getting an Amazon gift card to add books to his Kindle.