Related: About this forumBook Discussion Proposal: _a visit from the goon squad_
I was planning on starting a visit from the good squad by Jennifer Egan (2011 Pulitzer Winner) this week. With the understanding everyone doesn't have the book on their desk like I do, I would probably start next Wednesday to give people time to procure a book. Any takers?
I would probably come up with a reading schedule but have no idea what people would want. How many days for 100 pages? A week seems pretty long for that. What are your thoughts.

(31,046 posts)I would think it would be good to have people throw out a few book ideas and vote on which one to read, then allowing at least 3 weeks for people to order and receive the books.
The process could be continuing, so books would be added to the queue and people could plan in advance. Maybe the book could be split into four discussion segments, so it could be fully read over the period of a month, and readers could discuss each segment as they finish it.
(22,340 posts)And I don't think I would have a problem with there being multiple book discussions going on. Looks like we will have some takers on this book but others may not be interested. Maybe someone wants to focus on the cannon. I don't expect (nor was I trying to push) that my selection be the only possible one, but that people find what they like.
The month concept sounds like a good one.
(3,391 posts)What does that mean? You mean like the basic rules? I like the idea of voting on the next book. Also, multiple discussion threads would work. I guess I should also post something like this in the non-fiction section. I read more non-fiction than fiction, but want to go back to reading fiction more often. I was reading the Alex Cross novels from the beginning, but they are starting to get predictable. I will go to the library site now and find this book. I like the idea of also reading something I may not have ever picked up on my own.
(22,340 posts)The classics.
(3,391 posts)DisgustipatedinCA
(12,530 posts)I'd request a leisurely schedule. I would be reading this concurrent with other books, and sometimes life/work/etc gets in the way of finishing a book. Count me in.
(22,340 posts)I would still like to start next week. Does 100 pages a week sound like too much or am I on the right track? That is about what I would expect from a "non-honors" English class that I teach with the assumption they have homework in other classes.
Ultimately, the reading schedule wouldn't be that big of an issue if you were off by a couple days because you could just hop into the thread when you are done, but I certainly don't want to make it so that everyone is behind because that seems to defeat the purpose.
(12,530 posts)This should be loads of fun.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)as Martha Stewart would say.
(3,391 posts)So is it going to be a new thread for each 100 pages?
(22,340 posts)It seems like that would be best to help with "spoilers."
I think we will start in 2 weeks to give people time to get the book.
(3,391 posts)Just goes to show what a nerd I am.
(3,391 posts)Chemisse
(31,046 posts)I will see if my library has it this weekend.
(3,391 posts)Goblinmonger
(22,340 posts)I used goblinmonger. Sent a friend request.
(6,969 posts)friend requests for both you and Amy on Goodreads. I would like to participate in the book discussion on Visit from the Goon Squad.
(22,340 posts)We are going to test out Goodreads with a quick discussion on Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea. Then, if people seem to like Goodreads, we will perhaps move the discussion there.
Glad to have you aboard.